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Research Article - (2014) Volume 4, Issue 3

Relationship between enthusiasm to physical activity and dependence on physical activity in male and female elite athlete students

Faraz Mosavi*, Reza Nikbakhsh and Akbar Afarinesh

Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding Author:
Faraz Mosavi
Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science
South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity for male and female athlete students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran. The sample community was composed of students of Faculty of Physical Education in Islamic Azad University of Tehran. the sample of research was carried out via cluster and random sampling with 168 male and female athlete students (all with physical activity record) who completed Valrand and colleagues questionnaire of female and male athletes' enthusiasm to life(2003) voluntarily including 14 questions and 2 sub-scales of consistent enthusiasm (balanced) (7 questions), longing (7 questions), and physical activity dependence questionnaire of Hasen Blas and colleagues (2004) consists of 26 questions and six subscales. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics (indexes of central tendency and dispersion) and KS test, independent T test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression at a 0.05 significance level through statistical software SPSS. In summary, the results of analysis of data showed that there is a significant relationship between enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity of male and female athlete students of Islamic Azad University And conflicts and dissatisfaction variable, excessive exercise, emotional problems, emotional problems and behavioral persistence combined with the enthusiasm of athlete students showed a significant relationship (p ≤ 0.05) from among dependency components on the physical activity. It has been recommended to use some programs in order to recognize enthusiasm components and effective factors on them to get tendency for activity, dependency on activity and enjoying the countless advantages of activities.

Key words

enthusiasm, dependency on physical activity, male and female athlete students of Islamic Azad University.


Physical training experts and scientists agree that physical activity and exercise are determinants of the physical, mental and spiritual health and it is one of the most important keys to physical health. Specifically physical activity can reduce the symptoms of stress and meanwhile improve the performance and physical parameters such as physical fitness and enjoyment of physical appearance. Positive results of being involved in the physical activity and exercise were considered in a wide range of researches [1]. Among the reasons of persons attending in the physical activity can be self-determined motivation (Sin Tounamis 2012) motivations for health gains (Kournis 1998) and proper appearance motivation [2]. Other mandatory force to make people to be involved in various other physical activities can be a general enthusiasm to do some works.

The concept of enthusiasm to live was investigated for the first time by Rooney (1990). It seems that an enthusiasm to life is associated with both positive and negative effects on people's lives. On the negative side, it makes the hard work to get the enthusiasm and personal interests and on the positive side it causes the motivation in an individual's life to reach the pinnacle of his/her abilities [3]. Associated with physical activity, life enthusiasm is defined as a strong desire for works that people like or an activity that is important to them and they are investing their time and energy on it.

Materials and Methods

This research is applied in terms of target and it is the one of descriptive studies that will be performed as correlated in terms of research method. The study community includes The male and female elite athlete students majoring during 2013 in Islamic Azad University in Tehran. Sampling in this study was done randomly and based on the table, the Morgan sample was selected from among 168 undergraduate students of physical education universities of region eight in a cluster method. Three questionnaires were used to collect the data needed for the study in order to test the research hypotheses.

1. Demographic questionnaire including age, sex, education and … of research participants.

2. Enthusiasm to life Questionnaire

The instrument was built by Valrand et al (2003 ) to measure athletes' enthusiasm to live .it includes 14 questions and 2 sub-scales of consistent (balanced) and 7 questions of longing and how to answer using Likert 7-value scale and the Reliability of this questionnaire is reported in 0.79 .

3. Dependence on physical activity questionnaire questionnaire of Hasen Blas and colleagues (2004 ) was used which consists of 26 questions with six sub-scales (unhealthy eating habits, conflicts and dissatisfactions, excessive Exercise, emotional problems, tensional problems and behavioral persistence) and how to response based on Likert five-value scale to measure the dependence on students physical activity. In the study, data collection was carried in the field, thus that after coordination with the Faculty of Physical Education and acquiring the necessary permits and reference, the ready questionnaires were distributed among the sample set, that is, the researcher personally referred to a predetermined schedule. When the questionnaires being delivered, the Explanations were given to the participants verbally about not to mention the name and address and also the need for research in order to improve the variables intended that it made them to response the questions in the questionnaire with complete freedom, patience and precision. Tables of descriptive statistics (indexes of central tendency, dispersion and distribution) were used and in the inferential analyses (for normal distribution) Kolmogorov - Smirnov test was used to describe the continuous variables. And independent T test, Pearson correlation method and multivariate regression were used in the inferential statistics. Significance level of 0.05 and software SPSS, version 16 was used to analyze the data.



Table 1: Description of study sample

As the results indicated in Table 4 -1, 52.4% of students are male and 47.6% are female students.


Table 2: Description of athletic experience of the participants

As can be seen in this table, 14.9% of participants have 1 -3 years experience in sports, 38.1% 4-7 years, and 15.5 percent 8 -11 years, 23.8 percent 15-12 years and 7.7 percent 15 + years.

" Kolmogorov - Smirnov " Test is used to check the normality of the study variables; in the following table are shown the normality test results of dependent variable i.e


Table 3: Results of KS test to investigate the distribution of data

As can be seen, since the significance level is greater than 0.05, so the function variable has a normal distribution. The normalcy of dependent variable is the prerequisite for regression models.


Table 4: The results of Levin Test to investigate the homogeneity of variance

As can be seen, since the significance level is greater than 0.05, so the study variables have variance heterogeneity. There is a significant correlation between enthusiasm to physical activity and dependence on physical activity in elite male and female athletes.


Table 5: Pearson Correlation coefficient between enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity

Given that the probability amount between dependence on physical activity and enthusiasm is less than 0.05 (As reported in the table, the probability is 0.04). So statistically, there is a significant relationship (r =0.184) between these two variables. Kind of relationship between these two variables is direct, it can be concluded that there is a direct relationship between enthusiasm and dependence of physical activity because of positivity .then it approves a hypothesis of the research which claims there is a significant relationship between enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity in male and female athletes and the zero hypothesis will be nullified.


Scientific evidences have shown that exercise at the community level, leads to increased health and happiness. It also has led to increased productivity and reduced health costs from the economic and social dimensions. Finally, it contributed to the mental health in terms of psychological dimension and will reduce the amount of crime and addiction. Regular exercise in the open air can relieve the excitement the anxiety levels and improve the mental state of a person. It directly causes decreased sensitivity to environmental pressures and in any form the exercise will have a positive impact on the social behaviors.

Studies indicate the relationship between enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity and some athletes, who are physically active too, may be dependent on physical activity. The results showed that a significant relationship exists between enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity of male and female athlete students And variables of conflicts and dissatisfaction, excessive exercise, emotional problems, and behavioral persistence with enthusiasm in students had the most relationship from dependence components on physical activity. Also significant correlation was found between consistent enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity but there was no significant relationship between obsessive enthusiasm and dependence on physical activity. The results are consistent with studies of Paradise (2013), Martin (2011): Lafernireh (2011): Chin Chen et al (2009), Mageo et al (2009), Philippe (2008), Valrand and Miquelon (2007), Rosio and Proventure (2002). In support of this hypothesis, it can be noted that each person has a consistent enthusiasm (balanced), he spends a lot of time and energy in activities as common behavior (imonez 1999).
