Trends in Green Chemistry Open Access

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Correlation between all the relevant bioprocesses of the genotype and phenotype

Joint Event on 8th International Conference on Environmental Chemistry and Engineering & 7th Edition of International Conference on Green Energy, Green Engineering and Technology
September 20-22, 2018 Berlin, Germany

Emma A Tumasyan

Republic of Armenia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Trends in Green chem


Dosage being result of interaction of two parameters – energy (conditions by agents) and time (dosage) = E (energy) x T (time), as instrument brings about result. Analyses of modeling of results according to the method of dialectics “cause and consequence” reveal a number of patterns: discreetness, continuity, homogeneity, heterogeneity, relativity, discontinuity, abruptness, spontaneity and correlation between genotype and phenotype in the organism in vivo that characterize sufficient and necessary factor to approve the quantum theory of E. Schrödinger that the mechanism of the biological process in vivo. Based on this we can more deeply imagine the relationship between all bio-processes of the genotype and phenotype. It is known that genotypic and phenotypic processes are biochemical, morphological, physiological, etc. All these bioprocesses separately occur with the complete kinetics of frequency rate min-max-min. The relationship between these bioprocesses is due to alternation, discreteness, continuity, relativity, spasmodic nature and correlation, which as a result are revealed by the method of dose-effect - D=EI,C x T. Figure 1 presents the genotypic processes: different biochemical processes A1, A2, A3, etc.; different morphological processes B1, B2, B3, etc.; different physiological processes C1, C2, C3, etc. The phenotypic processes are presented: different biochemical processes a1, a2, a3, etc.; different morphological processes b1, b2, b3, etc.; different physiological processes c1, c2, c3, etc. The property of alternation of these bioprocesses is carried out in this way: A1→ A2→ A3, etc.; B1→ B2→ B3, etc.; C1→ C2→ C3, etc.; a1→ a2→ a3, etc.; b1→ b2→ b3, etc.; c1→ c2→ c3, etc., by the effect of doses intervals, respectively [0-D1], [0-D2], [0-D3], etc., which provide discreteness, continuity, relativity, spasmodic nature of these bioprocesses. The dose interval [0-D1] provides the bioprocesses A1, B1, C1, a1, b1, c1, with complete kinetics, at the same time taking frequency rate min–max–min; the dose interval [0-D2] provides the bioprocesses A2, B2, C2, a2, b2, c2, with complete kinetics, at the same time taking frequency rate min–max–min; the dose interval [0-D3] provides the bioprocesses A3, B3, C3, a3, b3, c3, with complete kinetics, at the same time taking frequency rate min–max–min, i.e. the dose interval [0-D] reveals the correlation between the relevant bioprocesses. In sum, we can conclude, that the revealed regularities of the bioprocesses of the genotype and phenotype carry out the life cycle of the organism in vivo. Recent Publications 1. Tumasyan E A (2017) Quantum transfer as a mechanism of the mutation in vivo. Science Stays True Here. Biological and Chemical Research 254-264. 2. Djordjevic Y B (2014) Markov chain-like quantum biological modeling of mutations, aging and evolution. Life (Basel) 5(3):1518-1538. 3. Melkikh A V E (2015) Nonlinearity of quantum mechanics and solution of the problem of wave function collapse. Commun. Theor. Phys. 64(1):47. 4. Namiott V A (2014) The many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory and biophysics fundamental problems. Biophysics 59(1):202-208.

Biography :

Emma A Tumasyan has her expertise in mutagenesis and passion in improving the health detecting numerous drugs that have a mutagenic effect. Besides this she simultaneously studied the mechanism of the biologic process in vivo. It has revealed the patterns of biological processes and the relationship between the processes of genotype and phenotype as correlation in the organisms in vivo became the basis for the development of quantum nature (\) of the mechanism of biological processes in the organisms in vivo. Bearing in mind that she continues to publish works based on the published experimental data obtained by other researchers.
