Research Article - (2012) Volume 2, Issue 5
1Alborz Province Education Organization, Karaj, Iran
2Department of Physical Education, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
The purpose of this investigation was to investigate athletics, coaches and boards responsibilities watchtower about the ways for progress championship rowing sport in the country. 50 national teams athletics, 76 coaches, 21 boards chiefs were selected. The investigation variables including 35 cases that were classified in seven groups mold with principle analysis factors. The results showed that every three group athletics, coaches and boards chiefs associate between seventh groups variables in this investigation (maintaining more extraterritorial competitions, maintaining two or many-sided camps with famous countries, maintaining long-term camps and accompanying coaches, athletics and federation responsible goals). From total studying groups watchtower, more important factors in progress country rowing sport championship dimension from 35 variables, was to increase ski equipment, support and multilateral protect from physical-education organization and use psychologist for athletics and provide future career for national team's athletics.
Coaches, Athletics, Large-Provinces Boards, Progress, Rowing
Education –training and sport have different dimensions, among them physical, mental and social dimensions .that each of them are discussable considering influence and efficiency. One of physical-education dimension is championship dimension. Success in country sport championship dimension in extraterritorial competitions can show political stability, government power and positive view commanding in a society and also worthiness and merits bungling a country. In the championship sports the most important factor is athletic and managerial structure championship sport distinction with essential and administration championship sport managing under of federation sports view and insertion each field in namesake sport federation for can omit limitation possibilities and budget [6]. Among this rowing sport is one of the most pleasure field sports, because exactly in nature was engage to power physic and mental. This sport was established about 43 years ago in Tehran suburb in Amirkabir dam. In 1974 with established Azadi stadium, rowing exercise accomplished in artificial lake [7]. Rowing federation accomplish actions for progress this field in public dimension and championship dimension. If we judge fairly, this action collection were valuable. Achieving two grades in quiet water fields in championship matches in Asia and Asia host championship are among this successful. But in spite of accomplish actions, rowing is a field in Iran that don’t propose in worldly level, and Olympic and in spite of technical information in the country, rowing sport has much distance with championship. Also in Asia games level achieves a lot of medals but never we can't achieve team preference place (rowing development document since 2004-2008 rowing federation and hydro ski 2009) [3]. Now, with notice to that Iran is a country that young have with suitable physics conditions that have necessary indicators this field, also with have different resources of dams and lakes for establish rowing ski in each region of country can progress different rowing field to at the end with creating championship stairs and suitable finding talent from each of this regions, we can achieve a lot of this human capitals [4]. Achieving two Olympic arrows in Olympic 2000 Biejng games with Iranian athletics showing Iran rowing have high potential, and if we have more notice to this field can achieve valuable positions such in this background people expect and responsibilities sports and non-sports are increase and demand more successful in international squares imitation in Asia, worldly and Olympic matches. So to reach these goals can use from ways for designing execution plans, techniques and organized experiences, scientist results (rowing federation site of Islamic Republic of Iran). Because of these cases, researcher wants with description athletics, coaches and large provinces boards chiefs watchtower, recognize necessary ways for promotion rowing sport championship level by this way, can help to grow and development rowing sport with show ways and using them. In fact, one of the reason that successful in rowing sport repetition rarely is lake of investigate and this affairs exact study and high expectation of championship sport rapidly speed grow from zero to hundred (rowing development document since 2004-2008 rowing federation and water ski 2009) [2].
Advance is a processes and championship sport grow is progress rapidly, but this progress is slowly in our country with notice to these problems. So the necessary of research is promotion country rowing level ways from managers, involves, rowing watchtower investigate and use their watchtower for well-being and progress this field. In the country for watching more shine in international squares. Rowing federation can with awareness of that what plans and ways for arrived to championship levels are need using this ideas and certainly with notice to assembly ideas from people that have some year experience attention in international squares and some people that troubled for progress this sport and can program in and at last to end the right executive decisions in the federation finding root of disappointments reason and analysis about that beside anxiety successes have many help for searching this field. That must engage to this issue with help from priorities, involves, this field with perfect reaction. In this investigation effort is that with observation description three group coaches, athletics and board chiefs following the ways of rowing sport progress beside aware three groups from each other observation in this ground. Cause of cooperation this group ground better performance this program [1].
This investigation kind was cause-comparative inquiry, collects related information from questionnaire and accomplished square shape. Investigation statistical community include all national rowing team athletics grown and young ages, coaches with international, national and two degree diploma, in all rowing fields and large-provinces boards chiefs, investigation pattern was including 147 participation that selection from casual classify sampling.
Measurement tool
This investigation measure tool was using from Mohammad- Hadi Ghasemi's questionnaire, that was using in 2005 in gymnastics field. That's performance measurement from primary study and Cronbach's alpha test (α=0.89) and appointed containing currency with expert people in this issue. The manner of gathering data was square. That studies groups participated with answer to questionnaire carefulness from people to answering to the questions before completing questionnaire give necessary description for take action in suitable time to answering to the questions. Also in questionnaire don't set any data about mention name or surname for people answering the questions with confidence. For distribution and gathering data, with rowing federation participation take action for distribution between athletics, coaches, arbiters and province chiefs, and then accomplish gathering relevant data with this case. Along maintain matches including calm water cup two competitions, league Kanopolvo competitions, Rowing country championship competitions, and other competitions in 2009 gathering data about athletics, coaches and arbiters, relevant information about large-province chiefs are gathering by calm-water committee e-mail way of analysis and assimilation data.
Statistical Analysis
For description investigation variables use from description statistics including plenty distribution schedule, percent, average standard deviation, action analysis.
The average of importance balance firs group variables including using from foreigner coach, body-building coach, nutrition expert psychologist and hours increase and number of exercise meetings, in progress rowing championship dimension between three groups showing that the chiefs (Average: 22.06) in comparison with exerciser (Average: 21.73) and coaches (Average: 21.5) accepting more importance for using foreigner coach, body-building coach, nutrition expert, psychologist and hours increase, and number exercise meetings. Also, from coaches watchtower, chiefs all of tests, using from psychologist for nation team athletics, and from athletics watchtower using from bodybuilding coach, have more importance in comparison with other cases.
Also, numbers of loading factor first groups ways showing from all tests watchtower that using from psychologist for national team athletics with loading factor 0.59, from using foreigner coach with 0.51, using from body-building coach with 0.42, using from nutrition expert with 0.41, and hours increase, and number of athletics table 1 is showing the related average to importance balance second group variables including coaches intellectual protection athletics intellectual protection, revenue from expert and educated physical-education field people, relations spreading with worldly federation and famous countries, starter investigations committee, programming existence and presence championship dimension from coaches, athletics and boards chiefs. The athletics accepting more importance in comparison with coaches and chiefs for intellectual protection coaches, intellectual protection athletics, using from expert and educated physical-education field people, relations spreading with worldly federation and famous countries, starter investigations committee, existence of planning and presence technician and experienced. Athletics watchtower spreading relations with worldly federation (ICF) and famous countries in rowing, and from coaches chiefs and all test watchtowers technical and experienced manager attendance as rowing federation direction have more importance than other cases. Also, number of loading factor second group ways showing from all tests watchtower that loading factor existence of programming in different actions are more with distinction 0.62 from loading factor relations spreading with worldly federation and famous countries in this field with 0.57, attendance of technical and experienced manager with 0.55, starter of investigations committee with 0.57, revenue from expert and educated people in physical-education field with 0.52, coaches intellectual protection with 0.51, and athletics intellectual protection with 0.51.
The related average to importance amount third group variables promotion of coaches technical and scientific level, control and supervision to coaches’ action, finding talent with scientific and specialized, establish boating steps, installations and equipment. In progress of country rowing championship dimension between three groups showing that coaches (Average: 27.50) in comparison the exercisers (Average: 26.12) and chiefs (Average: 26) accepting more importance for promotion of coaches technical and scientific knowledge level, control and supervision at coaches action, finding talent with scientific and specialized, establish rowing schools and installations and equipment. In the same manner that showed table 1 from athletics, coaches, chiefs, all tests watchtower increase rowing ski have more importance than other cases. Also the amount of loading factor third group ways from all tests watchtower showing that loading factor increase of rowing ski with 0.78 is more loading factor promotion coaches technical and scientific knowledge level with 0.74, equip rowing ski with 0.68, control and supervision on coaches activity with 0.68, finding talent with scientific and specialized way with 0.67 and establish rowing steps with loading factor 0.66 (Table 1).
The average related to amount of importance fourth group variable protection of physical education organization and Olympic national committee, coaches financial protection, athletics financial protection, attraction sponsor (financial protector) in progress country rowing championship dimension. In table 2 showing that coaches in comparison with athletics and chiefs accepting more importance for protection physical-education organization and Olympic national committee, financial of coaches, protection, exercisers financial protection and attraction sponsor.
Table 2 showing from athletics, coaches, chiefs, all tests watchtower support and multilateral protection from physical training organization and Olympics national committee have more importance in comparison with other cases. Also amount of loading factor fourth group ways from all tests watchtower showing that physical training organization and Olympics national committee with 0.77 have more loading factor than athletics financial protection with 0.63, attraction sports sponsors (financial protector) with 0.62, and financial protection with 0.52.
The average related to amount of importance of fifth group variables (concrete training system, extent rowing in primary schools, propaganda and federation budget) in progress of country rowing championship dimension in apparent three showed that exercisers in comparison with chiefs and coaches accepting more importance for concrete system, extent rowing in primary schools, propaganda and federation budget.
In the same manner that show table 3 from exercisers watchtower increase of federation budget and from coaches, chiefs and total tests watchtower spread using from propaganda have more importance in comparison with other cases. The amount of loading factor fifth group ways from total tests watchtower show that extent and spreading rowing in primary schools with loading factor 0.58. Have more loading factor than concrete training system with 0.56, increase of federation budget with 0.53 and using from spread propaganda and public advertising with 0.40.
The average about amount of importance sixth group variables (athletics leveling, provide future career, house and exercisers continue study conditions) in progress of country rowing sport championship dimension in table 4 showing that coaches in comparison with exercisers, and chiefs, accepting more importance for leveling, provide for future career, house and continue study conditions exercisers. In the same manner that table 4 showing from exercisers, coaches, chiefs and total test, provide for exercisers job the amount of loading factor sixth group ways from total fests watchtower showing that the way of provide for job future national team exercisers with 0.69 have more correlation with investigation subject in comparison with other cases.
The relevant average to amount of importance seventh group variables (matches, camps, accompanying goals) in progress country rowing championship dimension showing that coaches (Average:21.97) accepting more importance in comparison with exercisers (Average:20.30) and chiefs (Average:19.68) for matches, camps, accompanying goals. In the same manner that show in schedule from exercisers watchtower, coaches, chiefs and total tests maintaining more extraterritorial matches in rowing have more importance in comparison with other cases. Also, the amount of loading factor seventh group ways from total tests showing that maintaining two or many-sided camps with famous countries in rowing with 0.42 have more loading factor from maintaining more extraterritorial matches with 0.37, accompanying coaches, exercisers, federation responsible goals with 0.25 Maintaining long-term camps with 0.22 and maintaining inland matches with 0.049.
At all exercisers accepting more importance for sixth group variables (leveling, provide for job future, house, conditions of exercisers continue study) coaches accepting more importance for seventh group variables (matches, camps, accompanying goals) chiefs accepting more importance for seventh group variables (matches, camps, accompanying goals) and total tests accepting more importance for seventh group variables (matches, camps, accompanying goals).
The goal from this investigation was description of 3 groups coaches exercisers and board chiefs glances about the ways for progress boating sport in Iran. This investigation founds about first group variables have conformity with Sajadi (2002), Alipoor (2002), Ghasemi (2005), Alavi (2002), between first group variables coaches and boards chiefs admit. Much importance for using psychologist and exercisers for using body building coach in comparison with other cases. From all studying groups watchtower, using from psychologist have more importance, from the other side using from psychologist for national team exercisers have more loading factor in comparison with other cases with attention to up results it seems between first group ways, using from psychologist for country boating sport society was more effectiveness step for progress country boating championship sport .Technician, experienced and skillful manager as federation chief I more effective step in progress country rowing championship. This investigation findings about third group variables were conformity with Ghasemi (2005), Sajadi (2002) (running, fencing, football) Alipoor (2002), (tennis) Mahdavinia (2004), Ghafoori (2003). Between third group variables exerciser, coaches, boards chiefs, and total groups studying accepting more importance for increasing ski boat. In the other side increase ski boat have more factor load in comparison with other cases. With attention to this results it seems between third group ways, increase ski boat .from country boating society watchtower, is effectiveness step in progress country boating championship dimension. In 2001 published, associate political main with RYA (England Yachting constitution) with title facilities ways for rowing in this manifesto was pointing yet is rowing on the lake matches facilities with high quality and confirmation seven place for establish rowing academy. This is an important dimension in competition exercise in championship level. The cogitation of establish competition national center was the object of 3 separate report royal union RYA in decade 1970. The discussion of every 3 report was if Britain intended in different boating competition like Olympic stay in. It seems 3 studying groups (exercisers, coaches, boards chiefs) assessment fairly equal effective of coaches intellectual protection, exercisers intellectual protection, revenue from expert and educated people in physical education sport, spreading relations with International rowing federation (ICF) and famous countries, starter investigations committee and doing inquiry about rowing, existence programming and attendance technician and experienced manage as federation direction in progress country boating sport championship dimension. This issue is showing people's fairly equal watchtower in this background.
At all findings in this investigation about second group variables conformity with Alavi (2002), Sajadi (2002) (football, running, fencing), Ghafoori (2003). Between second group variables coaches and boards chiefs accepting more importance for using from technician experienced and skillful physical education manager as federation chief and exercisers for using from expert and educated people in comparison with other cases from total studying groups watchtower have more importance using from technician, experienced and skillful manager as federation chief, in other side existence programming in different actions for national team exercisers have most load factor in comparison with other cases with attention to this results it seems between second group ways, using from upper rowing teams must establish these centers. The results of this investigation about fourth group variables were conformity with Taghipoor (2007), (taekwondo) Ghasemi (2005) (gymnastics), Sajjadi (2002) (football) Alavi (2002), between fourth group variables athletics, boards, chiefs, coaches and total studying group accepting more importance for physical-education organization and national Olympic committee′s financial protection. From the other side physical training organization and national Olympic committee′s financial protection have more load factor in comparison with other cases with attention to this results it seems between fourth group ways physical education organization and national Olympic committee′s financial protection from country rowing sport society watchtower are effectiveness step in progress country rowing sport championship dimension. In fact Iran′s rowing to reaching upper place we need more activity and I hope with organization protections and to investing capital in this sport field present worldly medals for our country in the future this investigation findings about fifth group variables conformity with Ghasemi (2002), Alavi (2002), Ghafoori (2003). Between of fifth group variables, athletics accepting more importance for increase federation budget and coaches and boards chiefs for increase using of spread propaganda. From total studying watchtower groups, increase of using spread advertisement have more importance. From other side, expansion rowing at schools have more factor loading in comparison with other cases. With attention to this result, it seems between fifth group ways, using from spread advertisement from country rowing societies watchtower are the effectiveness step in progress country rowing. Between sixth group variables, total studying groups accepting more importance for provide athletics future career. In attention to before results it seems between sixth group ways providing future career national teams athletics from country rowing sport society watchtower effective step in progress country rowing sport championship dimension. About accompanying coaches athletics, and responsible goals conformity with Ghasemi′s founds (gymnastics). Between sixth group variables, total studying groups accepting more importance for maintain more extraterritorial competitions. From the other side it seems maintain many sided camps with famous countries have more load factor in comparison with other cases. With attention to these results it seems between seventh group ways extraterritorial competitions are most effective factor in progress country rowing sport championship dimension.