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Research Article - (2014) Volume 4, Issue 3

Locating small industries and workshops in the villages of Nahavand town

Mehri javanmard*

Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University of Iran

*Corresponding Author:
Mehri javanmard
Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University of Iran
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One of the most important problems in the current world is unemployment and this problem in Iran is one of the greatest problems and barriers of development and it shouldn’t be ignored and we should find some solutions. The development of industries is one of the solutions and it can have important role based on the supports as by working less, we can achieve better income. These industries are well accepted in the villages from the youth as the dominant jobs in villages has extra work force with high level of activity. Thus, for developing this solution, all institutions should start their work. The present study is based on the reality of the subject and field study. The external and internal variables are studied and the effect of different factors on them and the role of these factors are considered as advantage or disadvantage and different solutions are present based on the problems. This study is applied and descriptive and data collection was field study and to complete them, internet texts, library and experts were applied. The main study population was the villages of Nahavand in which there are small and workshop industries. For sampling, two villages (Cholak and Bayan) were selected among 169 villages of this town as the study sample. The sampling was random. The barriers were the lack of financial support of the government, education, the lack of supports after producing the products, bank system problems, import of smuggling goods, the high tax paid by these industries, the lack of supervision on the performance of the employers and the followings are recommended to eliminate these barriers: The full state support (educational, economic and financial), improving the bank system, continual supervision on goods import, moderating the paid taxes, developing small industries and exact and continual supervision on the performance of the employers.

Key words

Locating, workshop industries, Nahavand


Today, despite the considerable progress of most of the countries and having high gross domestic product and more welfare services, due to the increasing growth of the population and structures and inequality encouraging processes among the various social classes, unemployment is raised as the main challenge. In Iran, based on the young and dynamic population, considering employment is of great importance in development of the countries. Based on the extra population in agriculture as one of the most important problems in Iran, we should thinking about some solutions to transfer this population to other parts. One of the parts is the small industries in various regions of the country based on the climate condition of the country and this absorbs much population. Indeed, one of the major problems of our society is developing urbanization and migration of the villagers to the cities and this not only increased unemployment but also it created many problems for the urban community planners. If employment is created in the villages and towns by creating small industries, this eliminates the unemployment problem and migration is controlled. Most of the villagers believe that in the villages there is no job except agriculture and husbandry as sometimes some youth are not interested in these two fields and they are interested in other jobs. Agriculture is not economical due to the limited agriculture land and water shortage for all and they can not make enough money. Thus, they rural youth escape the unemployment of the villages and come to the cities. To eliminate this problem, creating and developing small industries is a good solution that by creating complementary industry and efficient distribution network improves the activities in the villages and avoids the migration of the villagers. Considering the small industries is a good solution but we should bear in mind that first, small industries namely in the villages shouldn’t interfere with the agriculture sector and they should improve the villages and agriculture and the motivation of these investments should be improved to eliminate the unemployment problem.

Materials and Methods

The role of small industries in rural development

Economic growth is one of the most important factors to achieve development and the developing countries consider achieving this important aim as the trend of achieving the industry and industrialization. This is for the reason that the advanced countries achieved their economic distance with other countries via industry and its development and this caused that economic growth in developing countries is based on industrialization.

The development of small industries namely in the villages including Nahavand is of great importance for the following reasons:

1- Less need to the initial investment, 2- cheap labor force in rural areas, 3- Using seasonal and local labor force, 4- Less costs of production due to using local resources, 5- Absorbing small local capitals due to improving income of the villagers, 6- Low educational costs to provide semi-skilled human resources, 7- using relatives management, 8- Simple management tasks due to small work place, 9- Avoiding exchange rate exist for the goods that are produced in the country, 10-Using the activity out of work place and time namely about rural women or adolescents, 11- The localization of a part of industrial products based on the villagers demand, 12- Linking the productions of agriculture and industry sector, 13- Decentralization of various aspects industrial, production, human resources, 14- Providing the raw materials of the great parent industries, 15- Absorbing wandering capitals of the society, 16- Rapid coordination with the local existing resources, 17- Development capability and being turning into great industries The development of small industries according to some theorists can have some problems but these problems are ignored based on the benefits in these industries in the development of the country.

Small industries and workshop in villages of Nahavand town.


Table 1: a) Farming


Table 2: b) Gardening


Table 3: c) Garden


Table 4: d) Livestock, birds and fish


Table 5: Using honey bees


Table 6: The manufacturing complexes of Nahavand livestock


Table 7: The units growing aquatic creatures


Table 8: e) The transforming and complementary industries


Study type: This study is applied-descriptive

Data collection

The present study is based on the reality of the subject and field study. The external and internal variables are studied and the effect of different factors on them and the role of these factors are considered as advantage or disadvantage and different solutions are present based on the problems. Field studies have various methods of data collection as observation, interview, different kinds of questions, searching in internet and book. For data collection including the location of Nhavand town in terms of climate condition and job situation and etc., are provided via internet and resources. As the data is based on the statistics presented by the office and based on the last date of statistics in internet and the offices supported this issue. By considering the issue, to obtain the information as internet, book, interview and observation, were applied. The interview with the residents of the villages and direct observation of industries in the village

Study population

Or the main population is the one by which sample is obtained. The present study is regarding locating the small and workshop industries in Nahavand town villages and the main study population is Nahavand villages in which the small and workshop industries are located.

Study sample

To recognize a phenomenon, a sample of total study population should be determined and evaluated. The samplings of 2 villages among 169 villages of this town were considered as study sample. Based on the items, the sampling was random.

Locating the small and workshop industries in Nahavand town villages

This locating about Bayan and Chulak villages is as:

- Bayan village is located in 13m of the south of Nahavand. It has the population of more than 2200 people. This village is considered the land of downstream of permanent river of Gakasiab. Most people are farmers and gardeners and there are two fisheries farms due to more water in Gamasiab river and mostly salmon is grown in this area. There is a garden constructed and the initial works are finished. The husbandry of this village is consisting of 50 bulls. There is also carpet weaving in this village.

- Chulak village is one of the three villages that are named by this in Nahavand (Main chulack, first chulak, Sadegh Abad Chulak). We consider first Chulak in this study and it is called Chula kindest. The population of the village is about 1700 people and the dominant job is agriculture and there is no handicraft and etc. in this village. Most farms are cultivated by sprinkler irrigation. The livestock is held in some houses as small units.

Discussion and Conclusion

One of the problems is labor market of people in village and traditional industries of labor market in Iran. The labor market is not flexible and one of the problems of industries in initial years is the low profit of new business in the first years to the income fixation. All the responsibilities and risk taking and mistakes costs on the employers or the person launching the work. The population structure of Iran has the following features: The high population growth, high unemployment rate, negligence, latent unemployment, limitations of financial resources and each of the factors can be the barriers of people employment. Other barriers are the state nature of the economy of the country, unsuitable age structure, bank credits (bank system in case of the inconsistency with the needs of industries makes the absorption of employment loans problematic). Investment and interest rate: To keep employment of these people, the interest rate should be descending and when the interest rate is reduced, investment is increased.

Inflation: This factor has considerable effect for the industries their raw materials are faced with more prices and the price of their manufacturing products is not increased. Goods smuggling: Some of the economic supervisors believe that for one billion $ import, 100 thousands job opportunities are eliminated in the country. The goods smuggling is done with low quality and low price and local goods with high quality can not compete due to high price and this destroys industry over time. As the people working in industries including women, their employment barriers are also considered and they are as: Cultural and ethical factors, having multiple roles, ethical security, discrimination among men and women in paying the fees.


Based on the problems and barriers, it can be said that the government and other centers supporting the industries can find suitable solutions for development and promoting the industries. Generally, these barriers are including: The lack of financial support, educational and the lack of supports after producing the products as the manufactures are sure of selling their products and the government should determine the market prices as the welfare of the industries employees is created and they can have the supports and facilities like all people working in other fields. Thus, state supports as economic and educational supports can be considered as reliable support.

The recommendations are as

1- Developing the small industries: Dealing with the industries and encouraging the private sector to investment in this sector and guiding them by special study institutions making the capital owners aware in accordance to the latest and newest methods to the plan and production, sale, domestic consumption market and etc.

2- Modification of bank system: By reforming some systems as reducing the interest rate, easy obtaining loan, giving opportunity to the industries in developing and creating them can have important role. 3- Reducing the tax paid by these industries, 4- More consideration of the government to provide the raw materials of these industries with suitable price and more consideration of the government regarding the fighting and avoiding the import of smuggling goods.

4- Supervising the performance of employers

Recommendations about handicrafts

Launching comprehensive database of handicrafts and focusing on all the industrial arts activities in a consistent institution and centralization of decision making centers in handicrafts development sector and avoiding doing parallel and disperse works by various authorities. 2- Supporting the development of manufacturing workshops via giving credit facilities and supporting the creation of handicrafts markets as the benefits are given to the creators of these beautiful and permanent works. Eliminating the commercial and business views to this industry. 3- Providing security for investment in industrial units and increasing insurance coverage for labor force and handicrafts productions, 4- Increasing variety and applied fields of handicrafts and increasing the quality and increasing the durability of industrial arts, 5- suitable packaging of handicrafts, 6- Considering the required and cheap facilities even free facilities to send the handicrafts by post and providing the services in insurance, transport and complete delivery and on time of the works in the required destination of the tourists, 7- Holding the seasonal and annual fairs and some markets with the aim of absorbing the special tourists to sell the handicrafts and creating permanent museums for tourists and handicrafts, 8- Continual supervision of the government and related institutions not only in quality but also regarding the price of handicrafts, 9- Active participation of Seda Sima center in giving information and extensive advertisement on handicrafts with the aim of creating good opportunity to present the goods (if we refer to the effective role of Seda Sima in giving information, we can refer to the world cup champions of Football and even the grandmothers were influenced by the wide media advertisement about European teams). 10- Exporting the goods and handicrafts via tourists that in this way the problems of marketing and transportation costs are reduced in the current conditions, 11- Finally, considering education and required supports in providing cheap raw materials and in this way consuming the low quality raw materials are avoided.
