An investigation of polymeric extrudate rheological behaviour using a computational method
Sujit Sharma, Arghya Deb and Santanu Chattopadhyay
Enhancement of the a dhesion between polymer matrix and natural fibers reinforcement in biosourced composites
Essole Padayodi, Rija Nirina Raoelison, Thierry Rouxel, Hugues Baume, Teng Zhang
In-Line Processing of Nanocellulose / Polypropylene Composites Through Fibrillation in Twin-Screw Extrusion
Pieter Samyn, Hesam Taheri
Low Air Permeability Flexible Polyurethane Foam with Recycled Polyol Obtained Using Ester-Type Foam Waste Gylcolysed in Autoclave
Gabriel Kiss
Recycled plastics reinforced cottonseed hulls for value added applications
Essole Padayodi, Rija Nirina Raoelison, Thierry Rouxel, Hugues Baume, Teng Zhang
The Role of Polydopamine Enhancing Interface Compatibility of Cellulose Reinforcement in Hydrophobic PMMA Matrix
Pieter Samyn