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Mini Review - (2022) Volume 6, Issue 1

Oral Cancer: A Major Health Issue in 21st Century
Pouran Famili*
Department of Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry, University of Pittsburgh, USA
*Correspondence: Pouran Famili, Department of Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Tel: +178889652323, Email:

Received: 29-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. ipom-22-12579; Editor assigned: 31-Dec-2021, Pre QC No. ipom-22-12579 (PQ); Reviewed: 14-Jan-2022, QC No. ipom-22-12579; Revised: 21-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. ipom-22-12579 (R); Published: 28-Jan-2022, DOI: 10.36648/ipom.6.1.138


Oral malignant growth incorporates tumors of the mouth and the rear of the throat. Oral malignant growths create on the tongue, the tissue covering the mouth and gums, under the tongue, at the foundation of the tongue, and the region of the throat at the rear of the mouth. Oral malignant growth represents around three percent of all tumors analyzed yearly in the United States, or around 53,000 new cases every year. Oral malignant growth most frequently happens in individuals beyond 40 years old and influences over two times however many men as ladies. Most oral malignant growths are connected with tobacco use, liquor use (or both), or disease by the human papilloma infection (HPV).


Oral cancer is a cancer which develops in the tissues of the mouth and throat and belongs to a large group of cancers called head and neck cancers. This sort of tumors most create in the squamous cells found in mouth, tongue, lips, inward covering of the cheeks, gums and hard and delicate sense of taste of mouth [1]. Oral cancer is a serious and growing problem in many parts of world. Oral and pharyngeal cancer considered as the sixth most common cancer in the world. According to a report of World Health Organization, There are an expected 657000 new instances of oral and pharyngeal diseases distinguished each year and in excess of 330000 passing. Over 90% of oral diseases are squamous cell carcinomas [2]. Due to delay in diagnosis results poor quality of life and high mortality rate, since nearly 50% of oral cancer cases are first time diagnosis at an advance stage mean when they have spread to the lymph nodes of the neck. Early detection and early treatment are most helpful to improve the survival rate of patient with oral cancer [3].

Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

One of the biggest reasons behind oral cancer is tobacco use which includes smoking cigarettes, cigars as well as chewing tobacco. If a person consuming both alcohol and tobacco on regular basis then this is a greater risk factor for oral cancer [4,5]. But these there is additionally some other gamble factors for oral disease like –

• Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection

• Chronic facial sun exposure

• A previous diagnosis of oral cancer

• A family background of oral malignant growth or some other sort of disease

• A poor immune system

• Poor nutrition

• Genetic syndromes

It is also found that males are twice as like to get oral cancer as compared to women.

Signs and Symptoms

Common symptoms of oral cancer are –

• A growth anywhere in mouth

• Bleeding from mouth

• Sore on lip or mouth which won’t heal

• Pain and difficulties in swallowing

• Loose teeth

• A lump in neck

• An earache which won’t go away

• Feeling numbness in neck and chin

• White or red patches in or on mouth or lips

• A sore throat

• Jaw pain and stiffness

There are some symptoms which are very common but if it won’t go away then it is necessary to concern with doctor. Squamous cell carcinomas may develop from oral potentially malignant disorders, such as leukoplaxia, oral lichen planus, erythroplakia. It has been reported that early detection and management of oral epithelial dysplasia in oral potentially malignant disorders is a major step for preventing malignant transformation [6].

Stages of Oral Cancer

Generally there are 4 stages of oral cancer [2].

• When the tumour is 2 centimetres or smaller than 2 centimetres, and the cancer hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes consider as stage 1.

• When the tumour is between 2-4 cm and a cancer cell hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes consider as stage 2.

• When the tumour is either larger than 4 cm and hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes, or is any size and has spread to one lymph node, but not to other parts of the body consider as stage 3.

• When the tumours are any size and the cancer cells have spread to nearby tissues, the lymph nodes, or other parts of the body consider as stage 4.

As per a report of National Cancer Institute, the five-year survival rates for oral cavity and pharynx cancers are as follows:

• 83% chances of survival when cancer cells hasn’t spread and we can say that localized cancer.

• 64% chances of survival when cancer cells spread to nearby lymph nodes.

38% chances of survival when the cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. But generally it is found that 60% of all people with oral cancer will survive for five years or more. Indeed, the five-year by and large endurance rate in those with stage 1 and 2 oral malignant growths is commonly 70-90% [5].


Oral cancers is diagnosed by physical examination of the oral cavity, such as visual inspection and palpation, provides valuable insight into a person’s overall health in general and their oral health in particular [1]. An external head and neck physical examination, such as palpation of lymph nodes, is an integral part of the assessment of oral health. Therefore, oral cancer screening with visual inspection and palpation requires not any special equipment and is not invasive [3]. If your doctor finds any tumours, growths, or suspicious lesions then they’ll perform a brush biopsy or a tissue biopsy. A brush biopsy is an effortless test that gathers cells from the cancer by brushing them onto a slide. A tissue biopsy includes eliminating a piece of the tissue so it very well may be analysed under a magnifying instrument for cancerous cells [5].

There is also some additional test carried out by doctors like –

• X-rays to see if cancer cells have spread to the jaw, chest or lungs etc.

• CT scan to reveal any tumours in mouth, throat, neck, lungs, or elsewhere in your body

• PET scan to determine if the cancer has travelled to lymph nodes or any other organs

• MRI scan to show a more accurate image of the head and neck, and to determine the extent or stage of the cancer

• Endoscopy to analyse the nasal entries, sinuses, inward throat, windpipe, and windpipe


There are different kinds of technique applied for therapy of oral disease which are as per the following [5]:

• Therapy for beginning phase’s oral disease as a rule includes a medical procedure to eliminate the growth and dangerous lymph hubs. In the event that some other tissue around the mouth and neck, that might be taken out.

• Radiation treatment is one more choice for oral malignant growth therapy. This includes a specialist pointing radiation radiates at the growth on more than one occasion per day, five days every week, for two to about two months. Therapy for cutting edge stages will as a rule include a blend of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

• Chemotherapy is a therapy with drugs that kill disease cells. The drug is given to you either orally or through an intravenous (IV) line. A great many people get chemotherapy on a short term premise, albeit some require hospitalization.

• Designated treatment is one more type of therapy for oral disease. It tends to be compelling in both early and progressed phases of malignant growth. Assigned treatment meds will bind to express proteins on infection cells and upset their turn of events.

• For each sickness condition nourishment is additionally a significant part and furthermore for oral disease therapy. Numerous medicines make it troublesome or difficult to eat and swallow, and unfortunate craving and weight reduction are normal. Ensure examine diet with specialist. Getting the exhortation of a nutritionist can assist with arranging a food menu that will be delicate on mouth and throat, and will furnish body with the calories, nutrients and minerals it requirements to mend.

Individuals who are determined to have progressed oral disease will probably require reconstructive medical procedure and a restoration to help with eating and talking during recuperation.

Restoration is likewise vital for instances of cutting edge malignant growth. Language training can be given from the time you escape a medical procedure until you arrive at the greatest degree of progress. Reproduction can include dental embeds or joins to fix the missing bones and tissues in the mouth or face. Fake palates are utilized to supplant any missing tissue or teeth.


There is presently adequate comprehension of the causes to forestall 33% of all malignant growths on the planet and it has adequate data to empower early recognition and all-around coordinated treatment of one more third of cases [2], where the OSCC faces this open door. For oral malignant growth, there is proof that the visual assessment as a component of a populace screening program diminishes mortality in patients at high gamble [4], it is likewise conceivable to change ways of life and force boundaries to the set of factors. Schooling to everybody and for those with specific gamble, a decent hypothetical premise to meet key parts of oral malignant growth or more the consistent refreshing in oral pathology medical services suppliers, ought to be important to diminish the red numbers that have gone with this sickness in late many years. The quest for explicit biomarkers for the sickness ought not to be deserted, and future exploration should empower progress toward characterizing the powerlessness field (etiological elements and their association) [6], to end the story that starts with hereditary flimsiness keratinocytes.


Whenever oral malignant growth analysed in beginning phase then the opportunity of endurance after treatment is high. Recuperation from oral diseases relies upon the particular sort and phase of malignant growth at determination. It additionally relies upon general wellbeing, age and resilience and reaction to treatment. Early determination is basic in light of the fact that treating stage 1 and stage 2 tumors might be less involved and have a higher opportunity of fruitful treatment.

After treatment, your primary care physician will need patient to get successive check-ups to ensure that patient recuperating. Patient check-ups will normally comprise of actual tests, blood tests, X-beams, and CT filters. Make a point to circle back to dental specialist or oncologist on the off chance that notice anything out of standard.


The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


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