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Research Article - (2012) Volume 2, Issue 5

Scale standardization tendency to addiction (with emphasis on MMPI-ARF) secondary school students and pre - university

Kambiz Kamkary1 and Shohreh Shokrzadeh2

1Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran

2Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

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The main purpose of this study was to standardize the scale tendency to addiction (with emphasis on the MMPIARF) secondary school and pre- university students. The major research question was whether the tendency to addiction scale, community psychometric characteristics of adolescents in Tehran is desirable or not? Present methodologies, survey type standardization and seek are with the emphasis on process. The present survey, all boys and girls (14 to 18 years) in Tehran and its suburbs that are on the target population are considered infinited. Direct sampling was used for selection of research. 1,000 normal adolescents (500 girls and 500 boys) and 100 addicted adolescents (50 girls and 50 boys) were considered as examples. Finally, using statistical methods t-test compared the two groups separated by independent validity, exploratory factor analysis to construct validity, internal consistency to Cronbach alpha and Pearson correlation to calculate correlation between two spilit-half and test-retest was paid too. Results showed that lists tendency to addiction, have validity and can be separated and nonaddicted teenagers addicted to separate from each other. Also, having good credit is the coefficient.

Key words

standardization, scale, Tendency to Addiction


Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, opium, heroin, and many synthetic and semi-synthetic materials are about abuse, a major part of today's world of form. These materials not only individual health but also directly on the economy, the foundations of social, cultural and other aspects also affect people's lives. In other words, drug addiction or drug abuse, including issues and problems in today's world each year, which costs a lot to fight it is just that our society as part of the world, a lot of expenses spend each year to deal with this problems. It is said about the illegal trade of materials almost 400 billion dollars in illicit profits went organize businessmen. Despite spending a lot of costs to deal with entry and is offered in the community, but due to the high volume of income and activities of traffickers, the problem is not so much work preparing materials and it is accessible easily. In this regard, some researchers are hopeful that the causal factors are identified through the talented people be able to recognize substance abuse. But also very different in terms of cultural, social, ethnic, because there are many differences in personality structure and the people in this regard between the various ethnic groups Iranian people in western countries, there is not cause to research findings in western countries with the drug and the Iranian people to generalize. These leads have been used to issues of validity, Validation and Standardization of tests and scales that are made and use in Western societies. Minnesota multiphasic personality Inventory is the most common and most prestigious in the fields of mental health professionals and by Trained Professionals used to identify complementary structures around the obtained personality and mental pathology. By this test, more accurate knowledge about personality disorders and psychological subjects obtained by interview, observation and data collection resources will be more accurate in measuring psychological domains of mental health. High effectiveness of this test in identifying trends shows teens are addicted.

Minnesota multiphasic personality Inventory, published in five continents and are interested in the frequency domain of psychological pathology has attracted. The list of great applications in the domains of psychotherapy and counseling, selection and placement, prevention and treatment and, above all, documentation of psychological measures, has led to consensus in the field of comprehensive feasibility of this test among the assistants, especially psychiatrists and psychologists; and make a huge wave of research in about this issue. However, the scale should be applied to the fields mentioned in the domains of personality in adolescents and young adults to identify trends and personalities prone to addiction, drug abuse, and was considered emphasize the psychometric measures. Before standardization process of scales for the tendency to addiction, alcoholism scale McAndrew, talent and accepting drug addiction are known to be multi Persian version of the Minnesota multiphasic personality Inventory, should be emphasized that the development process. In this process, should validity scales, clinical content and supplementary scales, and finally, emphasized the comprehensive nature of this list by identifying Minnesota multiphasic personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2RF). It should be mentioned in either ignorant of inattention and complex dimensions of this list can be terrible blow to the Persian version of the corpus created and its psychometric properties can be falsify. In addition, you can enjoy the latest technology and the list shall complete and accurate version of it in 2008, have been developed and known as the MMPI-2RF, considered. Through psychometric characteristics of MMPI-2RF, strategies can be developed for the preliminary version, testing, standards and scales of final disposition of addiction won this way, good psychometric properties for these three scales obtained and training Development and application fields and prevention among adolescents and young adults up to the level and quality of psychological services in the system of psychology and increased consulting

MMPI-2RF for 13 to 18 years range does not always use the age range of adolescent Minnesota multiphasic personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2RF) should list, it is used. The list of psychological precision by providing a high capacity 50 clinical scales in measures related to psychological assessment in adolescents and could have adequate and reliable information about the psychological traits associated with Adolescence to provide psychopathology. Considering the list of standard MMPI-ARF is not stressed as a variety of more detailed fields and validity scales in Iran, It is essential to be considered completion in clinical content. Since the scales of tendency to addiction as a subset of upgraded scales is considered essential to be able to accurately evaluate the psychometric properties of the pay Inventory. Various uncertainties identified in adolescents and young adults prone personality profiles of substance there. Some of these uncertainties to the lack of relationship between personality profile and tendency to focus on substance abuse and in some other cases, the influence of social factors, cultural and economic trends for adolescent substance abuse are emphasized. However, still experimental and cannot be precise relationship between personality characteristics and psychological traits of adolescents and young adults with substance abuse is remarkable personality and veins to detect fields as juvenile delinquency will use to practice [15]. With emphasis on personality profiles and Tendency of neuroticism associated with substance abuse, there are many valid studies and theories. As the Eysneck turynh device personality as a factor affecting learning and the important element to consider the incidence of addiction. In addition, the adjective sense in Zackerman theory adventuring acts and abuse of drugs, as other theories of personality are considered related to drug addiction. However, the figures are still not susceptible to drug abuse and will speak to the various uncertainties in this field exists. Contradiction between the theories of personality in the domains of substance abuse has led to a relationship cannot be straightforward personality profiles of substance abuse and pointed, but always trends anxiety and depression in adolescents and young people can lead to abuse the substance. MMPI-2 supplementary scales and MMPI-A to identify personality profiles and life styles associated with the incidence of drug addiction designed to investigate the frequency of fuel placed. In some studies, scales tendency to lack predictive validity for the prevention and incidence of drug addiction in adolescents and young adults has been mentioned [20] and in contrast, a wide range of performance measures tendency to addiction research for prognosis, prevention, identification and even treatment of susceptible adolescents has focused on substance. Review related research in alcoholism McAndrew scale, can raised Litt et al. (2003) research about the psychometric characteristics of MMPI-A scale as did, to survey 242 adolescents (121 boys and 121 girls), to survey the construct validity of the present scale around the scale factor structure, it was shown that the mentioned scale has six main factors and each of these factors, the Eigen value beyond the 1 showed. Analyzed of scale that took place about the Reliability, Reliability coefficients showed that the scale mentioned in the desirable Reliability and 0.78 – 0.85 in the field of internal consistency with alpha reliability coefficients Cronbach, the clinical applications of this test are emphasized for adolescents. Ben- Porath and Forbey (2003), during the validity and reliability of the scale MMPI-2, meta-analysis technique, predictive validity McAndrew alcoholism scale scores in the 161 and all research conducted in 161 study subjects who were around 31,320 people, as the samples considered. Then, try to toward the correct classification with emphasis on cut-off point of 24 to 0.70 and 0.72. In order to calculate Reliability coefficients were determined using two methods Cronbach alpha and test - retest, numbers 0.82 and 0.84 as the optimum Reliability coefficients were obtained. Finally, as can be that alcoholism scale of MMPI-2 validity and reliability and has good prediction power alcoholism among adolescents and young adults offers. Kamierczak et al. (2005) to survey the reliability and validity of alcoholism scale MMPI-2, 120 men treated for alcoholism, which were examined after the above scale validity coefficients through Spearman-Brown test and methods spilit-half figure 0.87 have reported. Also, using the coefficient of reliability test-retest number 0.89 for the test has reported above. Also, for the differential validity of the above scale separation, alcoholism scale scores of the men with alcoholism other men were treated, were compared and significant differences between them, respectively. Thus, the rate coefficient was obtained in 0.75. Arbisi and Seime (2006), about the research that validitation and reliabilitation of MMPI-2 scale were done, in order to determine the scale tendency of alcohol MMPI-2 validity concurrent validity, criterion used to determine the action brought, after calculating the correlation coefficient between MMPI-2 scale with the MMPI-A scale count of 0.64 have reported. Also, to Construct Validity scales mentioned software using the LISREL confirmatory factor analysis and was determined to pay scale shall have a validity criterion (same type) and Construct Validity (Factor). It should mentioned that the validity of the scale shall differential validity is also desirable. Scale scores obtained in clinical samples from alcoholism in two groups of people with mental disorder and substance abuse with normal subjects, showed no significant difference between two groups. In order to calculate reliability coefficients obtained showed that the numbers 0.85 and 0.87 scale shall, in addition to authentic validity is also good. Archer et al. (2006), the research reliabilitation and Validation of Minnesota multiphasic personality Inventory-restructured clinical (MMPI-2RF) MMPI-RC pay scale and calculate the criterion validity of the type concurrent with tendency to scale, MMPI-A alcohol began. They validated the method used a mixed group validation procedure. The method by Dawes and Meehl in 1965 was reported. Using this method, two specific groups studied were identified. The first group was those in the field of family history of alcohol abuse showed the second group was those who score above 24 on the scale of MMPI-RC tendency were obtained to alcohol. Overlapping between the two of the type groups was calculated as the validity coefficient and Range of validity coefficient concurrent criteria with emphasis on time was obtained between 0.82 and 0.92. Therefore, researchers concluded that the tendency towards alcohol scale MMPI-RC has good concurrent validity, and it can identify teens at risk for alcoholism to be used. Review related research in the addiction potential scale will raise the research. Camara et al. (2002), which psychometric characteristics of addiction proneness scale of 338 students began with a sample size, was determined from the mentioned scale has high sensitivity. In order to investigate validity coefficients calculated from the present scale test-retest methods (4-week intervals) in order to determine the stability coefficient and Kooder – Richardson in order to determine the internal consistency questions were used and were determined that the resulting figures were 0.87 and 0.89 are coefficients indicating reliability is desired coefficients. Cochrane, Tett and Vandecreek (2003), research by the addiction proneness scale if they were considered, for construction proneness scale of Addiction, 706 samples as a sample of healthy or unwonted female and 434 male samples and 164 female samples drug addicts. Also, sample 120 male psychotic and 90 psychotic female sample were considered unwonted hospital as the experimental groups. Reliability scales in assessing proneness addiction, while construct a scale, the different subjects mentioned were lots of similar environments. The data indicate that this scale can be a good talent among addiction and mental illness abuse is allowed substances consumer differentiation. In research of Borum and Grisso (2003), the reference in criterion validity, internal consistency and effective diagnostic statistics in the field of complementary scales drugs of abuse was performed to evaluate more accurately the scale psychometric characteristics McAndrew alcoholism, was discussed addiction proneness scale. Sample size 69 patients with chronic alcoholic subjects and 51 healthy controls, were studied to compare the results showed that the addiction proneness scale has good internal consistency coefficients Kooder - Richardson higher than 0.80 was obtained for this scale.

Research of Archer (2004), about the validity and reliability of the scale addiction proneness, with addiction proneness scale refer Construct Validity and the statistical analysis using statistical analysis and approved the higher Eigen value of 1.5. All the factors have a higher loading factor of 0.3. Also, all questions have validity and content validity is formal. In the domain of reliability coefficients calculated using the alpha and Cronbach and spilit-half to test the resulting coefficients were 0.89 and 0.92 , both coefficients statistically optimal method and test – retest , scale reliability coefficients The resulting equivalent is 0.91. Finally, he concluded that the scale of proneness addiction can have validity and reliability is desirable. Watkins (2004), research about supplemental MMPI scales and then addiction proneness scale, and that Article 228 in order to estimate reliability instruments shall put in metaanalysis method and was used statistical calculations. Through reliability generalization methods coefficients to previous research, their reliability coefficients reported 0.70. Morey (2007), the study compared validity and reliability coefficients of three scales addiction proneness, the MMPI-2 and scale McAndrew payment methods and internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) and stability coefficient (test-retest), the reliability coefficients of three scales pay scales that were mentioned coefficients 0.79, 0.82 and 0.84 in the method and coefficients alpha Cronbach 0.77, 0.81 , 0.82 was obtained by test-retest. Miller (2007), during the survey proneness addiction of young male and female talent in the age range of 18 to 25 years were, addiction proneness scale used to evaluate the operation and brought questions of internal consistency-Cronbach alpha method used in young males 0.87 and female youth 0.85 has been reported. Also, to assess the validity factor, confirmatory factor analysis with varimax rotation the norm and the Eigen value 1.5 and have used the act was reported that all questions had high internal consistency involved with each other and only one operating. Ben-Porath and Tellegen (2008), about Standardization, reliabilitation, and addiction proneness was validation scale, scale, proneness addiction on 250 male individuals addicted to alcohol and 250 healthy men in the age range of 20 to 30 were run. Psychometric properties with reference to the present study, is proposed that the present scale of validity and reliability coefficients is desirable. Thus, the reliability coefficient test-retest number 0.78 and using reliability coefficients Kooder-Richardson number 0.82, indicating validity coefficients is desirable. In order to calculate concurrent validity, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to measure the relationship between addiction proneness scale was paid McAndrew coefficient obtained in figure 0.48 significant; coefficient obtained in α=0.01. Also to factor validity, Exploratory factor analysis using the act and it was shown that the scale of proneness drug related indicators highly correlated with each other shows and actually all of them a talent agent named form of addiction. In acknowledgment to review research related to addiction scale, such as mentioned by Friedman et al. (2001), internal consistency scale acknowledgment of addiction and alcoholism addiction proneness scale internal McAndrew higher. In addition to internal consistency advantage addiction scale acknowledgment, the incremental Validity and added it as a good measure to predict the acknowledgment of addiction with emphasis on areas talks about argumentative, impulsive and antisocialism. It should be mentioned that the above scale reliability coefficients higher than 0.87 using the formula coefficients have validated all of which are indicated high reliability coefficients. Dana (2004), in order to standardize the scale acknowledgment of addiction, which can make a Spanish version of MMPI-2 and note that this scale has the characteristics desirable for standardization because the equivalency of psychoticism constructs between cultures, ethno-psychological conceptualizations of mental health reflected has been developed in the questions.

Also, the scale acknowledgment criterion validity with the type of concurrent with addiction proneness scale is the correlation coefficients and 0.41. Also, the above scale using coefficient alpha and test Cronbach and test-retest, 0.89 has been reported. Finally, research Kordmirza (2009) in the field of psychometric characteristics of scales of MMPI-2 supplementary was material addiction, volunteers treated 108 addicts and 500 students from four groups of medicine education, the arts, humanities and technical and engineering universities in Tehran were selected as samples. Once addicted, and unwonted in the two groups was considered to compare these two groups to investigate the validity was discussed differential or discriminat. Findings related reliability coefficients showed that the acknowledgment scales, drug addiction, alcoholism Modified McAndrew addiction and proneness were reliability coefficients with 0.78, 0.81 and 0.85. Considering cronbach alpha values can be reliability scales mentioned in internal consistency cited. Dehkordian (2001), as well as research in diagnostic individuals at risk of drug abuse in Iran, entitled "Construction and Standardization of diagnostic test subjects exposed to drug abuse among students in public universities did in Tehran. In this study, 60 questions related supplementary scales tendency was used to addiction MMPI-2. In this study samples from 90 addicts and 520 students from four groups, Medicine Education, Arts, Engineering and Humanities at Tehran University who were enrolled, of which two were experimental and control groups were studied. reliability of this test method Kooder-Richardson, cronbach alpha ranges were 0.78, and 0.81, respectively. Also, research by Minouie (2006) psychometric characteristics of scales toward addiction in adolescents in Tehran in the schools of education related to Tehran was conducted to investigate the exact validity differential using independent groups t test were paid in two groups of addicts and Students. Findings related to psychometric analysis showed that the scales of addiction can be separated from adverse drug users who have had substance abuse and should be mentioned validity subscale differential cited.

In this study, the mean scores of addict samples equal 5.21 and non-drug samples (students) equal to 4.81 has been referring to the mean value can be related to the tendency to standardize emphasized the scales of addiction. In addition, the reliability coefficients were calculated using Cronbach alpha, indicating internal consistency than 0.70 respectively. On the other hand, standardization of scales tendency to addiction MMPI-ARF and even the MMPI- 2RF is increasingly important because in the fields of prevention and can ensure accurate measurements in the incidence of addiction is effective. Since the personality profiles and life styles as predisposing factors for drug use and drugs known stimulator of the logs can be valid in the Inventory of psychological psychopathology to identify psychological mechanisms are talking to the brings of addiction act. Scales of MMPI-ARF tendency to addiction, including advanced and developed Instruments is an important contribution in identifying trends teens about abuse taking offers. Given the importance of scales tendency to addiction, which scales as supplementary MMPI-ARF is known essential to their case could be validated and put the accreditation norms for quantitative and qualitative studies in the context of more accurate identification of adolescents at risk or those tendency would work to have addiction. Finally, the tendency to standardize the scales of drug combination is corrected scale McAndrew alcoholism, addiction proneness scale and scale acknowledgment of addiction and seeking compliance with the culture of Iranian youth in the area of psychometric measures of effective identification and prevention of addiction.

Emphasized that the tendency to standardize the scales of addiction can complete information for the identification of cut-off point, and even teenagers at risk of substance to offer, prepared essential Instruments to the prevention of addiction is not only precious and economically cost-effective is but in the field of therapeutic efficacy and changes are continuing. Therefore, the process of standardization in IRAN country psychological scales, was faced with many problems and design the main question is as follows: whether the scale tendency to addiction, optimal psychometric characteristics of adolescents in Tehran, has or not? With emphasis on three scales constructive tendency to addiction in Minnesota multiphasic Inventory three questions below as applied to minor:

- identify high school students in Tehran that are addict acknowledgment scale to substance abuse favorable psychometric properties (validity, reliability and norm quality and quantity) is or not?

- addict proneness scale to identify high school students in Tehran that are prone to substance abuse, the psychometric characteristics desired (validity, reliability and norm quality and quantity) is or not?

- MacAndrew Alcoholism scale to identify high school students in Tehran that exposed and are susceptible to alcohol abuse, the psychometric characteristics desired (validity, reliability and software quality and quantity) is or not?

Materials and Methods

We realize survey type normalization with emphasis on standardization and its trend. In areas of development and standardization, research test should emphasize in process standardization. In the process of compiling and standardizing collection of psychological tests and even Inventory personality, should spend the different steps and measures with special emphasis on specific skills, if that. In these cases, as measures related to the research stages, which are considered a special delicacy and complexity and has a growing sensitivity to need. In this research, with emphasis on some parameters of standardization designs what had dealt with three successive phases, which are as follows:

Phase I: measures related to theoretical literature and history of research

Browse deep psychological theories about personality characteristics associated with alcohol and drug Inventory with emphasis on personality and multi Minnesota took the theories and research related to that criticism and were, people like Wade and Butcher research, Miller, Friedman, Wong, Archer, and Dana in line with the three personality scales multiphasic Minnesota or MMPI-2RF (revised alcoholism scale MacAndrew scale talent Addiction Admission Scale) were evaluated narrowly and to develop theories about issues related to standardization Scale with tendency of addiction and paid travel for it and were developed the theoretical second season. In this process, all research related to validity and reliability of these scales were used in past years. The first stage of the final outcome, Minnesota multiphasic select Inventory of personality characteristics of MMPI-A were identified with emphasis on the MMPI-2RF version in (2007), was reviewed and revised scale was found Tuesday subscales MacAndrew alcoholism, addiction proneness scale and scale acknowledgment of this drug Inventory, also has good psychometric properties. All artifacts associated with the first phase or actions related to theoretical and research background, led to this study was that the second season, will be developed.

Phase II: measures related to Persian version of the scale developed tendency to addiction MMPI-A

At this stage, staff, expert consultants, reviewers and Examiners were related to team development and scales standardization complementary of Persian version of the materials list MMPI-A were determined. The main axis of the process of development and standardization these people and should be considered the expert consultants with technical guidelines and operational Examiners measures the path data collection, the main frameworks to reviewers and provide the team and integrated through the above process, to the development and compiling an Inventory of trends with emphasis on addiction MMPI-ARF began to Inventory. After compiling and sampling method to determine the sampling units, mentioned on the Measure 30 the study, conducted and a brief report about the difficulty index, incomprehensibility questions and perform certain facilities essential for communicating with the subjects and cases such as this, were prepared. The report led to revision of several questions and questions with little emphasis on the cultural conditions, social and economic process of our country, matching were reviewed, thus, try-Out Edition was designed. Once the qualitative and quantitative analysis was done and some questions about the guidelines in the process, the Examiners were used and considered psychometric analysis, try-Out Edition developed and performed on 30 person. Try-Out Edition implementation, in addition to partial reform review process, some questions, training and paid careful examiner process, Inventory three tendencies to addiction (alcoholism Modified MacAndrew, proneness and acknowledgment drug addiction), the action was taken under standard conditions. outcome at this stage, we can create conditions for standardizing the same conditions with emphasis on implementation and scoring to Examiners and cited the same environmental conditions. Also, the final published edition was designed to define a brief, within the first part framework and third research were provided.

Phase III: the implementation of measures related Inventory

At this stage that the final Inventory for the standardization process has been developed, a field sample groups under normal and clinical samples are considered. Normative sample of adolescents that focused unwonted Drug and alcohol do not experience an addiction like habit and are known as healthy specimens. Versus normal samples or samples unwonted, a sample was selected for clinical drug and related measures in this way was to be followed for implementing Inventory in four different layers with emphasis on addiction and sex factor, the experimental data can be collected.

At this stage as the third phase or Inventory implementation and clinical norm groups is known, the number of professional Examiners 10 with a master's degree and working in each of 100 samples of normal subjects and 10 clinical samples and other experimental data Inventory with the aim of performing statistical analysis and psychometric characteristics of MMPI-A in the Persian version of associated software, entered and this was done through the standardization process.

Statistical Population: However, in researches related to standardization, the term target population is remembered as a population, but in the present research attempted to target population with emphasis on the so-called Infinite population characteristics mentioned above will be paid and raised, all boys and girls 14 to 18 years in Tehran and its suburbs were considered as Infinite target population. It should be mentioned that due to the precise list above does not exist for community members should use the term infinite. With emphasis on population levels of society, as two teenagers addicted and unwonted as applied, should the second layer or drug samples as a society can learn emphasized because teenagers can be hard in school in Tehran and identified them in a list said. However, the samples adolescent female addicts, focusing was done.

Sample and sampling method: Emphasized that the list was not accurate for the research population and clinical samples cannot be easily or addicted teenagers to be selected and sampling , direct research samples used for selection will act, should be considered that had adequate sample size and power estimation of parameter through Statistics exist. Therefore, the following table with emphasis on two layers of adolescent sex and status of adolescent drug addiction is presented:


Table 1. The population with emphasis on study groups

It should be mentioned in each Region to select 100 samples each normalized to the sample in two groups of 50 female and 50 male samples were divided into 10 clinical samples including 5 girls and 5 boys are addicted, the same selection comprise Region. All observers related to geographical regions, at least 5 year experience in research and have a Examiner and licensed professional employment or permit the legal organization and counseling psychology are using precious experiences in education, especially counseling and addiction centers, to collect experimental data accurately addressed and increased psychological specificity learning subjects. According to this research and the importance of a comprehensive sampling standardization research (Ben–Porath, 2007) with emphasis on sensitivity and sample size determination in researches, especially research and standardization in this research, geographic region with emphasis on sampling units discussed below are coming:


Table 2. The population with emphasis on layers Region

Finally, with respect to characteristics related to ethics in the research process, Full Name addicted subjects and authorities that the necessary cooperation, respectively, which were confidential status in societies and centers related will also apply to addiction.

Statistical models: After compiling the final version and its implementation in both normal and clinical groups of male and female, to calculate validity coefficients paid through three different tests–retest, spilit-half and internal consistency, the three scales of validity coefficients were calculated for drug disposition. Thus, through the test - retest with 14 days interval for 50 normal samples and 10 clinical samples were evaluated in this way obtained until stability coefficients. In addition, the method for spilit-half Cronbach alpha for internal consistency was used to calculate average and standard error and average reliability coefficient was paid. Also, confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS and LISREL software used and minimum 5 fit index, to provide documents in the domain of validity of the experimental was discussed construct validity. By t-test using two independent groups, to calculate the differential validity of each question and each subscales divided in two groups of normal (unwonted) and clinical (drug) was paid in this way was to be tried differential for the validity of each question, each subscales and total scales tendency to addiction, can be determined. The question analysis indicators, calculated on the factor index, discriminate coefficient for each of the questions were trying to test and use two independent ratio for each of the three detailed tendency to addiction, accurate was obtained information. Analysis in order to discriminate or complementary indicators of psychological questions that can be accurately distinguished the two groups have unwonted addict and was placed in a new Inventory and then using Impressionism operation characteristics curve (ROC) to identify exact cut-off point addressed and sensitivity, and characterized accuracy above Inventory using advanced psychometric theories, respectively.



Table 3. Test of two independent questions related to "Major Addiction" To assess the validity of separating

Due to the significant level of scales observed in Table 4, significant differences between the two groups and there are addicts and scale "tendency to addiction," with differential validity that can be divided in two groups of normal and addicted to separate from each other.


Table 4. Differential validity related scales, "tendency to Addiction"

According to Table 5, which can be as subscales "tendency to addiction," the lowest reliability coefficients and has good psychometric characteristics with emphasis on internal consistency does not have a high measurement error shows. Whereas, subscales "addiction proneness" and " acknowledgment of addiction" reliability coefficients have been desirable, and finally, the scale "tendency to addiction (total)" reliability coefficients is desirable.


Table 5. The reliability coefficients internal consistence scales "tendency to addiction"

According to Table 6, with emphasis on the rate coefficients between the two half-tests (even-odd) that everyone, except the "proneness addiction in are significant, the scale is considered" tendencyarehab, at α=0.01 to Addiction, authentic and has the internal consistency.


Table 6. To investigate the reliability coefficients internal consistence scales "tendency to addiction"

According to Table 7 with emphasis on the rate coefficients between the test phase and retest that everyone, except the "tendency to alcohol abuse are significant, are considered the tendency in addicts, in α= 0.01 to addiction scale, with validity stable.


Table 7. Test - Retest reliability coefficients evaluate Stability coefficient scales "tendency to addiction


Table 8. Norm of quantitative scales "tendency to addiction"


Table 9. Norm of Quality scales "tendency to addiction"


Table 10. Psychometric properties related scales "tendency to addiction"

Considering that the situation in order to identify trends in drug samples of male and female adolescents, the difference was not significant, therefore, to provide quality software related cut points for both groups of male and female adolescents, the same as that used in the table above, indicating the quality of presentation software is for teenagers.


Major findings based on the tendency to addiction scale: using exploratory factor analysis, it was found that of these scales have not the construct validity. Also, the differential, proportion test and t-test methods using two independent groups was performed and the results indicated that the tendency to addiction Inventory the three subscales tendency to alcohol, addiction proneness, acknowledgement, and tendency to drug addiction (overall), has validity and is capable of separating two groups of normal adolescents addicted to separate from each other. While the emphasis on gender was found that the Inventory mentioned tendency to separate boys and girls are not addictive. This means that scores of two groups of boys and girls were similar and the same.

Major findings based on the reliability scale tendency to Addiction: using alpha Cronbach and spilit-half test the internal consistency of the questions addressed and ultimately was found that the tendency to addiction Inventory the three subscales tendency to alcohol, addiction proneness, acknowledgement and Addiction Major Addiction (overall), the reliability coefficients desirable and desirable (with emphasis on alpha cronbach) has. While using the Pearson correlation to survey the correlation between the two tests it was found that half of all reliability coefficients higher than this situation indicates that the high correlation α= 0.01 at 0.50 between the test and could be half as be mentioned that is desirable the Inventory of internal consistency. In order to calculate the stability test questions methods, test-retest using Pearson correlation and it was found that all correlation coefficients above 0.60 status indicates that the high correlation between the two implemented (test – retest) and as can be mentioned that the Inventory is stable.

Major findings based on the norm scale tendency to addiction: norm in order to provide qualitative and quantitative, the mean and standard deviation (to provide qualitative norm) and cut points (to provide qualitative norm) was used to the fact that significant differences between two groups of girls and son has not been observed statistically, therefore, the norm mentioned separately (male and female separately) on this topic and refused to provide only general is to soft. The following table represents a quantitative presentation norm:

The findings of this study compared with the scale of tendency to alcohol: The results of this study emphasize research of preng & clopton (1986), about the validity of differential Inventory tendency to alcohol, and Gottesman & prescott (1989), about the validity construct, and Ackerman and Ackerman (1997) and Arbisi and seime (2006), about the construct validity, is opposed because the scale of these studies have a tendency towards alcohol Construct Validity is the scale, while the tendency towards alcohol in this study have not Construct Validity. Also, research Ben-Porath and Butcher (1989), about cronbach alpha, and Gottesman & prescott (1989), about the differential validity, Allen (1991), about the validity coefficient alpha Cronbach, spilit-half, and test–retest, Ben-Porath & sherwood (1993), about norm quality, Butcher and Han (1995), about cronbach alpha reliability coefficients, Arbisi & Ben-Porath (1995), Duran Internal consistency questions about using the two methods and cronbach alpha & testretest, and Ackerman & Ackerman (1997), Duran questions about Internal consistency using two methods cronbach alpha and test-retest, Litt, Babor, DelBoca, Kadden and Cooney (2003), Duran questions about Internal consistency using two methods cronbach alpha and test-retest method, Ben-Porath and Forbey (2003), Duran questions about Internal consistency using two methods cronbach alpha and test-retest method, Kamierczak, Smyth and Wodarski (2005), about spilit-half the test using the Modified Spearman–Brown, Arbisi and Seime (2006), Duran Internal consistency questions about using the two methods and cronbach alpha test-retest, Archer, Buffington-Vollum, Stredny and Handel (2006), about spilit-half the test using the Modified Spearman - Brown and alpha is coordinated cronbach because all the research also raised reliability coefficients is higher than 0.70 and 0.90 and also in the study except two methods cronbach alpha and test-retest reliability and spilit-half coefficients is higher than 0.70.

The findings of this study compared with the scale of addiction proneness: Research findings of this study Butcher, Dahlstrome, Graham, and Tellegen-Keammer (1989), and Ben-Porath and Tellegen (1995), and Boccaccini and Brodsky (1999), Gallagher, somwaru and Ben-Porath (1999), Camara, Nathan & Puente (2002), and Borum and Grisso (2003), Archer (2004), Watkins (2004), Murray (2007), Morey (2007), and Ben- Porath and Tellegen (2008), Duran Scaling questions about the reliability coefficients with two methods and Cronbach alpha test-retest, Cochrane, Tett & Vandecreek (2003), about the reliability and validity of differential, Cronbach alpha and testretest, is coordinated. While the Miller research (2007) about the validity of differential with emphasis on gender and research and Ben- Porath and Tellegen (2008), about the construct validity opposes because the validity of this study divided between boys and girls and Construct Validity has not been observed.

Compare the results of this study scale acknowledgement of addiction: current research findings and Gottsman & prescott Research (1989), questions about internal consistency, Hightower (1992), about the internal consistency and stability questions, Green and Roger (1994), about the validity differential, Ben-Porath (1997), about the validity of differential, Wong & Besett (1999), about the differential validity and internal consistency, Friedman, Lewak, Nicholas and Webb (2001), Dana (2004), Kordmirza (1999), Dehkordian (2001) and Minouie (2006), as well as questions about the internal consistency, a significant differential of validity, consistency. Finally, considered in addition to overseas researches of researches within the country in the field reliability & validity scale has been tendency to addiction, can Kordmirza Research (1998), Dehkordian (2001) and Minouie (2006) noted that three research questions to Major alcohol addiction proneness addiction and acknowledgement with higher reliability coefficients 0.70 and also has some validity is that the differential are used in Iran.
