Aboubakr Mohamed Elnashar
Benha University, Egypt
Keynote: Gynecol Obstet Case Rep
Background: The successful use of PRP in regenerative medicine has led investigators to study its effect in the treatment of conditions like decreased ovarian reserve, poor responders, premature ovarian insufficiency, thin endometrium and Aschermann syndrome Objective: To review the uses of PRP (intraovarian & intrauterine) in reproductive medicine. Methods: A literature search for English articles related to the uses of PRP in reproductive medicine, including articles published in PubMed, from 2000 to August 2021. Results: For intraovarian PRP: 17 studies were found: No RCT. Studies were classified according to indication. (1) For diminished ovarian reserve: 6 studies including 369 patients. (2). For poor responders: 3 case series studies including 41 patients with an improvement in ovarian response. (3) For premature ovarian insufficiency: 8 studies including 373 patients. Ovarian reserve markers were the outcome of all studies with conflicting results. LBR was not determined in the majority of studies. For Intrauterine PRP: 8 studies were found. Studies were classified according to indication. 1. For thin endometrium 10 studies including only 3 RCT with an improvement in endometrial thickness. 2. Aschermann syndrome: 4 studies (2 case series & 2 comparative studies) including 51 patients without significant benefit. 3. Chronic endometritis, one case report with successful treatment Conclusion: Intraovarian PRP for diminished ovarian reserve, poor ovarian response, or POI is still experimental. Intrauterine PRP for thin endometrium is promising. Well-designed, large RCTS to confirm its efficacy and safety are required.
Qualification M.B.CH.B. (Very good with honor, 1978, Zagazig University) Post graduate qualifications 1. Master in Ob/Gyn (Very good, 1982), Zagazig University 2. Diploma in cervical pathology (1986, Barcelona, Spain) 3. Medical Doctora in Ob/Gyn (1989, Zagazig University) Post graduate appointments Registrar, assistant lecturer, Lecturer, Assistant professor Ob/Gyn in Benha Faculty of Medicine from January 1996. Appointments 1. Professor of Ob/Gyn, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Egypt, from March 2001 till now 2. Chief of early detection of cancer unit, Benha University Hospital, Egypt. 3. Consultant of IVF &ICSI in Delta Fertility Center & Benha Fertility Center, Egypt.