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Research Article - (2014) Volume 1, Issue 1

De Novo Assembly in Your Own Lab: Virtual Supercomputer Using Volunteer Computing

V Uday Kumar Reddy1, Rajashree Shettar2* and Vidya Niranjan3

1M Tech 4th sem, CSE, RVCE, Bangalore, India

2Professor, Dept of CSE, RVCE, Bangalore, India

3Associate Prof, Dept of Bio Informatics RVCE, Bangalore, India

Corresponding Author:
Rajashree Shettar
Professor, Dept of CSE, RVCE, Bangalore, India
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Invention of new computing techniques like cloud and grid computing has reduced the cost of computation by optimal resource sharing. Yet, many applications are not moved completely into these new technologies mainly because of the unwillingness of the scientists to share the data over internet for security reasons. Even though cost of the hardware has been reduced drastically few applications require high processing power to process or analyze huge scientific data. Also due to high cost required to acquire compute resources many of the scientific applications are yet to materialize completely. One such application is next generation sequencing (NGS) which will have to deal with Terabytes of genome data, which will require high computation power. Hence a super computer is required to efficiently process data.

In this paper, the use of Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) open source grid middleware has been proposed to enable de novo assembly using a cluster of desktop machines in master and volunteer paradigm. The paradigm can be set up in normal computer laboratories which eliminate both the bandwidth and security concerns of using cloud and grid computing methods over the Internet. This paradigm creates a virtual super computer in laboratories to process data.


Volunteer computing, De novo assembly, Virtual super computer


Volunteer computing is the process of using computing resources of people, who are willing to donate their computing resource (called as volunteers) to compute or store huge data. When we browse internet, most of the computer resources will be idle. On the other hand there are many applications mostly scientific which are lying around for the lack of computing resources. Many scientific applications started using these idle resources by convincing the owners of the resource to owe them, and to come up with a new way of computing called as volunteer computing. Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) SETI@home [5], a scientific area whose goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth, was the first application that started to use idle computing resources from all over the world to form the largest computation power of near 70Teraflops. Even today it is the largest project with more than million computers supporting the project.

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) [6] is an open source middleware designed and developed to support applications that require high computational power, data storage or both such as SETI@home, Climateprediction [7], Folding@home [1]. It helps the scientists to create applications that use public computing resources. It also enables the volunteers to support multiple projects at the same time and a way to manage their resources contribution. It is designed in such a way that it is not susceptible to a single node failure and can be used for a wide range of applications.

Although volunteer computing as an alternate form of grid computing, is enabling the creation of largest computation units in the world. Many applications are not yet willing to adopt his method of computation because of their security concerns to send their valuable data on internet. This is also the reason for many scientists for not using many computing technologies that use internet such as cloud.

Some of these large scale applications do not require the computing power to be gathered from whole world. Many organizations such as colleges, training institutes possess large collections of desktop systems that stay powered on but idle most of the time in a day. These laboratories can be used to create a cluster of systems that form a grid of volunteer computers. It eliminates the worry about the security of the data as it stays completely in our control and it also doesn’t need any expensive internet connections.

In this paper, the creation of a virtual super computer in the laboratories of the college to solve the computational and data intensive application of “Assembling the Reads of Genome” using proven de novo assembly techniques for large datasets has been discussed.

This paper is organized as follows, section II gives the overview of the application, section III contains the architecture using BOINC, section IV explains an existing algorithm used in the application and the reasons for selecting the same, section V presents the methodology of how legacy applications and algorithms can be easily converted into BOINC compatible applications, section 6 concludes the paper and gives future enhancements.

Overview - Dna Sequencing

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing is the process of using any method to determine the correct order of nucleotides bases Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T) within a strand of DNA molecule [16]. These bases form pairs to form the double helix structure of the DNA and usually called as base pairs. It can be used to sequence a small genome or the whole genome of any organism. It is used in a wide variety of fields such as anthropology, genetics, biotechnology, and forensic sciences. Due to huge size of the DNA (usually contains of millions of base pairs) it is not possible to identify the sequence of all nucleotides at a single shot.

This process can be best compared with relevant to exact ordering of words in a page that is shredded into small pieces. Some of the problems [2] that make this process more difficult are that some of the words may be missing or some words may be duplicated. The usual solution is to assemble the words to make a sentence as shown in Figure 1 and assembling those sentences to get the whole page.


Figure 1: De novo assembly example

Similarly in DNA sequencing the words are called as reads and they are assembled back to sentences called as contigs and assembled to pages similar to supercontigs (also called as scaffoldings) as explained in Figure 1.This process is called as de novo assembly [23]. This de novo assembly is primarily used in assembling the reads produced by next generation sequencers.

These assembly algorithms use graph based techniques to find the reads with high probability of becoming neighbors. Graph based assembly techniques are usually classified into two sub classes, the Overlap- Layout-Consensus (OLC) [18] method and the De Bruijn Graph (DBG) [14] method. Both these methods assemble the whole genome sequence by exploiting overlap information about reads that conforms to the Lander- Waterman Model [10]. In terms of space and time complexity, OLC algorithms are preferable for low-coverage long reads and DBG algorithms are the better choice for high-coverage short read and large genome assembly, further comparisons of the both can be found at [25].

OLC method is based on an overlap graph. Generally speaking, this method works in three steps. First, overlaps (O) among all the Reads are found. Following that, OLC method creates a layout (L) of all the reads and overlaps the information on a graph and finally the consensus (C) sequence is inferred from the Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA).

The DBG works by first chopping reads into a set of much shorter k-mers and then making use of these k-mers and finally inferring the whole genome sequence from the DBG.

As explained in Figure 2 the DBG is created by a set of contigs and scaffolding. Then the DBG is read through beginning with a short read to get the entire sequence back.


Figure 2: De bruijn graph

BOINC grid middle-ware architecture

Although there are many grid middleware architectures such as condor [17], GLOBUS [15], CFD [22], BOINC has been selected as the optimal solution for many scientific applications because it is scalable and has the ability of high-performance task distribution, high fault tolerance performance [21]. The other methods require more administration compared to BOINC for volunteer computing and have less check pointing mechanism.

As explained in [13] BOINC has a very scalable architecture which contains two independent components, server software component and client software component of the middleware. Each client downloads an application and part of the data to be processed. It computes the results for the data and sends the results back to server. Server consolidates these results and returns the solution to the user. The general architecture of BOINC is as shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: BOINC architecture

Server middleware software uses set of daemons acting as various components to perform the various tasks of sever as shown in Figure 3. Task server issues work to the client and handle reports for completed tasks and also handle the remote procedure calls requested by the clients. Data server validates the upload and access of files. It also checks for the legitimacy of the files. There are many other daemons not shown in figure such as transitioner, validate, assimilater, file delete that assists the server in completion of its tasks. Any system that downloads the BOINC client middleware and connects to the project by registering on their page can contribute resources to those projects. The web pages of the projects enable clients to select how their resources can be used.

The main goal of BOINC is to increase number of applications and increase the participation of clients in volunteer computing and retaining the participating clients [19]. To achieve this goal, most of the barriers to entry to public participation have been taken care. In this section, few of the barriers have been highlighted and how they are solved in BOINC has been described.

Dealing with malicious and different client architectures: Different client may send back different results for the same data either intentionally or unintentionally. Unintentionally values may differ because of difference in machine architecture, operating system, compiler, and compiler flags. And these values may vary more for floating point numbers. Intentionally varying results are primarily because of malicious clients that try to break server application. Whether they are intentional or intentional they are being taken care using redundant computing where each task is executed by X clients and those results are checked to get a canonical result that’s returned by at least Y number of clients. The positive side affect of redundant computing is that it is not affected by the failure of client nodes.

User management

Success of applications in volunteer computing depends on large participation of user machines. Various methods have been employed to increase, such as inventions of 3G Bridge to make BOINC compatible with EDGeS [9] as explained in [20] and increasing awareness about BOINC will have a positive impact in participation as explained in [8]. The other main challenge in user management is retaining the participants as a negative review by one participant will lead to loosing many participants and most of the participants expect something in return. Hence BOINC has come up with gaming technique to introduce leader boards to keep participants motivated in scientific applications. It also uses customize web pages to socialize and form teams for retaining most of the participants.

Client mechanisms

Most of the participants are just happy to download application version and work unit from the server and execute the application on that work unit and return back the result. But few participants may be too conservative to have some restrictions like they will allow applications compiled by themselves, or have platforms not supported by the project. Even these clients can participate in BOINC using anonymous platform mechanism by downloading and compiling the source of application and informing server to send only workload to be operated.

Server might have been using any scheduling algorithm, but client knows the best fit to optimize the resources. Hence BOINC uses local scheduling policy where the client can schedule operations such as when it can receive projects and execute them without compromising the performance of client side applications.

Velvet assembler

Velvet [4] is a set of algorithms implemented for de-novo assembly for short reads. Each node of the de Bruijn graph contains a sequence of overlapping k-mers. Adjacent k-mers overlap by k - 1nucleotides. Nodes are connected by directed edge where the origin node overlaps with the destination node. The nucleotide can be obtained by traversing the graph given the first node and the path information. The graph is constructed and then errors if any removed as explained in the following paragraphs.

The graph is created by first hashing the reads for a given length and then searches for the over lapping information among reads to create a roadmap file. This roadmap file contains either roadmap lines or non road map lines. Roadmap lines specify the read number and the non roadmap lines contain the overlapping information about various reads. It represents the information in 4 columns [12]. As an example, if the second reporting line has four entries – ’1 25 0 5′ with k=21. It means ROADMAP 2 has a 21-mer overlap with ROADMAP 1 (first column). The overlap starts from coordinate 25 of ROADMAP 2 (second column) and coordinate 0 of ROADMAP 1 (third column). The overlap is 5 nucleotides or rather 5 kmers long (fourth column). The corresponding graph can be simplified my merging adjacent nodes that are uninterrupted.

Few errors usually nodes with less coverage such as tips (at the ends of the reads), bubbles (read errors or to nearby tips connecting, and erroneous connections due to cloning errors or to distant merging tips) are to be removed. These errors are removed in sequence starting with tips. Tips are errors at the edge of the reads and it may be genuine sequence. To eliminate only tips that are erroneous conditions they use 2 measures: length and minority count. Length help to identify with genuine sequence with tips and minority count helps in keeping the graph away from complete erosion. Graph is simplified again after removing tips.

The bubbles are caused because of the redundant paths that start and end at the same node and contain similar sequences. The redundant path is detected through a Dijkstralike breadth-first search. The scan starts at a node and traverse to other node till it scan a node that is previous visited. Then it backtracks to find the closest common ancestor, and the sequence from both paths is aligned to check if they are similar enough. If they are found to be similar, then those two paths are merged by merging the longer path into shorter path. The other nodes are linking to the merged.

In Figure 4 nodes BC and B’C’ forms a bubble, which can be detected because of the previously visiting node in the second traversal. The nodes are traced back to A as it is the common ancestor. The sequences from BC and B’C’ are extracted and found to be similar enough. Hence the longer B’C’ is merged with BC and the external node X is connected by an edge from B.


Figure 4: Example of bubble and removal

After the graph is free from bubbles and tips, other erroneous conditions are removed from the graph using minimum coverage. Since it is run after tour bus, it doesn’t eliminate the unique connections present in the graph.

Although there are many de novo assembly algorithms, Velvet is chosen because it generated accurate measured using 50 % median values called N50 lengths, its Depth of Coverage at N50 length Plateau was relatively low, and it required acceptable computational resources [24]. Consequently, it is feasible to use velvet for assembling large sequences, such as those obtained for humans and other mammals. Velvet uses larger memory when compared with other tools to store intermediate results. But this is not a huge hindrance as memory cost has reduced a lot.

Moving legacy applications to BOINC

As discussed earlier de novo assembly requires huge memory and computational requirements. Instead of acquiring a super computer to enable de novo assembly, this can be execute by gathering resources by establishing a grid using BOINC as middleware that gives the system architecture as in Figure 5.


Figure 5: System architecture

In the laboratory, any one of the systems with sufficient resources usually higher RAM and harddisk size capacity compared to the client machines is made as the server or master as shown in Figure 5. This system deals with co-ordination with clients. BOINC server middleware software is to be installed on this machine. The easiest way to do so is to install middleware as part of virtual image downloaded from BOINC website [11] on to the server machine. The client machines will have BOINC client software installed on it. Server may also have additional scheduler and database software. The data is stored usually as File system either internal or on Network Attached Storage (NAS) box.

The legacy applications such as velvet described in previous section cannot be directly used in this BOINC setup. These applications are divided into two types to enable their transfer to BOINC, the normal applications that do not use graphics and the set of graphical applications that has graphical screen saver or some graphical interface. There are two ways to move legacy applications to BOINC. One method uses wrappers and the other uses code changes.

For many of the existing applications there is no source code available and they are immutable. To use this kind of applications with volunteer computing, BOINC provides a wrapper which handles the communication with the Core Client and executes the legacy application as a sub process. It is configurable but is not flexible enough to use for many applications. It is implemented such that it reads an xml (jobs.xml) that specifies the execution sequence of the applications. To overcome this setback a generic wrapper is developed. This generic wrapper also called as Gen Wrapper [3] provides a generic solution to execute legacy applications. It utilizes a shell scripting environment similar to POSIX to control execution of applications and processing of work unit. Gen Wrapper usually consists of a Gitbox and Launcher executables and a profile script to perform platform specific preparations. Work unit, referred to the set of data downloaded by a client, contains input files and a shell script which should be platform independent. Various versions of the same application can be maintained at the server and is selected using an xml file for the specific platforms.

If you are implanting a new application or you have source code available for existing applications you can use API functions provided by BOINC to enable those applications executable on grid you created. These provide better check pointing in the applications and can be optimized compare to using wrappers. To use these applications we need to add calls to BOINC initialization and finalization routines. Convert all file open calls to use physical file names by resolving them from logical names. The code is then linked with runtime libraries provided by BOINC. These API are implemented in C++ and can be used with C usually. It has binding that enable it to use with other languages like FORTAN, JAVA and LISP.

Velvet in BOINC

Velvet has four stages: hashing the reads into k-mers, constructing the graph, correcting errors, and resolving repeats. Once these stages are completed, they can be read to get maximum contings. There are two applications that perform these tasks: Velveth and Velvetg. Velveth requires more resources to construct graph and this graph is used by Velvetg to give out the contigs that satisfy given length and coverage details. Velveth is modified to be used with BOINC such that construction of graph is faster. We have modified velveth to work with both windows and different kinds of Linux implementations.

Since Velvet is an open source and is implemented for Linux, we have used BOINC API to modify certain sections of code to be used with Linux clients. For windows based clients we used to wrapper based method with basic wrapper provided by BOINC. The client is modified such that it accepts and registers only velvet as and the default application to be executed using core clients of BOINC.

Conclusions & Future Work

In this paper, explanation of how scientific applications that require high computation and storage requirements such as de novo assembly can be solved without using expensive super computers has been discussed in detail. The application uses resources that are idle from a cluster of computers. The part of the application is executed on part of the partial work unit received from the server. The results are sent back to the server for the execution of remaining part. The solution is free from any failures to clients.

We have implemented an existing de novo assembly process using an existing algorithm. In future, a new algorithm can be designed and implemented from scratch to optimize the use of resource as in SETI@home and other projects currently in BOINC. Once the gird is established and if there is requirement for more resources then, the same grid can be made public and volunteers could be collected from all over the world and acquire largest computing power.
