Dr. Katsunori Sumi
Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Katsunori Sumi is a Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering at Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan) from 2007. He received his Ph.D. from Nagoya Institute of Technology. He teaches Behavioral Science, Organizational Behavior, and Applied Psychology, He has many publications related to psychology in several international journals. He is currently engaged in the research on subjective well-being among Japanese people, which is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. His latest publication includes an article in Problem-Solving: Strategies, Challenges and Outcomes (Nova Science, 2016).
Mental Health, Mental Illnesses, Psychological Stress Stress Appraisal, Stress Coping, Social Problem-Solving Social Support, Social Skills, Communication Competence Psychological Symptoms, Anxiety, Depression, Self-Esteem Well-Being, Happiness, QOL, Flourishing, Human Functioning Personality