Quality in Primary Care Open Access

  • ISSN: 1479-1064
  • Journal h-index: 29
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  • Journal Impact Factor: 4.22
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    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
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Scalp micropigmentation as an alternative to Hair transplant surgery

Joint Event on 29th International Conference on Pediatrics & Primary Care & 15th International Conference on Clinical Dermatology
September 23-24, 2019 Barcelona, Spain

Seepika Jaiswal

Dermatologist, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Qual Prim Care


Introduction: While SMP does realistically mimic hair follicles, it does not replace or restore hair. A medical hair line tattoo is strictly cosmetic, but it will give the recipient the appearance of a freshly shaved head or, in the case of diffuse baldness, it camouflages the scalp within the remaining hair, eliminating the contrast of a bare scalp peeking through thinning hair.

Materials and methods: SMP requires needles and medical grade pigment. Although similar, micropigmentation is performed slightly differently than a standard body tattoo. For example, the diameter of the needle used to apply pigment is much smaller to more closely mimic the appearance of hair. The pigment used is also different than pigments used in standard tattoos as they are customized to match the recipient's hair. A surgical hair transplant requires that the patients’ scalp be receptive to new follicles and of course, the patient must also have a viable donor site from which to remove healthy hair follicles for transplant. SMP, on the other hand, can be performed on a fully or partially bald scalp without shaving or the risk of rejection, provided that your procedure is completed by an experienced and skilled specialist. SMP boasts a 100% success rate.

Results: Non-surgical SMP will slowly fill in and define, your existing hairline with a custom-selected pigment mix specially designed to mimic your hair’s natural growth patterns as well as your hair’s various shades and colours.

Conclusion: SMP is typically completed in 2 non-consecutive sessions. The spacing of sessions helps gradually introduce subtle changes into the appearance of the recipient over the course of several weeks. While the healing period required for a surgical hair transplant is not excessive, a medical hairline tattoo requires zero downtime whatsoever.

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