Journal of Oral Medicine Open Access

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Short Communication - (2022) Volume 6, Issue 1

Oral Care: An Important Criterion in Health Care Management.
Department of Oral Health Care, IAM University, Australia
*Correspondence: Jessica Evan, Department of Oral Health Care, IAM University, Australia, Tel: +61 52486915, Email:

Received: 29-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. ipom-22-12400; Editor assigned: 31-Dec-2021, Pre QC No. ipom-22-12400 (PQ); Reviewed: 14-Jan-2022, QC No. ipom-22-12400 ; Revised: 21-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. ipom-22-12400 (R); Published: 28-Jan-2022, DOI: 10.36648/ipom.6.1.137


Oral hygiene is one of the most important forms in the health management. In oral health, bacteria play unique role in causing the oral issues with respect to habits, maintenance etc. Generally, bacteria forms within a time span of 2-3 hours of time after brushing as well as flossing of the teeth. Like other body parts, mouth does teem with the bacteria which might be harmless and may lead to diseases [1]. Certain medicaments that belong to the class of antihistamines, antidepressants, diuretics, decongestants etc., reduces the saliva flow as the saliva has the tendency to wash away the acids that are been produced by the bacteria in mouth and protects from microbes that easily double and lead to diseases [2].

The unhealthy habits such as irregular brushing/flossing of teeth, smoking may lead to several oral disorders. The bacteria that are caused to periodontal disease can be transmitted so often through close contact. Approximately, 90%-95% of the systemic diseases are linked with the oral health. Few examples are people with periodontal disease have higher risk of fatal heart attack. There is higher frequency of respiratory disorders/ infections. Also, patients with periodontal diseases have too much of difficulty in controlling the blood sugar levels [1].

Conditions that Interlinked to Oral Health

The oral health is very important and irresponsibility towards the oral care may lead to various diseases and conditions such as; cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia, pregnancy and birth complications etc.

Cardiovascular diseases: Though the connection is not completely understood but, the infection is generally seen or noticed in the inner linings of the heart chambers or valves, thereby the bacteria over the mouth may pass and spread through the blood stream to few areas of the heart [3].

Pneumonia: Like how the bacteria pass and spread from mouth to valves of the heart, there are chances for the bacteria to be pulled to the lungs also [4].

Pregnancy and birth complications: The oral condition that is linked during the pregnancy is periodontitis, which leads to the premature birth or low birth weight.

Conditions Affecting Oral Health

There are conditions that affect the oral health though care is taken. Here are the few conditions that are affecting are diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, eating disorders, cancers etc.

Diabetes: In general, one who is diabetic will have less resistance power and hence there is risk of causing gum issues. In many surveys that are been conducted, those who are suffering with diabetes are at higher risk of the gum disorders. Also, a regular periodontal care can control the diabetes [5].

Alzheimer’s disease: Worsening of oral health is generally noticed.

HIV/AIDS: Those people with this health issue generally have the painful mucosal lesions.

Osteoporosis: With a phenomenon of bone weakening, it is interlinked with the periodontal bone loss as well as tooth loss. Also, few medicines that are used in treating osteoporosis may have a property of weakening or cause damage to the jaw bone [2].

How to Protect Oral Health

The oral health can be protected with some practice of a good oral hygiene on daily basis. Some are listed below; By brushing teeth for twice a day at least for 2 minutes

• Use of soft bristled brush

• Flossing on daily basis

• Eating hygiene food

• Replacement of tooth brush for every 3-4 months

• Avoiding tobacco use

• Regular visit to dentist

These may prevent from oral diseases with cautionary acts.


However, with no proper oral hygiene, bacteria may react and reaches out with several levels of oral infections. Though our body has natural defense mechanism and a good oral health care/management such as brushing, flossing, keeps the bacteria under control.


The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


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