Awards 2020 - (2019) Volume 7, Issue 1
Emdad Khan
Research Professor, Department of Computer Science, Maharishi University of Management, United States of America, E-mail:
World Summit on Robotics gives awards to emerging scholars, researchers and graduates as well who have distinctive achievements towards the conference. The award strives in providing strong professional development opportunities for the scholars and academicians from relevant fields to meet experts in the field, interacting with research scholars from remote countries, creating network and long term relations.
Expert Level (Scientific Service Achievement Award): The platform gives awards to the expert who has done the achievement in scientific community in engineering field. It is the most prestigious award for the scientific service. The eligibility criteria for achieving this award are minimum +20 years of experience in relevant field. The receiver should take the initiative to enhance the research in the recent scientific field and developments.
Professional Level (Research Contribution Award): The award is entitled for professional and academic research activity in the field of Engineering. The expertise should have minimum +10 years of experience in relevant field. Part time research is counted as pro-rata. It is calculated starting to the date when you first degree entitled on doctorate even if a doctorate was never started.
Scholar Level (The Upcoming Researcher Award): The conference offers Scholar Level Awards to the upcoming scientists, young researchers who have at least +10 years of research experience in the relevant field of Engineering. Our conference provide the best platform to enhance your knowledge and with your innovative ideas within the scientific community. Presentation includes 25-30 minutes of talk on scientific research topics and with 5 minutes panel discussions.
Best Keynote Speaker in Robotics 2020: The platform gives an opportunity to those keynote speakers who have their projects, ideas and recent innovations to hold long term excellence in the Engineering field.
Best Poster Presentation in Robotics 2020: Poster competition is organized in the conference arena to showcase the students and recent graduates to present their research ideas. All accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster sessions. Allied Academies provides platform to young researchers and graduates to present their real time work and with the recent scientific trends.
Outstanding Masters/Ph.D/Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation in Robotics 2020: The award points to the thesis work presentation who have implemented their projects within the relevant field aims to improve the long term excellence in the Engineering and scientific community as well.
Outstanding Speaker in Robotics Congress 2020: The recognition of this award resembles to a person’s outstanding contribution for a particular period. Also this award is recognition for the individual who will present their projects, strategies and schemes that have been implemented to improve long term excellence in the area of robotics. With view to promote their research in relevant field.
Women Scientist (Science Award for Women): Our conference provides unique platform for women scientists for presenting their research and innovations in the relevant field. Our conferences encourage women scientist’s participants through research awards and provide assistance for women scholars in the area of robotics and its applications. The emerging women awards are given to the Young Women Scientists as well.
Journal Name for Robotics: bioengineering/.