Research Article - (2013) Volume 3, Issue 1
1Department of Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran
This research accomplished to incipient, fourth grade pupil collate included of qualitative assessment plan with primitive assessment plan in feeling traits field and parents perception in Yazd town in educational year of 2011- 2012. The incipient fourth grade in governmental schools in primeval and descriptive plan (n= 8021) occupied in Yazd town. In this research (n=770) fourth grade pupil from descriptive assessment plan schools (85 girls and 85 boys) and also 770 subjects were randomly selected that accompanying with primeval assessment plan (85 girls and 85 boys). The measurement tools of this research consisted of (1) questions (life time quality) in school for measure feeling specialty and (2) questions made certain (parents' symbol looking). Data were analyzed by one variable (ANOVA and use of statistical) method and t independent. Results showed there was a significant difference between schools of incipient fourth grade pupil involve primeval and descriptive assessment plan in feeling area variable such as negative feeling in school looking in teachers. There was not any meaningful different between sociologyopportunity (acceptance related to useful of school) such as feeling of confidence to ability for success in school words and venture feeling of confidence and learning observation. Incipient and descriptive assessment did not have any meaningful difference.
Assessment, Measurement, Descriptive, Incipient assessment, Functional, creation, Looking and incipient grade
World with excellent metabolisms in economical fields, sociology and cultural is confronted in this changes organization arrangement is one of original basis is [3] for symphonious with this changes in all dimensions. Assessment is one of that and it is variable in quality. Continued descriptive one of looking learning is this process and knowledge area in incipient functional system assessment in forms of scarcity measure and comparative is with, instructor [9, 10]. This assessment with learning, stages. Degree of endeavor for learning is important and it is useless for teacher and pupil [6], measured this method is a qualitative method with multilateral learning that cause improvement skills knowledge in pupils many from authoring for measurement improvement pupil use knowledge [7] in 1998, Kiyamanesh et al, that improve success the incipient fourth grade pupil in mathematical, scenically, sciences, is lower in this researches pupil in mathematical lesson between 26 country degree of 25, lesson science between 24 country degree of 23 in improve between 35 country derived functional middle Iran pupil in mathematical, sciences lesson according to 100, 108, 81 from average international for this lessons is lower- results times 2007 and PERLEZ 2006 show that functional Iranian pupil in mathematical, sciences is upwards process from 2007 until 2006 with 7 number Iranian pupil in international is higher national result times and PERLEZ show that function country of Iran in all stage of times in years 95, 99, 2003, 2007 and PERLEZ 2001 and 2004 with functional international meaning is lower. Weak functional of Iranian pupil in this study for removal defects the title of improve step in year 2003-2004 base on this decide. Descriptive assessment plan by knowledge group from half December 2002 in 20 classes in first grade in 10 schools with 30 individual started in 2006. Close 1300 class in all to the Iran, effects of this system in whole process through methodical research and weak and food area is clear because major problem is performance descriptive assessment in incipient fourth grade pupil with goals learning in feeling area in parent's attitude functionally in this time. Result of this process is useful for execution fundamental steps.
This research in this area is in-experimental that have two methods, descriptive and primitive descriptive assessment plan in this two area in Yazd town is experimentally. Because statistical society is in this area in years 2011-2012 that involved all pupil of schools incipient fourth grade in descriptive and primitive method for 8021 individual studying this method was accidentally from between schools accidentally choice four schools in ordinary school from between pupil incipient fourth grade number 45 individual choice accidentally further more in each school choice five individual for addition in this research number of simple. 340 individual that all the student of descriptive assessment plan (n=170) and equivalent (n=170) from the student's of primitive assessment plan separation 170 individual (85 girls, 85 boys) in group of primitive assessment, 170 individual (85 girls and 85 boys) participate in group of descriptive assessment.
Investigation lifter
Living quality questions in school, this brinly and bark in year 1992 for measurement feeling purity of student's in primary school [8] this questions was formed from 39 in query that has seven scale that two of them is (whole satisfaction and negative feeling) and other five is specialized (sociology, teacher, opportunity, adventure and welfare or success) that questions in school have four treasure 1) agree perfectly. 2) Agree 3) disagree- and 4) disagree. Perfectly that for is 1, 2, 3, 4 in the last research Cronbach's Alpha for whole the questions (39) question is equal 0.90 Alpha coefficient for questions was 0.78 until 0.85 question of making by researcher for looking of parents. This question is base on elementary and measurement indicator and basic problem is in control of ministers. For review computation use of Cronbach's Alpha that is equal to 0.97 that is to some extent higher.
Execution Method
This process is in three stages. In first stage school with descriptive assessment in 1 and 2 area and authority for choice perceived in two stage in school of Shahid Razaei and Shahid KhoranZade located in 1 and 2 area with removal problems for execution affairs in three stage matching with registrar and teachers in descriptive and primitive assessment base on half month of in year of 2011 choice in incipient fourth grade pupil. Method and lifter of analyze data in this research for data use from descriptive statistical and for analysis data such as (ANOVA) and examination in two independent groups all of the analyze execution with SPSS. One number table sample distribution show base on assessment and sexuality primitive assessment 25.99 percent and descriptive 24.70 percent involve sample distribution.
The results of this research shows that between students of involve descriptive and primitive in feeling purity. Negative feeling p=0.160, t (352) =10.388, teachers p=0.701, t (352)=0.384. Socially p=0.592, t(352)=0.536 opportunity p=0.827, t (352)=0.218 success p=0.550, t (352)=0.559 and adventure p=0.122, t (352)= -1.552 have any different but between two groups of descriptive and primitive therefore different p<0.05, t(352)= -2.179 it is higher. There are any different in parents looking p=0.16, t(352)=1.32 also, boy and students living in school with p=0.367, t (352)=0.903 and also in seven scale of questions p=0.751, t(352)=1.441, negative feeling p=0.569, t(352)=0.537 teachers with p=0.472, t(352). P=0.161, t(352) opportunity with p=0.530, t(352)=0.629 success with p=0.979, t(352)=0.026 and adventure with p=0.649, t(352)=0.456 satisfaction have and meaningful different. Furthermore looking of fathers and mothers have and meaningful different p=0.09, t(352)=7.70 extremely variance in assessment of descriptive and primitive is p=0.57, f(350,3)=0.67 result in person show that between age of parent's and their thinking there are any relation also between the age of parents and quality of their living p=(0318), r(354)=0.0053 the age of parents and baldness satisfaction with p=0.631, r(354)=0.026, age of parents and teachers with p=0.850, r(354)=0.023 the age of parents sociology with p=0.25, r(354)=0.05 the age of parents and opportunity with p=0.685, r(354)=0.022 the age of parents and success with p=0.935, r(354)=0.004. The age of parents and event with p=0.469, r(354)=0.039 have any meaningful relation but between negative feeling and the age of parents with p=0.037, r(354)=0.11 there are any positive and meaningful relation argument and conclusion. The result of this process is agree with some subject and is disagree with the other subject.
Result is such as those students such as primitive assessment to some extent are satisfied from their schools and their thinking is positive. But whole satisfaction between two groups is meaningful looking of students' parents' involve of primitive and descriptive assessment is similar to each other. The results in this process of Rezaei (2006) and Khosh Kholgh (2006) is agree and with Mortezaei (2005) is disagree in the research of Rezaei between experimental and witness in feeling area variables there are any meaningful different. In research KhoshKholgh was distinguishes that descriptive assessment can't greatest goals achievement in Mortezaei's research that teachers and parents the plan of descriptive assessment effect very much in improvement of pupil behavior and it resulting more equilibrate parent's with teachers also descriptive assessment plan in psychosis health of student's is positive in international study of literacy improvement (PERLEZ) in years 2007 show that Iranian students' looking in international study is higher that all the countries and Iran have high ranking in positive looking of primary school [1] but is feeling purity, such as student's looking about their self, another students is teachers school and another activities there are any meaningful different according to searches. Students experiment from atmosphere of class [4, 11] self-esteem is more fundamental in life. We do many researches in the field of primitive assessment in different fields on students results show that psycho toxic and spiritual charges is irreparable also primitive assessment less creator in students.
Finally, result may charge in other years and different lofty groups. So they suggest to future, researches that they do linear plan that feeling purity such as examination assessment plan in the years and different classes also it suggest that future research have feeling field general agitation. Also, it's suggested that the features of exam agitation personal functional- inner assessment will be used in next researches.
Generally in noticed founds in this research is functional and instruct activities are such as:
1.Continual seeing on execution descriptive an assessment plan and difficulties rising on time.
2.Aware the parents from effects of new methods from family in training meeting.
3.Congress celebration and feasts for weak and nutriment examination descriptive assessment plan.