Naveen Pant and Richa Bhatt
Gurukula Kangri University, India Kumaun University, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Psychiatry
For good health, the importance of sleep (nidra) is well emphasized in the Indian philosophy/psychology. Mental health and related constructs such as well-being, wellness and psychological health have been discussion of research and study from a long time because of the uncertainties in the psychological concepts. This review study explores the modern perspectives on sleep, mental health and mind, then have a look on Indian perspectives as the key to mental health. Most of the studies indicate that improvement of spiritual and religious qualities; values and resources affect the health, intervention and mental wellness. Finally this study explores the stuff of health, mental health, mind and sleep in Indian psychology/philosophy to cure mental diseases authentically, such as: Charak Samhita (Sutra Sthan 1/56) identified mental health as balance in Trigunas- “Vat, Pitta and Kapha are physical disorders and Rajoguna and Tamoguna are mental disorders.”