Sanjay Gupta
Principal Investigator
Epigenetics and Chromatin Biology Group, Gupta Lab, Cancer Research Institute, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is working as a Principal Investigator of ?Epigenetics and Chromatin Biology? laboratory at Cancer Research Institute, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center, Navi Mumbai. He is involved in understanding ?how histone modifications and variants/isoforms engage in cancer development and DNA repair?. Further, there is an ongoing evaluation of epi-inhibitors for their potential role in cancer therapeutics. Dr Sanjay received Indian Scientist Fellowship, Young Scientist DST and A.V. Tilak Award. He is on international panel of expert reviewers for International Union against Cancer for International Cancer Technology Transfer Fellowships. He is serving as an Associate Editor of ?Journal of Integrated ? Omics?. He is serving as expert reviewer and member on committees of BRNS-DAE, DBT and peer-reviewed journals. He has publications in the areas of chromatin biology, gene regulation and cancer. He has created a database ?HIstome: The Histone Infobase? about human histone proteins, their sites of modifications, variants and modifying enzymes, and linked to diseases.
Epigenetics, Chromatin, Histone, DNA methylation, Gene Expression and Regulation, Molecular Carcinogenesis, GI cancers