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Editorial - (2020) Volume 5, Issue 2

Trauma Disorders and Treatment

Joel Ferreira Santiago Junior*

Department of Health Sciences, Sacred Heart University, Bauru, Brazil

*Corresponding Author:
Joel Ferreira Santiago Junior
Professor, Department of Health Sciences
Sacred Heart University, Bauru, Brazil

Received Date: July 14, 2020 Accepted Date: July 27, 2020 Published Date: August 03, 2020

Citation: Santiago JF (2020) Trauma Disorders and Treatment Trauma Acute Care Vol.5 No.2:e2. DOI: 10.36648/2476-2105.5.2.e2

Copyright: © 2020 Santiago JF. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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PTSD is an intellectual disease wherein the individual is show off to trauma, infant abuse, anxiety, bizarre behaviour or different threats on a individual’s life. It specifically happens while the individual is affected with stressful thoughts, emotions, intellectual or bodily misery to trauma-associated thaughts. PTSD is related to depression, tension disorders, and drug and alcohol use disorders. Little proof exists for the effectiveness of mental interventions for PTSD with comorbid substance use disorders

Trauma Disorders

Trauma problems are intellectual ailments which can be as a result of stressful reports or sizable stress, it's miles brought about whilst the individual become subjected to following occasions together with acute stress, surprise and the bodily signs like headache and nausea.

Types of Traumatic Disorders

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Acute stress disorder (ASD)

• Reactive attachment disorder (RAD)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is an intellectual disease wherein the individual is show off to trauma, infant abuse, anxiety, bizarre behaviour or different threats on a individual’s life. It specifically happens while the individual is affected with stressful thoughts, emotions, intellectual or bodily misery to trauma-associated thaughts. PTSD is related to depression, tension disorders, and drug and alcohol use disorders. Little proof exists for the effectiveness of mental interventions for PTSD with comorbid substance use disorders [1].

• Intrusion Symptoms: The person exposed to trauma and then again re-experiences the trauma in single or multiple ways.

• Unpleasant Changes to Mood or Thoughts: Mood disorders are an intellectual fitness hassle that basically influences someone's emotional state. It is a disease wherein someone reports lengthy durations of excessive happiness, excessive sadness, or both.

• Changes in Reactivity: This takes place while someone turns into greater without difficulty startled and reacts to frightful stories greater fully, inclusive of signs and symptoms of aggression, difficult sleeping etc.


PTSD isn't strictly curable. This situation is because of trauma and reasons critical signs that make regular functioning tough or impossible. Treatment with unique forms of remedy and once in a while medicine could make a huge difference, however it isn't a cure.

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)

Acute strain sickness includes, Arousal: Hypervigilance, an incapability to focus, sleep disturbances, irritable temper and irritated outbursts.

Sleeping disturbances occurs when the person exhibits to stress or anxiety, overthinking etc. The first reiterates the function of obstructive sleep apnoea in sufferers with high blood pressure and the way non-stop tremendous airway pressure (CPAP) remedy can enhance blood pressure [2].


Trauma-centered cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT) as firstline remedy of sufferers with acute strain disorder (ASD) in place of different psychotherapies or medication.A healthcare expert will normally diagnose ASD if someone develops 9 or greater ASD signs inside 1 month of the demanding event

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a situation wherein an infant or younger child does now no longer shape a secure, wholesome emotional bond together along with his or her number one caretakers (parental figures). Children with RAD regularly have hassle dealing with their emotions. Symptoms are sadness, irritability, failure to smile etc.


These diagnostic standards offer the define of symptoms; however, carriers need to additionally understand the worldwide effect on cognition, behaviour, and affective functioning [3]. There is no fashionable remedy for reactive attachment disorder, however it ought to contain each the kid and mother and father or number one caregivers. Goals of remedy are to assist make certain that the kid: Has a secure and solid residing situation. Develops fine interactions and strengthens the attachment with mother and father and caregivers.


The revel in of trauma may be devastating and while the regular reaction to it extends past the standard time-frame or is severe, there can be an underlying trauma disorder. Fortunately, committed remedy has been proven to be powerful in handling the signs and symptoms through studying and the usage of wholesome coping strategies, converting bad mind and behaviours, and counting on cherished ones and others for support.


  1. Bisson JI (2015) Post-traumatic stress disorder. BMJ 351: h6161.
  2. Hungin APS (2010) Sleep disturbances and health problems: sleep matters. Brit J Gen Pract 60: 319-320.
  3. Paulsen JS (2011) Cognitive Impairment in Huntington Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 11:474-483.
  4. in those at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 140: 813-825.