Dr. Satish Chandra Nair
Associate Professor
College of medicine, UAE University in Al Ain and Senior Specialist and Director of medical research at Tawam hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine International, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Satish Chandrasekhar Nair is the Senior Specialist and director of medical research at Tawam hospital in affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine International and an associate professor at the college of medicine, UAE University in Al Ain, UAE. After obtaining a degree in medical biochemistry, followed by a Ph.D in drug discovery research and an MBA from the US, he served as a faculty in various US academic institutions and later moved to the pharmaceutical industry in Califronia, US, to pursue his interests in drug research, assay development and clinical trials. He has demonstrated leadership medical research, clinical trials and medical education research. He contributed to making Tawam hospital the Most Favored Site (MFS) for clinical trials among international pharmaceutical and academic research sponsors and also is the key opinion in the region extending from Lebanon to the GCC countries. Engineering working partnerships between the academia, industry and the between the Ministries of Health, Health Authorities has eraned him a disntict respect within the scientific community. He has received several awards including the best speaker at the Evolution Summit in Switzerland, outstanding research professional award by the Academy of Clinical Research Professionals, USA in 2012 etc. The Joint Commission International USA has acknowledged his contribution to the human subject protetction in the UAE program and the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical as a research faculty training residents.
Research in areas of patient preferences, health utilization, health communication and clinical trials.