Alex Kojo Anderson
Associate Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition
The University of Georgia, College of Family and Consumer Sciences and an Adjunct Professor in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, the University of Georgia. Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences (PhD) from University of Connecticut.Master of Public Health (MPH)
Alex Kojo Anderson, PhD, MPH, CPH is an Associate Professor in the Department of Foods and Nutrition, College of Family and Consumer Sciences and an Adjunct Professor in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, the University of Georgia. Dr. Anderson?s research focuses on maternal and child nutrition and young child feeding. He also has strong interest in public health and international nutrition especially in developing countries. Dr. Anderson has worked on studies evaluating the effect of infant feeding on maternal and infant body composition in the United States and also in Ghana. His current research focuses on assessing the impact of pregnancy weight and body composition changes on pregnancy outcome and risk for obesity in mothers and their newborns. He also directs a summer service-learning program to Ghana with students from the University of Georgia, and engages students in nutrition and health screening and education of populations in selected communities.
? Breastfeeding promotion and support ? Early childhood feeding and obesity ? Nutrition, weight gain and body composition changes during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome ? International nutrition