Professor Steven R. Rust
State University 2265B Anthony Hall East Lansing, MI 48824
Dr. Rust have done B.S. (1977), University of Wisconsin-River Falls in Animal Science M.S.(1978), Oklahoma State University in Animal Science Ph.D(1983), Oklahoma State University in Animal Nutrition
Dr. Rust?s research activities have been focused on feeding and management strategies to improve growth, efficiency and carcass quality. He has conducted several studies on the use of Propioni- bacteria as a starter culture for ensiling high-moisture corn and its use as a direct-fed additive to feedlot diets. This technology has been patented. Other areas in which he has conducted extensive research projects include: receiving programs for newly received cattle; use of byproduct feed in high concentrate diets; use of repartitioning agents and growth-promoting implants on carcass quality; protein nutrition; and use of microbial products to improve feed quality and animal performance. Another important research focus is the environmental impacts of the P in manure on surface water quality. Food safety of beef products has been an area of priority as well. His extension and outreach programs are focused on delivery of cost-effective technologies to regional feedlots. He annually organizes and conducts the Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse held in Michigan, Ohio and Ontario. He is Co-Chair of the MSU Extension Beef Team.