Journal of Prevention and Infection Control Open Access

  • ISSN: 2471-9668
  • Journal h-index: 8
  • Journal CiteScore: 1.11
  • Journal Impact Factor: 1.04
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  • Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days
    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days
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Articles published in Journal of Prevention and Infection Control have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Prevention and Infection Control has got h-index 8, which means every article in Journal of Prevention and Infection Control has got 8 average citations.

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Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

30 19 23 13 8 4
Journal total citations count 162
Journal impact factor 1.04
Journal 5 years impact factor 0.97
Journal cite score 1.11
Journal h-index 8
Important citations

Juknien?, V. (2020). Hospitalin?s infekcijos intensyvios terapijos skyriuose.

Kepekci, A. B. (2020). Ventilator-associated pneumonia rates and distribution of causative microorganisms in the second stage intensive care unit. Medicine, 9(3), 635-9.

Johnson, O. E. (2020). Health-seeking behaviour of commercial bus drivers in Uyo, Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal, 14(3), 147.

Urkan, M., Uzuntarla, Y., & Uzuntarla, F. (2018). Determination of attitudes of healthcare personnel working in surgical services towards the use of gloves. Gu?lhane Tip Dergisi, 60(3), 92.

Abdo, Z. A., Shentema, M. G., Awono, M. T., & Tefera, Y. L. (2020). Compliance to hand hygiene and its associated factors among health care provider in general hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 32.

Gedamu, H., Tesfa, G., Tafere, Y., & Genet, M. (2021). Hand washing practice among health care workers in Ethiopia: systemic review and meta-analysis, 2020. Heliyon, 7(5), e06972.

Wahdan, I., Elsayed, D., & Ibrahim, H. (2019). Infection Control knowledge and practices of obstetricians during normal labor in maternity hospitals in Alexandria: an intervention study. Journal of High Institute of Public Health, 49(3), 133-143.

Ojewuyi, A. R., Odeyemi, A. O., Odeyemi, A. O., & Olotu, A. A. (2021). Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis Among Patients Managed for Tuberculosis at a Tertiary Health Care Institution in South-West Nigeria: A Retrospective Study.

OLADIMEJI, O. M., AKINOLA, O., AKINOLA, R. A., & AWOBUSUYI, J. O. (2018). Obstructive uropathy secondary to extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Tropical Journal of Nephrology, 13(2), 91-95.

Addo, S. O., Mensah, G. I., Mosi, L., Abrahams, A., Bonfoh, B., Kazwala, R., ... & Addo, K. K. (2021). Trends in extrapulmonary TB cases at three teaching hospitals in Ghana, 2008–2017. Public Health Action, 11(1), 26-32.

Tedla, E. (2021). Mycobacterium tuberculosis burden, multidrug resistance pattern, and associated risk factors among presumptive extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases at Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia.


Jiang, A. L., Lee, M. C., Zhou, G., Zhong, D., Hawaria, D., Kibret, S., ... & Hsu, K. (2021). Predicting distribution of malaria vector larval habitats in Ethiopia by integrating distributed hydrologic modeling with remotely sensed data. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-14.

Gowelo, S. A. (2020). A participatory approach for malaria control in southern Malawi: Effects of the environment and community on larval source management (Doctoral dissertation, Wageningen University).

Ojewuyi, A. R., Odeyemi, A. O., Odeyemi, A. O., & Olotu, A. A. (2021). Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis Among Patients Managed for Tuberculosis at a Tertiary Health Care Institution in South-West Nigeria: A Retrospective Study.

Or, P. P., Ching, P. T., & Chung, J. W. (2019). A program to improve the hand hygiene compliance of Hong Kong preschoolers with an insight into their absenteeism. American journal of infection control, 47(5), 498-503.

Jung, E., & Sung, H. (2017). The influence of the Middle East respiratory Syndrome outbreak on online and offline markets for retail sales. Sustainability, 9(3), 411.

Tambo, E., Oljira, T., Oluwasogo, O. A., Khater, E. I. M., & Xiao-Nong, Z. (2015). Averting MERS-Cov emerging threat and epidemics: the importance of community alertness and preparedness policies and programs. J Of Prevention & Infection Control, 1(1), 2.

Oliveira Filho, E. Z. D. (2019). Influência do esquema substitutivo contendo ofloxacino no controle da incapacidade física após tratamento da hanseníase.

Naveed, S., & Hamid, F. (2015). Analysis of Ofloxacin using UV Spectrophotometer. J. Prev. & Infect. Control, 1(17), 1-3.