Editorial - (2021) Volume 5, Issue 1
Balabhadrapatruni N.Rajasekhar*
Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India
Received Date: October 13, 2021; Accepted Date: October 20, 2021; Published Date:October 27, 2021
Citation: Rajasekhar BN (2021) Emerging Research Concepts in Chemical Sciences. Arch Chem Res. Vol.4 No.4:22
Archives in Chemical Research’ is one of the fast progressing open access Journal. Launched in the year 2017, the Journal has successfully demonstrated publication of quality peerreviewed articles with quarterly issue release frequency. The Journal is publishing regular issues along with special editions on international conference proceedings. In the current fourth volume the journal has successfully published three special issues and three international conference proceedings. In the regular issues the Journal published 16 peer-reviewed articles contributed by equal number of authors from diverse geographical regions of the world.
These articles have covered various trending and emerging topics of research such as thermal characterization of biocomposites, electrospun fibers from biodegradable plastics, polylactide applications, hydrogel design from chemicallymodified polysaccharides, pyrolysis of biomass, thermo catalytic processing of biomass, bio-hydrogen as fuel, algal biofuels, biofuels for heavy duty and jet engines, biomass conversion technologies, thermo catalytic processing, renewable fuel and vehicle technology and synthetic chemicals and fuels production. These articles have immense relevance in the energy production and sustainable environment.
The editorial board of the journal is constituted by eminent researchers and academicians from seventeen different countries. The Journal has already garnered high rate of citations as revealed by Google analytics with h-index of 5. The published articles are readily indexed and available at Google Scholar CNKI scholar, and SSEL. The reviews are registered and the journal is endorsed at Publons database. The number of published articles and the number of citations has exponentially increasing reflecting the journal popularity and quality.
The research and developmental activities in chemistry has progress all across the world with several dedicated laboratories and the outcome of the research has great relevance for the advancement of the materials and the processes. However the number of publication resources is relatively few compared to the volume of research that is taking place particularly in the field of design and analysis. Due to the advancement in the technological and engineering front, several tools, techniques and methods are now available for the chemical research. The properties of the pure materials, solutions and other mixtures are being characterized in greater details and the molecular structures are being studied along with the functional properties.
Integration of the acquired data is also feasible due to the informatics tools. New data analysis tools are now available and consequently the interpretations and inferences are also reported. The Journal strives hard to gather valuable research outcomes from all across the world in order to provide the readers with advanced and refined scholarly information on diver topics in a comprehensive and yet concise manner. The experimental design and the analytical methods are gaining greater importance in chemical research allowing the derivation of principles and interpretations of various chemical processes. The usage of statistics and chemo-metrics of the logical chemical processes are being increasing practiced.
The open access publication mode of the journal allows for greater and wider partnerships between the industry, academia and the research sector enabling better translation of the research outcomes. The Journal also promotes conservation of the research and technological innovations by providing copyrights to the original contributors. I take this opportunity to congratulate the editors and the reviewers for bringing out this issue comprising of quality articles. The article collection in this issue showcases the high quality of research work of internationally well acclaimed researchers and highlights the diversity of research across the chemical sciences. On behalf of the editorial board I thank each researcher who contributed their work to this collection.