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Short Communication - (2022) Volume 9, Issue 6

Closed-Loop Consumables Controller and its Applications in Hospital Treatment Control and Medical Consumables Control
Herman Melville*
Department of Basic Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
*Correspondence: Herman Melville, Department of Basic Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Email:

Received: 01-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. ipbjr-22-13876; Editor assigned: 03-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. ipbjr-22-13876 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jun-2022, QC No. ipbjr-22-13876; Revised: 22-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. ipbjr-22-13876 (R); Published: 29-Jun-2022, DOI: 10.21767/2394-3718-9.6.92


It is an important part of hospital treatment control. The effectiveness of management has a positive impact on labour prices and branch benefits. In June 2019, the National Health Commission of China and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine assert that it is necessary to strengthen the management of clinical consumables in clinical facilities in order to sell affordable use of clinical consumables said to Medical consumables should be divided into expensive and cheap consumables and paid and non-paid consumables, primarily based on price, whether not worn by the patient or included in the price. I can. For the excessive cost of consumables in the work room, warehouse management is used in connection with code scanning and recharging.

Statistical information about consumables is largely controlled based primarily on supply, processing, and distribution (SPD) modes, and consumable inventory management is primarily based on statistics. He proposed the development of a predominantly statistics-based control engine for the i2b2 data warehouse. We have proposed the development of a platform for changing the statistics of medical institutions and the price-fixing control of non-chargeable consumables. However, few studies specify a truly general and accurate layout and operation for consumables management in a particular department. Effectively controlling the stability of consumables in and out is important for optimizing store operations.


It is important to improve the management of clinical consumables in accordance with various ongoing health regulations. Implementing medical and affordable management of clinical consumables is a way for healthcare facilities to address new regulations. Diabetes is of great importance today, and many endocrinological outpatients and inpatients are experiencing diabetes-related headaches. Persistent headaches increase the need for scientific clinical consumables. In this study, the consumables management mode was applied through the Endocrinology Department of Fujian Medical University Hospital I. 2013 was based primarilyon Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, from guidance management to management, and then– brought out and evaluated the workshop controller. Through the controller, top nurses and consumption control crews statistically compared garage in and garage out volumes, HIS loads, machine closed inventory and actual inventory. Store. Major consumables were tracked weekly. In similar cases, in addition to industry control of consumables, collection, use, and price matching could be done at an affordable price. If the difference becomes too large, the industry faces problems such as overstocking of feasible consumables, significant losses, recurring billing, missing prices, and shortages of consumables. We then performed FMEA, RCA, and brainstorming to identify the cause, make corrections, and change the detection amount in time. Frequently checked the inventory of consumables to make sure the invoice was billed to the product and everyone else on a regular basis [1-4].


Consumables were for medical institutions, according to the use and management of the medical department it can be divided into three classes’ excessive value, low value, and no charge. All consumables are shared and divided into classes corresponding to destinations: Data subject use and public use. In the 2004 edition Fujian Medical Institution Medical Achievement Award issued with funds from Fujian Price Bureau and Fujian Health Commission, applicable items requested for medical use the offer was actually defined. For example, medical gauze, bandages, first aid kits, gloves Wound resection and dressing were no longer calculated additionally.


Citation: Melville H (2022) Closed-Loop Consumables Controller and its Applications in Hospital Treatment Control and Medical Consumables Control. Br J Res. 9:92

Copyright: © Melville H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.