Wei-Lan Yeh,, PhD
Pharmacology, Pharmacological Institute, College of Medicine
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Wei-Lan Yeh obtained his Ph. D. in Pharmacology and M. S. in Pharmacology in Pharmacological Institute, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan) Pharmacological Institute, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan). B. S. in Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University (Taipei, Taiwan). She currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Cell and Tissue Engineering, Changhua Christian Hospital (Changhua, Taiwan).She worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in National Museum of Natural Sciences (Taichung, Taiwan) and Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Cancer Research and Harvard Medical School (Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America).She received Excellent Research Award of Changhua Christain Hospital in 2012, 2013, 2014and 2015and National Taiwan University Academic Award for Excellent Research in 2008,2009.
Oncology, stem cell biology, molecular biology, pharmacology, drug resistance, inflammation