Marcelo Fernandes Lima, Vanessa Heinrich Barbosa de Oliveira Lima and Ilidio Almeida Lima
Instituto Victor Dib, Brazil Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Interv Cardiol J
May-Thurner syndrome (MTS) represents the most common known cause of non-thrombotic iliac vein obstruction. The most common symptoms are chronic extremity edema and pain, and MTS is also an important cause of acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT) affecting the left inferior limb. In this scenario, an endovascular stent placement to relieve the extrinsic compression seems not only to alleviate these symptoms but also playing a role in preventing an acute DVT episode. The author presents his personal experience in a private practice, reporting the first 50 cases treated
Marcelo Fernandes Lima is Vascular Surgeon, titled as specialist in Vascular Surgery by the Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery and by Brazilian Medical Association.