Emine Gul Cansu-Ergun
Baskent University, Turkey
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Polym Sci
Organic electrochromic polymers are in full of
consideration due to their tunable electro-optical
properties. Second generation electrochromes includes
an electron deficient molecule with an electron rich one
in the same polymer backbone, resulting in an enhanced
conjugation and better optical, electrochemical and
thermal properties. These properties can be altered
by changing the donor and the acceptor groups in the
monomer structure. Moreover, electrochromic polymers
are lightweight and low-cost materials. With having those
features, they have been using in many fields such as
electrochromic devices, organic light emitting diodes,
organic solar cells, field effect transistors, screens,
biosensing applications and many others. In this study,
effect of electron donor unit on the electrochemical and
optical properties of an electrochromic polymer was
studied. The most well-known donors; selenophene,
thiophene, 3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene and 3,
4-propylenedioxythiophene donors were combined with
the same acceptor unit (2, 2-dimethyl benzimidazole)
and the resulting monomers were electrochemically
polymerized. The electrochemical and spectrochemical
behaviors of the polymers were revealed and compared.
Recent Publications:
1. W J Feast, J Tsibouklis, K L Pouwer, L
Groenendaal, E W Meijer Polymer 1996, 37,
2. C Arbizzani, M Mastragostino, F Soavi,
Electrochim. Acta 2000, 45, 2273.
Emine Gul Cansu-Ergun is an Assistant Professor at Baskent University and is teaching General Chemistry for engineering students. She has obtained her PhD in Polymer Science and Technology Program at Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2015.Her research interests includes synthesis, characterization and electrochromic device application of conducting polymers and electrochemistry.
E-mail: egulcansu@baskent.edu.tr