Hani Ashamalla, M.D.
FCCP Radiation Oncologist Radiation Therapists Associates New York Methodist Hospital, USA
EDUCATION: M.B.: Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt M.B.B.Ch: Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Post-doctoral training: Pediatric Oncology Fellowship-University of Pennsylvania Radiation Oncology Resident-New York Methodist Hospital Brooklyn, NY Board Certification: Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians(FCCP) American Board of Radiation Oncology (ABR) Physicians (FCCP) American Board of Radiation Oncology (ABR) (Recertification) HONORS AND AWARDS: Fellow, American College ofRadiation Oncology (FACRO) Top Doctors, NY Metro Area, Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. Chainnan of Cancer Activities Publications: 1. Mann BS, A. LavafMD, A. Tejwani MD MPH, P. Ross RTT, H. Ashamalla MD. "Perianal Paget disease treated definitely with radiotherapy." Current Oncology Vol. 19, Number 6, Decemberl2012 2.Emmolo, J., Ashamalla H., Panigrahi, N., Ikoro, N. "Effects of Therapeutic Radiation on Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs)", Submitted to to Int. J. of Radiat. Oncol. BioI. Phys., 2010 3. "Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy for Malignant Gliomas. Preliminary Results & Pharmacokinetics." B. Zaki, Ashamalla H., Fodstadt, F. Colella, D. Dosik, M. Krishnamurthy; Proceedings of ASCO, 244, Vol. 20,2001.
Research: 1.Pancreatic Cancer: Utilizing hyperfractionated RT and Taxol in locally advanced pancreatic cancer. The study was published in the Int. Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics. 2. Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRT) and Taxol for malignant Gliomas: We employed a course of SRT and weekly paclitaxel in 23 patients with malignant Gliomas. Both outcomes and pharmacokinetics were studied. The study was presented nationally and currently being reviewed for publication. 3. IMRT, Taxol & Gemzar for Pancreatic Cancer: Taxol, Gemcytabine as neoadjuvant for Locally advanced pancreatic cancer: The study is still ongoing. 8 patients are accrued; all were able to complete the regimen well.