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Perspective - (2023) Volume 7, Issue 1

Determining Obesity Rate between North and South of China
Lu Wang*
Department of Nutritional Health, Peking University, China
*Correspondence: Lu Wang, Department of Nutritional Health, Peking University, China, Email:

Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. ipjfnph-23-15603; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. ipjfnph-23-15603 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Jan-2023, QC No. ipjfnph-23-15603; Revised: 23-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. ipjfnph-23-15603 (R); Published: 30-Jan-2023


Obesity or overweight is one of the most important social and medical ailments and its prevalence continues to increase worldwide, reminiscent of China. Lifestyle and diet are the main drivers of overweight and obesity, and future responses to such epidemiological problems should be policy-based, with a view to countering perspectives related to well-being and social traditions, including overweight and obesity. It is now widely accepted that regulation should yield. That said, awareness of these factors is still lacking and may vary by location. This review deliberately explored differences in dietary examples and prevalence of overweight or obesity in southern and northern China. However, this frequency decreased as we moved from northern to southern regions. In addition, Southerners also had a 1.1% lower nutritional value than Northerners in terms of the types of foods they ate. Northerners have a higher intake of wheat, tubers, natural products, etc., while Southerners eat more rice, vegetables, meat, poultry, etc. From south to north, these determined dietary examples and the associated coefficients, and overweight or obesity, had clear and fundamental correspondences with geological variables.


First and foremost, there are significant differences in dietary examples between northern and Southern China. The possible patrons are local contrasts in topographic climate. China has a unique geographical boundary, the Qinling-Huaihe Line, made up of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe Current, which in many ways creates a contrast between the North and the South. This regular boundary is also the boundary to the environment. In the north there is a mild stormy climate with little precipitation. On the contrary, the Southern part is an environment where there are many sub-tropical storms and heavy rains. Due to the different environmental conditions in the north and south, the cultivation strategies of the residents are also unique. The North produces mainly temperate crops such as wheat after the dry season, while the South mainly produces subtropical cash crops such as rice and tea. Subsequently, throughout history, inhabitants have established a variety of vegetative societies with neighbouring geographic features. The types of nearby rural items that are accessible may explain some of the differences in the meal examples. For example, wheat became a staple food in the North and rice’s an important staple food in the South. The findings of the current report are consistent with the true geological and social features of China, as well as those of previous studies.


In addition, we applied a factorial test to exclude his two dietary examples, which generally address differences in Northern and Southern dietary quality. These separate dietary samples also show that the Southern dietary sample is high in rice, vegetables, meat and poultry, while the Northern dietary sample is high in wheat, soybeans, etc. Various studies found that “modern wheat with high wheat content” designs were higher in fat and at higher risk for obesity and metabolic conditions, whereas “higher in vegetables” and “solid examples” There were no associations with metabolic disorders.

Citation: Wang L (2023) Determining Obesity Rate between North and South of China. J Food Nutr Popul Health. 7:04.

Copyright: © 2023 Wang L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.