Nick Kostovic
Kostovic Acupuncture by bio Electron�s Laser Corp, Torrance, USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Biomark J
I, Nick Kostovic, for the first time in recorded history have eliminated magnetic from regular electromagnetic electricity. I also created the next six steps described below. I did this by developing a proprietary way of reversed current RC to create what is called bio electricity. The device I created is called the Kostovic BioTechnological Energizer, K-BTE Medical Laser Device. First, my center has successfully developed special current circuit and canceled magnetic from electromagnetic by new discovered RC reverse current. Second, this device extracts bio electron photons from H2O electric fluid by wire and wirelessly. Third, while using the K-BTE device, therapist has absolute control of speed or frequency of these released and enriched bio electron photons, by high voltages 120V, 240V or more and micro and nano Amperes. Today technology can perform only in AC industrial mili Amperes or it is one thousand point of 1 Amperes or it is to high frequencies, and it is electric shock therapy and even lethal if performed in higher voltages from 12 V to patient with human body resistance to the ground of 1000 Ohm wet. Fourth, bio electrons photons are converted into the strength of micro or 1 million point of 1 Amperes, or nano or 1 billion point of 1 Amperes, or Amperes allowing the bio electricity even with multiple sheaves to softly penetrate into the whole brain, helping brain to defeat cancer by burn of malignant cancer, clean from clots which caused stroke, destroying in the brain number of sick cells which caused different neurological disorders, with no harm to the healthy cells or spine cord, heart or any other physical organ with zero harm to the healthy cells. It was never before achieved in the world medical science. Fifth, in the process of extracting bio electron photons from the electric fluid it can include transference of hundreds of different natural acids as well as amino acids. Each biological agent BA is capable to transfer 3 to 6 different natural amino acids, by enriched or coated or bio electron photons in any physical organ including penetration of whole brain for example. World’s science in Medicine is far behind such novel and advanced and most efficient technology in healing and cleaning human organs. Sixth, these enriched bio electrons photons are wirelessly transferred through and olive oil coating on the skin enabling the bio electricity to softly penetrate or bio electron photons always penetrate softly on the skull or skin surface or deeply and efficiently targeting the specific ailing human tissue. This process is always skillfully directed into the body with the very gentle frequencies of Micro and Nano amperes allowing zero risk of negative consequences. Bio Electrons’ photons: Bio Electrons’ Photons are sub elemental quanta energetic forms of bio electricity. Bio electricity is converted from Tesla AC industrial electricity, connected by a special circuit. The special circuit enables us to produce RC reverse current. Reverse current is a carrier of a magnetic charge and unmistakably extracting, AC magnetic from electromagnetic charges. Industrial electrons directly release magnetic charges in the opposite direction from its AC electrons. Loosened electromagnetic charged electrons are converted in the lower stage/grade of Sub Elemental Quanta Bio Electron’s Photons particles. It never become Positrons.