Serpil Turkles
Mersin University School of Health, Turkey
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clinical Psychiatry
Nurses who receive high level education by completing graduate or science profession after undergraduate education in Turkey are called psychiatric nurse. Developments of current social, economic, political, technological in Turkey and world also affect roles of the psychiatric nurse. Mental health services in Turkey unfortunately still continues as hospital-based. Community- based mental health services are provided only in the pilot regions. The Ministry of Health planned the establishment of 240 community mental health centers in Turkey by 2015. However, rehabilitation services for chronic psychiatric patients are more prevalent than those for preventive mental health services in these centers. As of the end of 2010 in our country, family practice was passed in all cities. Psychiatric nurses have important responsibilities in cooperating with family physicians in the implementation of community mental health services. In Turkey, the government's payment system is based on the disease and illness insurance. There is not a payment system for home care of psychiatric patients. As a result, patients can not receive this service and nurses can not apply the treatment and monitoring models in the community. In Turkey, psychiatric nurses have the knowledge base and skills interventions which are based on international standards and norms. The main point of focus of psychiatric nurses in Turkey is that prevent mental illness and to improve mental health. In 2017, certified training programs have been initiated within the Ministry of Health Certified Training Regulation to nurses that are working in psychiatric clinics to pass a standardized and centralized certificate program and to increase their competencies. As a result, needs to be done for the future of psychiatric nursing in Turkey; to work together with all mental health professionals of psychiatric nurses in the creation of mental health law, to increase the number of persons completing Master's and Doctoral programs in the field of psychiatric nursing and to take participate in the practice areas of a significant part of these graduates, to ensure standardization in psychiatry nursing undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education, to receive therapy training to develop their therapist roles preferably with doctoral education are extremely important.
Serpil TurkleÃ?Â? has completed her primary school education in Ankara after completion of her middle and high school education in Mersin. Then, she obtained her BSc, MSc and PhD in School of Nursing, Department of Psychiatric Nursing from Ataturk University (Turkey) in 1995, 2000 and 2005 respectively. She has been working in Department of Mental Health Nursing in School of Health from Mersin University. She published about 23 scientific publications (8 of them in Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge list journals), about 34 presentations at scientific conferences. Her research interests include community mental health, assertiveness training, and migration, young, child and woman mental health. Her foreign language is English and German.