Bobamuratova D. Turdikulovna
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of HIV & Retro Virus
Severe and life-threatening cases of blood vessel thrombosis in the brain and face increased dramatically over the next 2 years after Covid-19. In addition to coagulopathy, the addition of infection to the adjacent oral and nasal cavities, the spread of infection to the lungs through the blood vessels leads to the development of septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. Our goal is to analyze the clinical course of facial and maxillary complications in patients with coronavirus disease. Materials and methods. Scientific analysis was carried out in 256 patients treated at the TTA multidisciplinary clinic with a diagnosis of postcovid syndrome, cavernous sinus thrombosis, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. The age of the patients was from 18 to 76 years, the average age was 52.5 ± 3.9 years in 148 men (57.8%) and 108 women (42.2%). Results. Almost the bulk of the primary referrals of patients fell on the warm months of the year. Most patients have bilateral pneumonia, type II diabetes mellitus. In the polysyndromic course of cavernous sinus thrombosis, inflammation of the maxillofacial region and osteonecrosis, ophthalmological, neurological pathologies, and inflammation of the ENT organs prevailed (table 1). Circumstances causing disability and death, such as vision loss, cerebrovascular disorders and inflammation, stroke, soft tissue and bone necrosis, have been confirmed in these patients. Conclusion. Cavernous sinus thrombosis is characterized by ischemic, necrotic and inflammatory types, as well as neurological pathology in areas associated with angiopathy and neuropathy III, IV, V, VI pairs of brain nerves. In the early and late stages of the Covid-19 disease, it is necessary to strictly control the coagulogram and other metabolic parameters, rehabilitation foci of oral cavity infection and nasal cavities.
Bobamuratova Dilnoza Turdikulovna - MD, PhD, teacher of the department of otolaryngology and dentistry of Tashkent medical academy, Republic of Uzbekistan. Bobamuratova D. has published more than 50 articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals, is a member of the editorial board of 3 journals.