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Case Report - (2024) Volume 7, Issue 2

Stages of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease can be Differentiated by Declines in Timed Up and Go Test: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Felipe de Oliveira Silva*
Department of Mental Health, Federal University, Ponta Grossa, Brazil
*Correspondence: Felipe de Oliveira Silva, Department of Mental Health, Federal University, Ponta Grossa, Brazil, Email:

Received: 28-Jul-2020, Manuscript No. IPAD-24-5468; Editor assigned: 31-Jul-2020, Pre QC No. IPAD-24-5468 (PQ); Reviewed: 14-Aug-2020, QC No. IPAD-24-5468; Revised: 01-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. IPAD-24-5468 (R); Published: 29-Jul-2024, DOI: 10.36648/ipad.24.7.12


In Alzheimer's disease, cognition now responds to several drugs. Anti-cholinesterase’s target the acetylcholine deficit. In mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease, they all provide significant benefit versus placebo on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Schedule Cognitive section (ADAS-Cog), side effects, in 5% to 15% of cases, include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia and dizziness. Tacrine, the leading anti-cholinesterase, caused frequent hepatic enzyme elevation and was withdrawn; once-daily donepezil spares the liver and improves global measures of change in severe dementia; rivastigmine is indicated in comorbid vascular disease; at the same time as galaniamine modulates the cerebral nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that potentiate the reaction to acetylcholine. Alternative agents encompass the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, memaniine, certified in Europe for fairly extreme to severe Alzheimer's disease; it acts on a different neurotransmitter gadget present in 70% of neurons, protective towards pathologic glutamergic activation at the same time as keeping or restoring physiologic glutamergic activation. The clinician's armamentarium in AD has by no means been greater.

Motor dysfunction increases in the moderate and severe stages of dementia. However, there is still no consensus on changes in mobility during its early stages. This meta-analysis aimed to measure the level of single-task functional mobility in older subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and/or Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). In a search of the PubMed, ISI Web of knowledge and Scopus databases, 2,728 articles were identified. At the end of the selection, a total of 18 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Functional mobility was investigated using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test in all studies. when compared to Healthy Elderly (HE) adults, the following Mean Differences (MD) in seconds were found for the investigated subgroups: No amnestic MCI (MD=0.26; CI 95%=-0.77, 1.29), amnestic MCI (MD=0.86; CI 95%=-0.02, 1.73), very mild AD (MD=1.32; CI 95%=0.63, 2.02), mild AD (MD=2.43; CI 95%=1.84, 3.01), mild-moderate AD (MD=3.01; CI 95%=2.47, 3.55) and mild-severe AD (MD=4.51; CI 95%=1.14, 7.88); for the groups, the following MD were found: MCI (MD=0.97; CI 95% =0.51, 1.44) and AD (MD=2.66; CI 95%=2.16, 3.15). These results suggest a transition period in motor capacity between healthy aging and dementia, wherein functional mobility analysis in a single-task (TUG) can contribute to the diagnosis and staging of predementia states and AD.


Alzheimer’s disease; Elderly; Mild cognitive impairment; Mobility; Dementia


This dementia is slowly progressive with prominent memory disturbance appearing early in the clinical presentation. As the disease progresses, other cognitive domains become involved and behavioural alterations also arise. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disorder and definitive diagnosis can only be made by post-mortem examination of the brain. The classic neuro-pathological features are neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles [1].

The best realized hazard factor for alzheimer's and different dementias is expanding age, however these issues are not a typical piece of maturing. While age builds chance, it's anything but an immediate reason for Alzheimer's. Most people with the illness are 65 and more established. After age 65, the danger of Alzheimer's pairs at regular intervals. After age 85, the hazard arrives at almost 33%.

Case Presentation

Normal Aging

Implicit to a discussion of AD and mild cognitive impairment is knowledge about cognitive changes of normal aging [2]. Characterization of these cognitive changes remains an active area of research, with no agreement on the nature or degree of impairment or the pathological substrate of that clinical picture. Consequently, the characterization of early changes of mild cognitive impairment remains difficult. Normative data on a variety of neuropsychological tests for individuals up to age 100 years exists, as do criticisms of these data. Some argue that existent normative data are contaminated by the inclusion of persons who would meet current definitions of mild cognitive impairment and consequently the norms reflect more impairment than should be expected as a consequence of “normal aging”. Exclusion of these individuals from the normative data presents a conundrum and the recursive logic necessary to do so make this impractical if not impossible [3].

A meta-analysis investigating cognitive impairment prior to the diagnosis of AD indicated that preclinical deficits in global functioning, episodic memory, perceptual speed and executive functioning were indicative of the subsequent development of AD. Among episodic memory parameters, delayed recall procedures produced the largest effect sizes and the authors concluded that deficits in multiple cognitive domains preceded the clinical development of AD.

Research to more precisely delineate cognitive changes associated with normal aging may allow more accurate interpretation of very early cognitive changes and prediction of their pathologic substrates [4]. At present, clinical judgment remains the best means of assessing mild cognitive impairment.


Dementia implies a cognitive decline of sufficient severity to compromise a person’s daily function [5]. While diagnostic criteria vary depending upon dementia subtype, general features such as those found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III R (DSM III-R) remain useful. In general, they require memory impairment beyond what would be normal for aging and impairment of at least one other cognitive domain such as attention, language, visuospatial skills or problem solving. These deficits are of sufficient severity to compromise daily functional activities and do not occur in the setting of altered sensorium such as delirium or an acute confusional state. Once this type of cognitive impairment has been determined, the clinician must then determine the underlying nature of the dementia [6]. In the DSM III-R definition, memory impairment is an essential feature of dementia. While this is true of many dementias, it is conceivable that patients with frontotemporal dementia or a lewy body dementia might present with significant impairment of non-memory cognitive domains early in the disorder. Nevertheless, the DSM III-R criteria provide a practical reference point, particularly for Alzheimer’s disease.

In an elderly person with gradually progressive amnestic disorder which has advanced to involve non-memory cognitive domains to a degree that these changes affect daily functioning, AD is the most likely diagnosis [7].

Results and Discussion

Various sorts of dementia are related with specific kinds of synapse harm specifically areas of the cerebrum. For instance, in Alzheimer's infection, significant levels of specific proteins inside and outside synapses make it hard for synapses to remain solid and to speak with one another. The mind area called the hippocampus is the focal point of learning and memory in the cerebrum and the synapses in this district are frequently the first to be harmed [8]. That is the reason cognitive decline is regularly perhaps the most punctual side effect of Alzheimer's (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Quantitative and qualitative synthesis.


Alzheimer's malady represents 60%-80% of cases. Vascular dementia, which happens due to infinitesimal draining and vein blockage in the mind, is the second most regular reason for dementia. The individuals who experience the mind changes of numerous sorts of dementia all the while have blended dementia. There are numerous different conditions that can cause side effects of dementia, including some that are reversible, for example, thyroid issues and nutrient insufficiencies.

Dementia is regularly mistakenly alluded to as "infirmity" or "decrepit dementia," which mirrors the previously boundless however wrong conviction that genuine mental decrease is an ordinary piece of maturing.

Dementia is brought about by harm to synapses. This harm meddles with the capacity of synapses to speak with one another. At the point when synapses can't convey regularly, figuring, conduct and sentiments can be influenced. The cerebrum has numerous unmistakable areas, every one of which is liable for various capacities (for instance, memory, judgment and development).

At the point when cells in a specific locale are harmed, that district can't complete its capacities ordinarily.


Citation: Silva FO (2024) Stages of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease can be Differentiated by Declines in Timed Up and Go Test: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Alz Dem. 7:12.

Copyright: © 2024 Silva FO. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.