Ahmed Swelam, Marc Antoine Allard, Sherif ElGarf1, Eric Vibert, Gabriella Pittau, Antonio SaCuhna, Danie Cherqui, Denis Castaing and Rene Adam
Tanta University, Egypt
South Paris university, France
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol
Introduction: Severe macrovesicular steatosis (MaS) in liver graft is widely considered as a contraindication for liver transplant. This study aimed to assess the value of liver to spleen (L/S) ratio measured on CT scan and donor body mass index (BMI) to predict severe MaS Patient & Method: From January 2012 to August 2015, L/S ratio was measured in 213 brain death donors by local radiologists. Liver biopsy was systematically performed during procurement, allowing histological evaluation of steatosis. Severe MaS was defined as a percentage of steatosis > 60% validated by expert pathologists. Results: Severe Mas was found in 6 (3%). L/S ratio was significantly associated with severe MaS (area under curve AUC: 0.80) L/ S<0.9 best predict severe MaS .The donor BMI was also associated with severe MaS (AUC: 0.79) with an optimal curoff value 30 kg/m2. The donor age and sex as well as liver function test were not associated with significant MaS. On multivariate analysis L/S ratio<0.9 (RR: 15.4 [2.03-305.6] p=0.01) and BMI>30 kg/m2 (RR: 6.49 [1.13-50.4] p=0.03) remained independent predictors of sever MaS. The resulting probability of severe MaS was respectively 0%,2%,5%,and24% in the absence of any factor, in the presence of BMI>30 kg/m2 only, in the presence of L/S ratio< 0.9 and in the presence of both predictors. Conclusion: L/S <0.9 and BMI>30 kg/m2 predict severe MaS. Liver biopsy before procurement should be considered in donors presenting bboth factors