Research Article - (2013) Volume 3, Issue 1
1Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Public Administration of Human Resources, National Defence University
3Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran
In this study, the profile of intelligence, personality and creativity on the management skills of managers of rural cooperative organizations and the question thus formulated that the rule of psychological factors on the management skills of rural cooperative organizations is to what extent? This research method was descriptive of the ceremony. Sample of the study are in the all managers of public organizations using the census, the population was taken into account, and then use the new version of the Instrument, Scale intelligence, Tehran - Stanford - Binet, Scale form reconstructed personality questionnaires Minnesota 2, Torrance test of creativity and management skills to the test were studied. Finally, using multivariate regression model to test the research questions, and the results showed that the positive correlation between the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory" with "cognitive skills" and "management skills", and a significant negative correlation between personality pathology in the area of "introversion" and "human skills" are observed.
Silhouette of Intelligence, Personality Profiles, Profiles of Creative Management Skills
Management of human history is dating back to the birth. People in different communities, from birth to end of life and death for his goals in life were to think in different ways and this family of solutions is the first step to achieving the smallest and most strong communities are formed and then, friendship groups, peers, colleagues and formed bigger groups. It is necessary to mention that the smallest of these groups need to have extensive leadership and management is ongoing. After the formation of community groups, as well as leadership and management have established there. Thoughts and ideas that experts in various disciplines who have entered the realm of knowledge management have caused the viewpoints of various causes [8]. Today, innovation in all fields of human knowledge, and obviously an act that is taking place at a phenomenal pace. In other words, the same can any human science and scientific fields for a long time without change and innovation, and performance requirements have been. Thanks to the rapid and profound changes, affecting social life requires an active and helpful member of staff at various institutions. People need to spread the social conditions of knowledge, skills and techniques learned in childhood and adolescence and adult education follow up prior to the development of knowledge, abilities and skills to engage in the community and relevant organizations in this way can have serious and effective and meet their needs and desires in a logical addition to their roles as social and institutional practice; because life organizations through effective performance management and staff of knowledgeable, skilled, creative and able to be achieved [9]. On the other hand, considering that in recent years an increasing emphasis on human resources in organizations, institutions and agencies and as technology advances and consequently derived from each country's productivity and profitability of the respective organizations; human resources as an important factor for the success of the centers. Educational administration is trying to evaluate the performance of managers and employees as well as their skills (technical, conceptual and human) up through the organization to develop an application [4]. In the field of management, the increasing emphasis on technical skills, and perception of human being and is trying to be evaluated for their effect on the performance of managers and employees. Thus, the complex interaction of Educational Management Administration and Psychology major role in the organization, as well as with employees, attract and retain personnel, supplies and human resources modifying, improving and developing the ability to view and 000 abilities and skills (technical, conceptual and human) in the field of educational management and strategic management of the organization will represent [8]. All businesses need to manage the use of these skills is heads. However, the three skills necessary to perform duties and interdependent, however, the relative value of different categories of management, especially in educational institutions such as universities varies. But the human skills required performing almost all the tasks in the management ranks. In other words, skills training managers with many variables, such as personality traits, cognitive abilities, such as intelligence and creativity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality of working life and is linked to innovation. Technology is constantly evolving and developing unprecedented pace, therefore, today's organizations operate in dynamic environment, So take advantage of new ideas by the powerful leaders (with a high IQ and personality traits differ) in increasing the efficiency of organizations and educational institutions such as university of nurturing creativity and productivity is one of the institutions. Therefore, management needs to understand the real meaning, the knowledge, wisdom and ability to solve complex issues in the enterprise. Leaders of organizations that are successful in creating a healthy and joyful atmosphere in subordinates of their intelligence and ingenuity and innovation are fostered. Developments and advances in science and technology-related and organizational matters in accordance with organizational goals made profits and make changes to suit their own initiative and innovation and not afraid to make people welcome [9]. Including the measures taken in recent years to improve the structure of human resources, adjustment for law enforcement personnel, frequent revisions in the performance evaluation of managers, professionals and employees, and delivered a comprehensive plan of management thinking is affected. Industrialization in developing countries, leading to rapid changes in social media, technology and organization and this ruling labor in the environments that surround them. This should be followed by facilities managers and employees in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness and control efficiency was high [1]. Remarkably, the performance and effectiveness of the system, including human resources management in public organizations is measured by indicators which choose its values and culture. Therefore, the design process, the system of human resource management and priority setting in public interest, the interests and the interests of the university management, human resource management, the only difference is the nature of social values will vary. However, if the vision of Islamic society to know the values, skills and wisdom he gives to human first [7].
On the other hand, is considered the cornerstone of effective leadership, the organization's leadership skills. Managers, efficient, participatory and sustainable ways to encourage teamwork and use it to create powerful groups in the context of human skills will benefit. Leaders of other skills, cognitive skills can be cited which involves the ability to perceive and understand the ability to manage relationships with others. In this regard, the technical skills are important for success in business, but studies suggest that it is the importance of cognitive skills than other skills in an outstanding performance and excellence at all levels of the organization is two-fold. The significance of differences in managerial occupations increased so that 90 percent of the top executives and ordinary cognitive skills and human skills are not related. So, in this context, we sought to identify profiles of intelligence, personality and profile managers to be creative effects and their contribution to technical skills, human perception can be determined; because in the end, we can confirm that the results of this study can be good guides in the fields of psychology, to promote the efficiency of the proposed administrators and managers, human resource managers and industrial psychologists - in order to increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency of managers according to the technical skills, they propelled human perception. In line with psychological factors such as the influence of intelligence, personality and creative management skills, various studies have been but so far, the relationship between these variables simultaneously, credible research has been carried out in this area, can be stressed the ambiguities. Since many issues faced by managers in performance identifying the skills and conceptual, technical and human resources, there is no accurate information on them, the present study suggests that this may be the performance of managers with many unknown faces. Such research can be conducted in this area of research, Lotergolik (2003) noted that the results of their research on the principles of respect by management, efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's accounts for the material and it as planning, organizing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting stated. Laykret (2005), who did a lot of research to reach a conclusion find that led to a democratic way of monitoring results will be combined with the threats and pressure and the successful manager is one who is known by the staff as friendly and supportive. Cognitive ability should be able to obtain effective solutions and increased interpersonal boundaries among the staff to develop soothing. Mccal and Lombardo (2006) has investigated the differences between managers, who either have or the second highest peak reaching its goal to have been wrong. They found that survivors had impairment. Such an indifferent and hostile behavior toward others, coldness, isolation and arrogance, betrayal of trust, excessive ambition, inability to delegate authority, bringing together members of the disability, the inability to think strategically and poor adaptation to management in different ways. The approach War (2008) that the complex interaction of technical skills, human perceptual performance is emphasized. It was suggested that the high skills of employees and managers lead to higher efficiency in the areas of human resource development and helping. Winger (2008), using meta-analytic methods and characteristics of successful executives in sporting fields receiving found that they had higher than average intelligence and creativity and personality characteristics in addition to the commitment and controllability, observability, show trends in entrepreneurship. Also, have managerial skills and knowledge in the fields of high. In addition, successful experience in the fields of business, sport and physical self-concept, they put a good show. Bairam (2008), in a study on the factors affecting the performance of sports federations do successful managers that innovation agents and emphasized the commitment. In addition, it was shown that the creativity and innovation on the one hand and the ability to control the emotion, on the other hand, can increase the effectiveness of the organization. Also, Solh khah (2009), using structural equation modeling found that emotional intelligence and organizational entrepreneurship, organizational support was related and efficiency as the main element is a sports team.
Shabestari (1997) as the research team trained compared with untrained managers concluded that they are more efficient training of managers. Also in the field of general management skills, study skills issues like perception, human and technical notes for each indicator and the detail and has provided reagents. Finally, in prosperity and Shokrzade (2010) found that IQ and personality profiles of job success are effective management. The psychological characteristics of managers in the areas of physical education have been found that successful managers have psychological characteristics desired. Since the perceptual skills, technical and human studies have also been done, but still accurate and valid information that can identify these differences and engage in communication structures, are not available. However, several theories can be understood in the context of the above helps, as mentioned. Not impact intelligence profile, personality profiles and profile management skills may be evaluated on creativity. Due to the uncertainties associated with the still profile role of intelligence, personality and creativity as mental characteristics - according to individual differences in cognitive skills in executive management agencies specified. These uncertainties have a significant role in the area of public management and today, an accurate identification of individual differences and the role of psychological factors on the management skills of managers of public organizations are significant.
Thus, the area has been the subject of research in public administration profiles and to identify the role of intelligence, creativity, personality and psychological characteristics of the managerial skills of managers of rural cooperatives is concerned.
In the present study, the researchers examined the current state of relations between variables are explored. Regard to any variable in the current has not been studied by the researcher and only the profiles of intelligence, personality profiles, and profile managers, government agencies have been creations of skills, this study is descriptive research process. Sample of the study for all public managers are rural cooperatives in the country. It is, therefore, possible access to all community members and providing a list of possible individuals, the present study suggests that it is rather limited in area communities. As noted above, in this study, general managers, government agencies, rural cooperatives engage that sampling methods, the organization of rural cooperatives across the country that headquarters is located in Tehran, was considered the headquarters of all managers, for example, were studied. Thus, no sampling using census, the population was considered, and then the test was paid.
In this study, four instruments were used to collect data in order to test intelligence, Tehran new version - Stanford - Binet, form reconstructed personality questionnaires Minnesota 2, Torrance test of creativity and skills of managers. New version of test intelligence, Tehran - Stanford - Binet: this study assessed the intelligence director, the intelligence scale Stanford - Binet test, which used to come in by the luminous, Kamkari (2007) for validation, accreditation and standardization has been. Intelligence Scale, which consists of five operating fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning oriented, visual processing - visual working memory is measured in addition to five of five IQ, verbal IQ calculation, nonverbal (performance) and also examines the credited with emphasis on heterogeneity within the field of intelligence, from 0.96 to 0.99 and for each of the five 0.89 to 0.90 and for every ten subscales from 0.83 to 0.87 range. Validity of the test - retest reliability of the test reagent is stable, because all higher have than 0.77. Split-half method and corrected the formula Spearman - Brown reliability coefficient for the total scale score of 0.98, 94 nonverbal / verbal 0 0.98 and a set of abbreviated tests, 0.89, all of which are indicative of good stability. This scale has content validity, criterion validity and construct validity is. In the field of content validity of the intelligence scale, professional judgment, and empirical analysis of convergence of structures is question [2]. Experts in the areas of professional judgment, we examine the utility of the issues that all through holding seminars and scientific meetings as obtained. Convergence of structures designed by experts in the various stages of the test and the test can be easily said that, based on the theory of Carroll, Cattell and Horn, has been designed and its validity is content. Moreover, the question of increasing analysis methods with theory question - and the answer applies to the classical theories, empirical data on the field’s correlation coefficient questions and even cleaned the whole question has been submitted. In all these analyzes we have found that the scale has content validity [10].
Reconstituted form questionnaire and personality of Minnesota -2: Tools used in this study, the Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI-2RF), In line with the structure of personality by Kamkari and Shokrzadeh (2009) in validation, validation and standardization is. Testing MMPI-2RF, the new version is the MMPI test was first released in 1943. Test manufacturers' Hetevy "and" McKinley "hoped that through this test that could solve the problem of personality psychologists.
Since the test MMPI-2RF, cultural characteristics of perfect harmony were the main form of reliability, validity and standardization to not only the medical field but also in the areas of research was used. Therefore, the accurate calculation of psychology that lasted one year, Iran Inventory MMPI-2RF, as a means to ensure the long-form was introduced and replaced MMPI test. The test for a valid profile is four profiles for clinical scales, including the validity of the questionnaire, in all scales above 0.85 is a narrative structure, content, and appearance is superficial. Torrance test of creativity: creativity test consisted of 60 females and each female has three options. Item reflects the creativity of the high and low score of 1 to 3 are respectively. This score is the sum of four and four points, respectively, liquid, innovation, flexibility and expandability is reached. Validity coefficient of the liquid in the Torrance creativity, innovation, flexibility and expandability, which were obtained by retest 0.85, 0.82, 0.84, 0.80, respectively. Correlations between total scores and total scores Torrance Jamal Abedi (creativity test) equal to 0.64, respectively. Its validity is raised; using the method of principal components, coordination of test material was calculated for each factor. Materials, the relatively high correlation factors (between 0.55 to 0.85) with the first latent variable. In each of the first latent factor or variable between 50% to 60% of the total variance was explained that these questions indicate internal consistency and construct validity of the test material.
Management skills questionnaire: we included three subscales: technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills that each subscale were included technical (25 questions), cognitive (28 questions) and human (20 questions) that is for retail 30 questions to consider measures taken. This questionnaire is based on Likert scale graded and range from very high, high, low, and is very low. This questionnaire was validated using Cronbach's alpha in the prior study (2006) about 0.78 to 0.81 has been reported.
Data analysis methods in order to be considered, Since the independent variables and the dependent variable is quantitative and continuous measure of distance can be considered, multivariate regression models were used parametric statistics. Thus, the following statistical indicators such as central tendency (mode, median and mean), dispersion (range, variance and standard deviation) and distribution (standard deviation, coefficient of deviation and coefficient of retraction) and the normal distribution of the data, parametric statistical models and multivariate regression models with simultaneous entry method, hypothesis testing in the field, was used to investigate the role of independent variables on the dependent variable are discussed.
With emphasis on the F, can be a significant area of "verbal and nonverbal" with "cognitive skills" in α = 0.50 can be observed and predicted "cognitive skills" through areas of "verbal and nonverbal "there. Therefore, it is necessary to schedule the regression coefficients.
According to multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous entry method can be considered a positive significant correlation between the areas of "nonverbal" with "cognitive skills", is observed. Thus, by increasing the area of "nonverbal", "cognitive skills" increased and decreased "cognitive skills" lowered.
With the emphasis on F, there is a correlation between areas of "verbal and nonverbal" and "management skills" in the α = 0.50 observed and predicted strength "management skills" through areas of "verbal and nonverbal "there. Therefore, it is necessary to schedule the regression coefficients.
According to multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous entry regression coefficients obtained, it can be suggested that the positive correlation between the area of "nonverbal" and "management skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the area of "nonverbal", "management skills" increased and vice versa.
With emphasis on the F, is the relationship between "intelligence quotient (total)" and "management skills" in the α = 0.50 observed and predicted strength "management skills" through "intelligence quotient (total) "there. Thus, as is the regression coefficient table.
The single variable regression with simultaneous entry method and the regression coefficients obtained, we suggest that the positive correlation between "inte0lligence quotients (total)" and "management skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the "intelligence quotient (total)", "management skills" increased and vice versa.
With emphasis on the F, is considered to be a significant cause of "IQ five" with "cognitive skills" in the α = 0.10 can be observed and predicted "cognitive skills" through the agents' five IQ "there. Therefore, it is necessary to be a regression table.
According to multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous entry regression coefficients obtained, it can be suggested that the positive relationship between "working memories" with "cognitive skills", is observed. Thus, an increase in "working memory," "cognitive skills" increased and vice versa.
With emphasis on the F, is considered to be a significant cause of "IQ Five" and "management skills" in the α = 0.10 observed and predicted strength "management skills" through an agent - the "five IQ "is. Therefore, to be a regression table.
According to multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous entry regression coefficients obtained, it can be suggested that the positive relationship between "working memory" and "management skills" are observed. Thus, an increase in "working memory", "WEBMASTER skills" increased and vice versa.
With the emphasis on F, there is a significant relationship between measures of "pathological personality" with "human skills" in the α = 0.50 observed and predicted to be "human skills" through scale "damage - Biology character "exists. Therefore, it is necessary to schedule the regression coefficients.
According to multivariate regression analysis with simultaneous entry regression coefficients obtained, it can be suggested that the negative relationship between "introversion" and "Human skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the "introspection", "human skills" decreases and vice versa.
In the current study using questionnaires management skills (technical, conceptual and human), Inventory Questionnaire form reconstructed Minnesota Multiphase Personality, Intelligence Scales Tehran - Stanford - Binet Scale and the relationship between these variables Torrance creativity in organizations, managers made public using univariate and multivariate regression models, the following results were obtained:
Question: the role of psychological factors on the management skills of rural cooperative organizations, is to what extent? In order to test the question of the statistical model used in the multivariate regression findings showed that the positive correlation between the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory" with "cognitive skills" and "management skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory," "cognitive skills" and "management skills" increased by reducing the "cognitive skills" and "management skills" lowered. Also, a significant positive correlation between "intelligence quotient (total)" and "management skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the "intelligence quotient (total)", "management skills" increased and decreased "management skills" lowered. Finally, a significant negative relationship between personality pathology in the area of "introspection" with "human skills", there is an increase in "introspection", "human skills" lower and lower "human skills" increases.
Question 1: the role of creative intelligence profiles on the management skills of rural cooperative organizations, is to what extent? Multiple regression statistical models are used to test the above question to operationalization and findings indicated that a positive relationship between the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory" with "cognitive skills", is observed. Thus, by increasing the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory," "cognitive skills" increased and decreased their "cognitive skills" lowered. Significant positive correlation between the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory" and "management skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory", "management skills" increased and decreased "management skills" lowered. Significant positive relationship between "intelligence quotient (total)" with "management skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the "intelligence quotient (total)", "management skills" increased and decreased "management skills" lowered.
Question 2: how much is the role of constructive personality profile of rural cooperative management skills of managers? Multiple regression statistical models are used to test the above question to operation alization and findings indicated that a significant negative relationship between "introversion" and "Human skills" are observed. Thus, by increasing the "introversion", "human skills" decreases with its reduction, "human skills" increases.
Finally, by comparing the findings of the study and background research conducted within and outside the country can be considered a research study by Lawrence (1998), On managerial skills, organizational health, Jer Aldebl (2001), about the relationship between performance management and employee health and organizational skills, Saeedi far (2002), about the "relationship of personality 'organizational health of elementary school girls in Tehran." Ahmadi (1996), In "The relationship between personality and managerial skills of managers in Zanjan city school, Abhar and Khoramdareh" Anaraki (1994), entitled "The relationship between personality traits and success of educational leaders in Tehran primary school" Amidi (1994) in a special relationship with success in the field of educational administration educational supervision, keykhosro sabe (1992) on "manager who is successful?", Suwon (2002) Effective schools in the field of management skills and, ultimately, Sericio (1992) on the educational needs of human resources in France, coordinated and consistent, because in all aforementioned studies examined the relationship between cognitive skills and personality traits of managers and are referred.