Michael van Zyll de Jong and Hope Olusayna
Memorial University, Canada
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Trends in Green chem
Freshwater fishes are vulnerable to climate change. Due to a lack of quantitative data on status and current, and project trends for most fish species, a systematic assessment approach that incorporates expert knowledge was developed to determine status and future vulnerability of freshwater fishes to climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The methodological approach uses expert knowledge, supported by literature reviews of status and biology of the fishes, to score ten metrics for both (1) current status of each species (baseline vulnerability to extinction) and (2) likely future impacts of climate change (vulnerability to extinction). Baseline and climate change vulnerability scores were derived for 5 native and 2 alien species of Salmonid fishes.
Email: michaelv@grenfell.mun.ca