Dr. Pedro R Gil-Monte
Department of Social Psychology
University of Valencia, Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Spain
Dr. Pedro R. Gil-Monte is the Director of the Group of Psychosocial Research on Organizational Behaviour (Unidad de Investigación Psicosocial de la Conducta Organizacional) (UNIPSICO) at University of Valencia, Spain. Currently he is Associate Professor -promoted to Full Professor- of Work and Organizational Psychology and Occupational Health Psychology in the Department of Social Psychology at that university. He is an active research in the field of Occupational Health Psychology with over two hundred publications including scientific articles, chapters and books, and questionnaires to evaluate psychosocial factors at work and its consequences on workers health. Dr. Gil-Monte actively participates in research projects granted by public funds (Spanish Government), and as external adviser in education and health organizations. He serves as member of the editorial board of national and international journals of Psychology, Psychiatry, Public Health and Public Environmental Occupational Health, among others. He is a member of national and international scientific associations such as American Psychological Association (APA), European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EA-OHP), European Association on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), and Society for Occupational Health Psychology (SOHP). Awards and distinctions: Government of Jalisco (Mexico, 2008), which recognizes his collaboration to evaluate psychosocial risks in prison employees. RIFAPT (Mexico, 2010), for his contributions to the development of occupational mental health in Latin America. Fidélitas University (Costa Rica, 2010), which recognizes his contributions to Psychology. Chilean Society of Work and Organizational Psychology (SCHIPTO, 2016), recognizing his relevant contributions and research in Work and Organizational Psychology, among others. In addition, as Director of UNIPSICO Dr. Gil-Monte has been awarded with the ?Distinction 2014 to the development of researches on occupational risks prevention (Generalitat Valenciana, government of the autonomous community of Valencia).
His research primarily involves job stress and its consequences on workers health and organizational productivity. The focus of this research has been directed at psychosocial risks at work, job burnout, bullying and depression. In addition, his interest has involved developing psychological tests and questionnaires to evaluate job burnout and psychosocial factors and risk at work.