Rafal Kuzlik
SaskaMed Clinic, Poland
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Infec Dis Treat
Plastic gynaecology is taking care of vulvo-rectal area; all surgical and non-surgical procedures are being made to change the shape of this region, without spoiling the functionality. The most common fact is that surgeons do operation only on one part of this area, like labia minora reduction or vaginoplasty and use only one technique for all patients. This presentation shows different kinds of surgical procedures and the possibility of proceeding five different procedures simultaneously: labia minora and majora reduction, vagino and perineoplasty, and excision of anodermis.
Rafal Kuzlik is a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is a Plastic and Reconstructive Gynecologist with over twenty years of professional experience. He is Endoscopist and On-Cological Surgeon. He is also a Specialist in Ultrasound Imaging. He has received a lot of certificates confirming participation in numerous courses and trainings. He has published many scientific papers. He is the Co-author of three books (in Polish): ‘Plastic Gynecology”, ‘Physiothera-py after plastic surgical procedures” and ‘Microinvasive techniques in Plastic Gynecology”. He is also the Author of two new surgery methods in the field of plastic gynecology: ”One Cut technique” as simultaneous labia minora and clitoral hood reduction and Double O technique - reposition of the clitoris. He is also the Trainer of radio frequency methods in the field of nonsurgical treatment of female genital problems. He is the Owner and Principal of Saska Med Clinic in Warsaw, Poland. He is the Principal of Obs & Gyn Ward in EMC St Anna Hospital in Piaseczno, Poland and the founder of Polish Academy of Plastic and Reconstructive Gynecology.
E-mail: rafal.kuzlik@gmail.com