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Abstract - (2020) Volume 0, Issue 0

Chromatographic Analysis Of Chloranilines In Aqueous Environments
Nabat Abdullayeva*
Department of Chromatographic Analysis, Sumgayit State University, Sumgayit, Azerbaijan
*Correspondence: Nabat Abdullayeva, Department of Chromatographic Analysis, Sumgayit State University, Sumgayit, Azerbaijan, Email:

Received: 03-Jul-2020, Manuscript No. IPADT-24-5061; Editor assigned: 08-Jul-2020, Pre QC No. IPADT-24-5061 (PQ); Reviewed: 22-Jul-2020, QC No. IPADT-24-5061; Revised: 01-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. IPADT-24-5061 (R); Published: 29-Jul-2024, DOI: 10.35841/2349-7211-11.2.11


Environmental problems come first in the system of global problems after the problems of peace and war and recently, as one of the most important global problems in the world, environmental problems are, above all, in the interests of all mankind. Aniline and its chlorinated derivatives, which are of great industrial importance, are used in the manufacture of textiles, cosmetics, medicines, food, paper and plastics. Aniline, which belongs to the class of dyes, changes its color by mixing with clean water in the waste water, first of all, by contaminating the water. In addition to visual pollution, it prevents sunlight from entering the depths of the water by adsorbing or reflecting sunlight. This prevents the growth of various microorganisms and the photosynthesis of aquatic plants [1].


Over time, the development of factories, an increase in the level of production of aniline and chloraniline and their rapid release into the environment. Such an increasing rate has led to the inclusion of aniline and its seven chlorine derivatives in the list of "priority pollutants". These water-insoluble chlorinated derivatives belong to the class of hazardous and highly hazardous substances. These toxic substances, which directly and indirectly affect human health, have a significant toxic effect on the central nervous system, kidneys, liver and spleen. When these substances enter the bloodstream, they inhibit the formation of met hemoglobin and degenerate red blood cells [2]. Their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects have also been studied in various studies.

Aniline and aniline derivatives, which are widely used in the pharmaceutical and dye industries, are distributed in the wastewater of these areas to form intermediate products. Under natural conditions, aromatic amines can be formed by chemical and biochemical changes of organic matter in soil or water [3]. Toxic chloranilines are formed during the disinfection of these contaminated objects. And the chlorination of these compounds occurs rapidly, even at 0°C, without requiring special conditions.

Analysis of aniline and its chlorine derivatives in aqueous environments is a complex process.

• Determination of micro-concentrations with low sensitivity (0.01 mg/dm3-0.1 mg/dm3).
• It is difficult to separate aniline and chloraniline from water and the methods of separation of these compounds are not fully universal.

Most liquid extracts are used for aniline and its derivatives. Excavators used for liquid extraction must meet the following requirements.

• Must be able to remove the analyzed component or group of substances well
• Must have minimal solubility in water
• The density of the excavator should be as different as possible from the density of the analysis product. The effective solvents for the extraction of aniline are given as follows: Saturated k.h <unsaturated k.h<aromatic k.h<ethers <alcohols

The introduction of inorganic solvents (NaCl, Na2SO4) will significantly increase the distribution coefficients and the efficiency of the extraction concentration of anilines [4].

There are two main approaches to determining the micronutrient content of chloranilins in water by chromatographic methods.

• Direct determination of chloranilines
• Determination of chloranilines in the form of derivatives

Equipment for the Experiment

With the help of highly efficient capillary columns and methods of modern concentrations of selective detectors (ECD, NPD) chloranilines can usually be determined directly from the required sensitivity level (0.05 μg/dm3 and 0.5 μg/ dm3-5 μg/dm3) [5].

The NH2 group, on the other hand, is highly reactive to modify anilines. Using this, the removal of the amine group will have an equally positive effect on both the extraction concentration of anilines and their chromatographic determination.


The reaction of obtaining nitrogen derivatives used for the determination of this class of compounds in gas chromatography is as follows. They can be divided into two types: Cilia and assimilation reactions. Siliceous organic compounds are also one of the most universal methods for the deactivation of polar functional groups. Sillic derivatives of single and double amines are prepared using the following reagents [6].

• (MSTFA) N-Methyl-N (Trimethylcyl)-Trifluoroacetamide
• (BSTFA) N, O-Bis (Trimethylcyl)-Trifluoroacetamide

Trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) or Trimethylillyl-Imidazole (TMSIM) is used as the catalyst. It should be noted that the activity of different classes of organic compounds in cilia reactions varies and decreases as follows: Alcohols>phenols>carboxylic acids>single amines>double amines>amides [7].

The reaction is carried out only between organic solvents, because both reagents and reaction products are easily hydrolyzed even in small amounts of water. It has been found that Tetra-Butyl-Di-Methyl-Derivatives (TBDMS) are more resistant to hydrolysis than Tri Methyl Derivatives (TMS) and that MTBSTFA, which is reactive for their preparation, can be stored for a long time. Another problem with silage is the replacement of both H atoms with a mixture of mono and di- TMS derivatives. MTBSTFA also has advantages here, as di- TBDMS derivatives are practically not formed due to steric barriers created by mass TBDMS groups [8].


Although acetylamine products are more resistant to hydrolysis than sillic derivatives, acidification occurs after extraction in the liquid and solid phases.

The combination of acidification with solid-phase extraction to increase the rate of removal of amines from water is described using various reagents. Derivatives of anhydrides and acylides containing F and Cl atoms significantly increase the sensitivity of their determination when using ECD or GC in the chemical ionization mode with the combination of ions. In this case, the detection sensitivity of DEZ increases in the order F<Cl<Br<J, so derivatives of anilines containing mono, di and trichloroacetyl anhydride are more sensitively determined by ECD than derivatives of tri, penta and heptafluorine reagents.

However, polyhalogenated reagents (PFPA, HFBA, TCA-Cl, HFB-Cl, HFB-Cl). Concomitant use with ECD requires the removal of excess reagents and by-products (polyhalogenic carbonic acids). Because these compounds interfere with the analysis of gas chromatography.


Citation: Abdullayeva N (2024) Chromatographic Analysis of Chloranilines in Aqueous Environments. Am J Drug Deliv Ther. 11:11.

Copyright: © 2024 Abdullayeva N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.