Research Article - (2018) Volume 3, Issue 1
Sanjay P Gumble1, Milind Daulatrao Nimbalkar2, Vihar R Bidwai3* and Arun Rangrao Deshmukh4
1Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant, Ayurved College Pusad, Maharashtra, India
2Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant, DMM Ayurved Mahavidyala, Yayavatmal, India
3Department of Shalyatantra, Ayurved College Pusad, Maharashtra, India
4Department of Dravyagunavigyan, MUP's Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Center, Degaon, Risod, India
*Corresponding Author:
Vihar R. Bidwai
Department of Shalyatantra
Ayurved College Pusad, India
Tel: 91-9822299174
Received Date: December 12, 2017 Accepted Date: January 24, 2018 Published Date: January 31, 2018
Citation: Gumble SP, Nimbalkar MD, Bidwai VR, Deshmukh AR (2018) Examination of Ghrita on Various Types of Chronic Diseases in Pediatrics. Ped Health Res Vol. 3 No.1:3. doi: 10.21767/2574-2817.100028
Ghrita is nothing but Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal cow ghee form. This have the ayurvedic base in the form of oil as base. It is prepared by various method by adding various herbs with water. It is not only used in Panchakarma but also used as medicine in the treatment of all types of skin diseases and several types of chronic diseases in Pediatrics. There are several types of Ghrita available in the market or also available to Vaidya: mahatiktaka ghrita, maha triphaladi ghrita, saraswata ghrita, triphala ghrita. here, in this study, all types of ghrita used to cure chronic disease and some other disease.
Bronchial asthma; Chronic disease; Respiratory tract; Lungs; Virechana
Mediated preparation of ghrita came to know from the ancient times which is associated to the Ayurvedic preparation and given bhawana to them. There are several types of ayurvedic Ghrita are available or can be prepared as per the disease severity. The following are some medicated ghrita.
Mahatiktaka ghrita
The main moto of this medicine is snehakarma, used to cure and the treatment of skin diseases, bleeding disorders, bleeding piles, herpes, gastritis, gout, anemia, blisters, schizophrenia, jaundice, fever, heart diseases, menorrhagia. It is extremely used to cure various chronic diseases. Peptic ulcer is nothing, but gastric and duodenal ulcers is also become a major problem now a day so as to cure this mahatiktaka ghrita is used. It also used for the external application for the nonhealing wounds and skin diseases such as eczema. It effects on the dosh that quietness of vata and pitta. Snehana procedure is most important procedure in panchakarma but it is dependent on doges suggest by the doctor, the doges are also depending upon the severity of the disease.
While taking any ayurvedic medicine, should be restricted chilies, tamarind and salt. Meals should be made up of broken rice and vegetables should be boiled in it. Replace butter milk while feeling hungry. One should try to refer to eat more ginger, green gram, rock salt.
In case of Anemia and Jaundice: This Ghrita is used for the purpose of snehakarma as said above and oleation treatment, which should be recommended before running vamana and virechana treatment [1-3].
Maha triphaladi ghrita
Maha triphaladi ghrita is also an ayurvedic medicine as in ghee form. This, medicine also has ghee as its base. It is also used in panchakarma to cure disease. It gives excellent result in treatment of eye diseases. It is used as medicine and in preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of eye diseases. Doctors also prescribe this for the treatment of Insomnia, stress, anxiety. It effects on the dosh as calms vata and pitta. Snehana procedure is most important followed by the taking ayurvedic ghee. Taking ghee dose depends on the disease status and severity.
There is not any written side effect of this medicine in ayurveda history. It is recommended by ayurvedic vaidya, so that will get best result and dose. Self-medication of this medicine may be harmful to health. People suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases and high BP should be exercised safely. If taking very high dose, it may cause diarrhea and indigestion to patients. After taking medicine, one should drink glass of hot water which is help to digest gives early effect of medicine. Patients recommended to take rich in vitamin A food to eat like sweet potato, red pepper, carrots, green leafy vegetables, lettuce, apricots, dill, spinach, pumpkin, tomato [4-6].
Saraswata ghrita
Saraswata ghrita is also ghee based ayurvedic medicine which has given different bhawana, so called as saraswata ghrita. It is also useful in panchakarma to cure and treatment of brain and neurological developmental disorders in children. It is also useful for the snehakarma before panchakarma. Meanwhile, it is also used in the treatment of speech delay, speaking difficulties, low intelligence and low digestion power in children. It is nothing but health tonic to increase the immunity for children with to improve speaking ability, memory power and intelligence. There is no much pathya rules are to be followed but one should follow light pathya. One should not take wine and should not eat non-vegetarian food. Keep the body clean by taking bath two times in a day. No side effect found for this medicine, best used by taking under prescription of doctor. It is dangerous while taking selfmedication [7,8].
Triphala ghrita
It is also ghee base ayurvedic medicine in herbal form. It is also useful in panchakarma as medicine. It gives excellent effect on eye diseases. Triphala nothing but has three ingredients (haritaki, vibhitaki and amla). Here, the ghee gives bhavana of triphala to change the physical properties of basic medicine added excellent power. it is also frequently used for snehakarma for the treatment of tumors. It is also used to cure some disease like hair fall, oedema, early stage of cataract, intermittent fever, erysipelas, eye pain with itching and discharge, Excessive discharge in women, cough, other eye and eye lid related diseases. It is also helpful in constipation.
It remove the effect of pitta and vata and mage the body stable. Triphala ghrita is mandatory snehana procedure. The doges depend on the disease severity. Triphala ghrita commonly used externally in an eye procedure called as tarpana. It is used by adding eye drops. It should be recommended to add 2 drops of ghrita in morning and in the evening. It gives excellent result in the eye diseases. No side effect as up to mentioned but self-medication may be dangerous [9-11].
Materials and Methods
Here in this study we go for the effect of therapy of ghrita on chronic disease which were designed to study the effect of medicated ghrita to decrease the infection on early basis to cure the patients. The patients were categories in different disease.
Group A
Inclusion criteria: The pediatrics 10 patients were selected having any kind of Bleeding disorders with written consent from their parents.
Exclusive criteria: The patients having bleeding disorder with other types of disease.
Group B
Inclusion criteria: The pediatrics 10 patients were selected having any kind of Eye diseases with written consent from their parents.
Exclusive criteria: The patients having Eye diseases and also suffered by other kind of infection.
Group C
Inclusion criteria: The pediatrics 10 patients were selected having any kind of Neurological Developmental disorders with written consent from their parents.
Exclusive criteria: The patients having Neurological disorder and also suffered by the other kind of disease.
Group D
Inclusion criteria: The pediatrics 10 patients were selected having any kind of Tumors with written consent from their parents.
Exclusive criteria: The patients having tumors and also associated with other types of disease like HIV and tuberculosis.
All above group follows by the following doges, we took the record of observation before and after treatment near about 4 to 5 months depending upon the disease severity.
Mahatiktaka ghrita
Dosages: Quarter to half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day.
List of cover and cure disease: Skin diseases, bleeding disorders, bleeding piles, herpes, gastritis, gout, anemia, blisters, schizophrenia, jaundice, fever, heart diseases, menorrhagia. It is highly effective in chronic diseases. Peptic ulcer- gastric and duodenal ulcers external application in nonhealing wounds, skin diseases such as eczema.
Maha triphaladi
Dosages: Quarter to half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day. For panchakarma preparation- snehana procedure, the dose depends on the disease status and the judgement of ayurvedic doctor. Child of 1 year 2-5 gm.
Including disease: It is used as medicine and also in preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of eye diseases. Doctors also prescribe this for the treatment of Insomnia, Stress, anxiety, the treatment of eye diseases.
Saraswata ghrita
Dosages: Quarter to half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day.
Including disease: Its used treatment of brain and neurological developmental disorders in children. Speech delay, speaking difficulties, low intelligence and low digestion power in children. It is also given as a general health tonic for children to improve speaking ability, memory power and intelligence.
Triphala ghrita
Dosages: As medicine quarter to half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day.
Including disease: It gives excellent result in tumors, early stage of cataract, Erysipelas, Excessive discharge in women, eye pain with itching and discharge, cough, oedema, hair fall, intermittent fever, pterygium and such other eye and eye lid related diseases. Useful in constipation.
The clinical trial on Group A for bleeding disorder covered as we come to know that bleeding disorder cure excellently by mahatiktaka ghrita. The effect of ghrita shown on 10 pediatrics patients which ware associated to the patient’s recovery infection started to cure within 13 days to 1 month. Some patients required to cure 1 month, and some patients required to cure 15 days i.e. recovery started on an average within 21 days that is also depending the severity of the patients shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Effect of mahatiktaka ghrita on bleeding disorder (Group A).
The selected patients Group B with eye disease started to recover from the 6 months to 8 months shown in the Figure 2. The therapy is recorded that it only ayurvedic process that is without side effect on the patient’s eye. The therapy shown long term effect on eye and cure chronic disease completely. The effect of Maha Triphaladi on the eye disease gives excellent result.
Figure 2: Effect of maha triphaladi on eye diseases (Group B).
Since, from the past we come to know that our children are suffered by the so many types of Neurological developmental disorders. It may because of our lifestyle or may be the habit of eating or may be the working schedule.
Because of busy schedules, we are not pay attention of our daily routine food that is it really nourishment or not. As passing the day, we are not getting good food i.e. organic food we are taking only fast food. So that it effects on the mental growth of the children and create some neurological disease by birth. But saraswata ghrita one of the medicated ghrita which give excellent result to cure neurological disorder. The recovery started within 6 months after started therapy shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Effect of saraswata ghrita on neurological developmental disorders (Group C).
Now a day, cancer is major threat to the world, all the people afraid about it by seeing a single any kind of tumors. But we concluded triphala ghrita is one of the excellent ghrita other than any medicine which is associated to remove the any kind of tumors. The record shows that triphala ghrita give excellent result to the tumors the recovery started 6 to 8 months after therapy shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Effect of triphala ghrita tumors (Group D).
From above Figure 5, it is concluded that the ghrita effect is only depends on the severity of the disease and disease status. In ayurveda, ghrita is called as amrit which is responsible to make new cells i.e. regeneration of new cell. It helps to remove all kinds of toxin from our body.
Figure 5: Comparison between the all ghrita on chronic disease cure against months.
All the preparation gives excellent results in all types of skin disease, a known skin the primary source of infection and after that it will goes on days by days. Skin diseases can prevent very easily, and recovery of the diseases started within one month.
Bleeding disorders is also treatment by various types of medicated Ghee, it is cure by within 6-month, Bleeding piles is also cured the by within 6 months.
The following all disease, the recovery stared within 21 to 40 days. As herpes, gastritis, gout, anemia, blisters, schizophrenia, jaundice, fever, heart diseases, menorrhagia. It is highly effective in chronic diseases. Peptic ulcer- Gastric and duodenal ulcers, external application in non-healing wounds, skin diseases such as eczema. It is excellently work in eye disease.
The preparation of ghrita is depending upon the types of disease and disease severity. There are so many preparations available in ancient text book of ayurveda but because of fast medicine or because of other pathy, the ayurvedic medicine goes in vanish kind of things. Our moto to reintroduce the ayurvedic medicine to people and its use. Here, we are trying to find out interdisciplinary innovative way to cure chronic disease by using ancient technique. Only the important thing here is bhawana which is given to the cow ghee to make it very strong to cure any kind of disease.
As of now, we know that the human body has three types of dosha and if anything is imbalance in this then our system to introduce for the disease. So, our focus to balance three types of dosha i.e. vata, pitta, kapha.
One more thing is written in the book that is every disease has one root cause which is from our digestive system only. Means, any kind of disease has introduced from our dissipative system because of not removal of toxin which is settled in digestive system and then it settled in our blood stream so cause disease like Kidney stone, calcium deposition in arteries and vain which were responsible for the heart attack, stroke, trauma and so others.
As per the discussion, the medicated ghrita is important to remove all kinds of toxin from the body and responsible for the generation of new cells.
Moreover, the mahatiktaka ghrita gives excellent result to cure bleeding disorder within 13 days after treatment of doges. The medicine continued for the 4 to 5 months.
The maha triphaladi ghrita is also gives good result to cure Eye diseases within 6 months to 9 months.
The Effect of saraswata ghrita treatment to cure neurological developmental disorders associated recovery started within 6 to 8 months of treatments.
The major threat nothing but tumor is removed by the effect of triphala ghrita. Which is associated to regeneration of new cells and remove the all tumor from the body.