Trends in Green Chemistry Open Access

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Editorial - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 2

Using Recycled Materials to Benefit Environment

Chuan Tan*

Department of Chemistry, University of South Carolina, Columbia, United States

*Corresponding Author:
Chuan Tan
Department of Chemistry,
University of South Carolina,
Columbia, United States,

Received Date: November 9, 2021; Accepted Date: November 23, 2021; Published Date: November 30, 2021

Citation: Tan C (2021) Using Recycled Materials to Benefit Environment. Trends in Green Chem Vol.7 No.2:e032.

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Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest, or extract new raw substances from the Earth. That, in turn, lessens the harmful disruption and damage being carried out to the natural world: fewer forests cut down, rivers diverted, wild animals harmed or displaced, and fewer pollutants of water, soil, and air. When we recycle plastic, we reduce the need for more plastic to be manufactured. By recycling paper, we do our part to reduce deforestation and keep trees from being cut down. Separating cans and different metals allows us to cut down damaging mining and our growing need for raw materials.

It takes lots of energy to create industrial-grade substances from scratch than it does just to reform old materials and reuse them. For example, it is expected that “recycling aluminum saves 90% to 95% of the energy needed to make aluminum from bauxite ore.” Recycling saves energy because recycled substances don’t require factories to burn up a lot of greenhouse fuel line emissions as they could if they had created the identical item again from scratch using raw materials.

When we cut down on the number of new materials and natural sources we need to extract from the earth, whether through farming, mining, logging, etc., we protect vulnerable ecosystems and the wildlife from harm or eradication and permit them to exist for generations to come.

Plastics are absolutely the worst. Plastics are hard for the surroundings, sure, but unfortunately, they're tough to recycle, as well. Not all plastics may be recycled, first of all. Then, there are distinctive forms of plastics that require various strategies and considerations.

Paper products are exceptionally simple to recycle. Depending on your country, city, and district regulations, you can separate all paper together, or separate simple paper products from plastic-covered paper products, including a Starbucks cup or orange juice carton. In the latter case, that is because it takes unique chemical compounds and an additional step to dispose of the glue, plastic, and any other residue from the paper so that you can reuse it.

Glass is just about the longest-lasting man-made material, taking up to at least one million years to degrade withinside the environment! If that’s not enough cause to recycle your glass bottles, there’s additionally the sand loss. Sand is the key ingredient in most glass, but the resources are dwindling. Yes, agree with it or not, sand isn't as limitless as you may imagine-in fact; scientists are announcing we’re going through a growing sand shortage, some going as far to call it a sand crisis.

Metals have to be mined from the earth, which damages the areas and environments those mines are dug. Recycling metals may be tricky, as there are dozens of metals. However, the best news for the average person is that maximum metals may be recycled together, as recycling plants sort them into their respective categories.

Organic waste including food is the maximum biodegradable of the lot. The great way to recycle your own organic waste is to begin composting it. Compost is an organic material that has been damaged down, and it can seem to you like rich, dark soil.

Known as E-waste (brief for digital waste), this consists of all discarded digital items, whether damaged, unwanted, or at the end in their working lives. The difficult part of recycling electronics comes down to their constituent parts-there are dozens of gadgets and gizmos at the average circuit board, made out of lots of metals, epoxy, glass, and other materials.