Dr. Justine Schneider
Professor of Mental Health and Social Care
University of Nottingham, University of Nottingham and Senior Fellow, NIHR School for Social Care Research and Professorial Fellow, Institute of Mental Health, United Kingdom
Before moving to Nottingham in 2004, Justine was a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Applied Social Studies at the University of Durham (1998-2004) and a Non-Executive Director, County Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust. Her previous employment includes seven years as a Research Fellow at the Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent at Canterbury, two years of voluntary work in Lima, Peru, and several years of professional social work practice in London and the south east
An Ethnographic study of home care for people with dementia in partnership with Home Instead an evaluation of the Carer Information Programme run by Radford Care Group an on-line RCT of computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Moodgym) an ethnographic study of healthcare assistants on dementia wards, for NIHR SDO/HS&DR an evaluation of assistive technology for people with dementia living in their own homes, commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council, a survey of mental health service users' perceptions of stigma, for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, and a pilot study of the experience of care of inpatients in acute mental health settings, a replication of work done in Belgium by colleagues at Ghent University. Systematic meta-reviews of computerised interventions for mental disorders A review of interventions that have been used to enhance the impact of the Individual Placement and Support approach to supported employment A review of the obstacles to care faced by children and young people with the symptoms of ADHD A review of the obstacles to care faced by people who have had a stroke A review of the function of primary care providers in promoting the return to work of people with common mental disorders. Evaluation of workshops delivered to 1,200 health care assistants who attended Inside Out of Mind, a play about dementia care