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Editorial - (2021) Volume 5, Issue 5

Various Flaws Causing Diseases in Animals

Adiguel Usman*

Department of Veterinary Clinical Center, University of Kashihara, Sousse, Tunisia

*Corresponding Author:
Adiguel Usman
Department of Veterinary Clinical Center, University of Kashihara, Sousse, Tunisia

Received Date: September 07, 2021; Accepted Date: September 21, 2021; Published Date: September 2 ,2021

Citation: Usman A (2021) Various Flaws Causing Diseases in Animals. J Anim Sci Livest Prod Vol.5 No.5:e001.

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Prevention helps avoid animal suffering and death, transmission to other animals or people and production losses for farm animals such as reduced milk production, etc. Regular vaccination can also help reduce bacterial diseases, meaning veterinarians can protect valuable tools such as antibiotics therapy. Antibiotics are used in animals food to treat clinical disease, and to prevent diseases for the animal growth. Many farmers and 4,444 herders depend on animal production for their livelihood. Consumers expect a sufficient supply of adequate meat products at inexpensive prices. Livestock mismanagement and the spread of disease affect all of us.

Causes of Diseases

One or more of the following defects cause diseases

Nutritional defects

An imbalance of nutrients needed in the ratio is the cause of nutritional deficiencies. Animals that do not get enough vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins cannot produce efficiently. As a result, their disease resistance levels are reduced.

Physiological defects

These defects cause improper glands, organs, or body systems from working properly. The relationship between nutrition and the proper functioning of body parts is directly linked. For example, the thyroid gland regulates the body's metabolism and depends on a sufficient amount of iodine to function properly. A malfunctioning thyroid gland can increase the nutritional needs of animals to such an extent that very few nutrients are available for growth or production.

Morphological defects (physical defects)

An accident or negligence is responsible for the physical defects. Cuts, scrapes, scrapes, bruises and broken bones are examples of body defects. Any of these can temporarily or permanently reduce an animal's effectiveness. Good management practices help eliminate such flaws.

Pathogenic defects

Some organisms produce toxins or poisons that interfere with the animal's normal metabolic activity. Viruses and bacteria are the most common pathogens. They are microscopic at size and can multiply rapidly under ideal environmental conditions. The other pathogens are fungi and protozoa.

• Viral diseases are the most difficult to fight because viruses are very similar to the chemical compounds that make up a cell. Another problem in controlling viruses is that chemicals capable of killing or controlling them also kill or destroy the host cell. Preventive vaccinations are the most effective method of fighting viral diseases.

• Bacteria are microscopic, produce potent toxins and multiply rapidly. Many bacteria are capable of forming spores, resistant forms of bacterial cells that can withstand harsh environmental conditions. These spores are difficult to control and can remain dormant for years before they have a chance to cause disease. Antibiotics are successfully used to fight bacteria.

• Fungal diseases are caused by fungi, which are small organisms. Many pathogenic fungi live in the soil. It is often difficult to determine the cause of fungal diseases because the bacteria cause a secondary infection and are often mistakenly identified as fungi.

• Protozoa are unicellular and the simplest form of animal life. Some protozoa cannot move and must be transported in some other way. Some move by making eyelashes in the shape of a whip or vibrating projections. At, a number of different species of protozoa attack animals.

Disease Prevention

Prevention is a key to controlling animal diseases. Sanitation is the key to disease prevention. Most pathogens enter the body through some type of body opening, such as the nose, eyes, mouth or wound incision. Pathogens can be spread through direct contact or indirectly through wind, water, food or other animals. After entering the host, a pathogen must overcome the body's natural resistance to produce the disease.

The following management practices are probably the best methods of disease control.

• Provide an environment that prevents or limits the growth of pathogens (sanitary).

• Provide a balanced diet.

• Protects against accidental injury.