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Editorials - (2022) Volume 6, Issue 2

Focal Odontogenic Fibroma of the Mandible Revisiting Pathogenesis of Benign Tumor of the Jaw
Yulia Bogdanova Peeva*
Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
*Correspondence: Yulia Bogdanova Peeva, Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Email:

Received: 25-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. ipom-22-13197; Editor assigned: 28-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. ipom-22-13197(PQ); Reviewed: 14-Mar-2022, QC No. ipom-22-13197; Revised: 21-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. ipom-22-13197(R); Published: 28-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.36648/ipom.6.2.145


Focal Odontogenic Fibroma (COF) is an intriguing harmless odontogenic cancer of the jaws. Until its new change in grouping by the WHO in 2017, this element has done without a settled definition for a long time. Therefore, COF would remain generally obscure to professionals [1]. As indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), Central Odontogenic Fibroma (COF) is an interesting harmless odontogenic growth of mesenchymal beginning. This growth comprises mature connective tissue in which islands or strands of dormant-looking odontogenic epithelium can be found regardless of proof of calcification. Portrayed interestingly by the WHO in 1971, COF has not had a consensual definition for quite a long time and its grouping has as of late gone through changes [2]. Beginning around 2017, the WHO presently recognizes the injury as per its area (focal or fringe) and at this point not based on histological rules [3]. Basic and complex histological subtypes (poor and wealthy in the dormant looking odontogenic epithelium, individually) have hence been eliminated from this characterization, with practically no support. Not many investigations have been distributed on COF, and those that have comprised essentially case reports or little series from which making determinations is troublesome. In more, just a single orderly audit without histological variation has been done; however, it doesn’t determine the articles utilized for their factual examination [4]. Given its unique case, the developing idea of its definition and order, COF is somewhat obscure to specialists. COF is considered by the WHO to be an interesting growth however no epidemiological information is shown. It addressed 1.5% of focal odontogenic cancers (16 cases out of 1088 biopsied growths). This was likely a misjudge since histological variations of COF, (for example, solidifying odontogenic fibroma) that are not generally perceived by the WHO have been represented [5]. The etiology of COF stays obscure. As per one speculation that was taken up by the WHO in 2005, COF would get from the dental follicle for basic histological sorts and from the periodontal tendon for complex kinds. These 2 potential beginnings are not generally recorded in the ongoing WHO characterization. Moreover, one instance of COF related to tuberous sclerosis intricate and one case related to Gorlin disorder has been depicted without a demonstrated causal connection [6]. COF was found all the more often in the mandible (53.3% of cases) than in the maxilla (46.7% of cases). In the mandible, the most impacted region was the back molar area (58.3% of cases), trailed by the premolar area (38.9% of cases) and the rams (26.4% of cases) [7]. In the maxilla, the premolar area was most often impacted (63.4% of cases), trailed by the incisor-canine area (49.2% of cases) lastly the back molar area (19% of cases). On intraoral assessment, COF generally appeared as mucosal injuries of variable alleviation (75.6% of cases). A gradually moderate enlarging was the most often tracked down highlight (57.8% of cases) [8]. Vestibular enlarging and palatal discouragement could likewise be related in 2.2% of cases. If there should be an occurrence of palatal confinement, mucosal sadness (8.9% of cases) and mucosal hole or fistula (3.7% of cases) may be noticed. An erythematous plaque of the oral mucosa was accounted for in 3% of cases. All the more once in a while, COF introduced itself in dental signs, as they were viewed as in just 18.4% of cases [9]. In this way, postponed tooth ejection was noted in 9.6% of cases, portability in 8.1% of cases, and incredibly mash corruption in 0.7% of cases [5]. The radiological part of COF was not pathognomonic. On all-encompassing radiographs, cancer typically introduced itself as a solitary homogeneous radiolucent sore, in some cases unilocular (54.1% of cases), now and again multilobular (23.7% of cases). Blended pictures with radiopacities compared to unpredictable and dispersed calcifications were portrayed with a unilocular appearance in 6.7% of cases and a multilobular appearance in 4.4% of cases [3]. COF is an interesting harmless growth that overwhelmingly influences 20-30-year-olds and the mandible. The injury most frequently appears as a firm and effortless vestibular enlarging. The radiological signs are not pathognomonic. The injury is generally radiolucent, unilocular with distinct cutoff points [1]. It will in general push the encompassing designs without attacking them. It is regularly connected with an affected tooth. In intriguing cases, it can prompt outside root resorptions and cortical bone holes [2]. The conclusion depends on the combination of clinical, radiological, and histological information. Careful enucleation is the treatment of decision for COF with a low repeat rate. Harmful change has never been accounted for in the writing. Be that as it may, standard clinical and radiological development of the patient for more than quite a while is by all accounts a legitimized insurance [10].


The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


Citation: Yulia Bogdanova Peeva. (2022) Focal Odontogenic Fibroma of the Mandible-Revisiting Pathogenesis of Benign Tumor of the Jaw. J Ora Med. 6:145.

Copyright: © Yulia Bogdanova P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.