Clinical Psychiatry Open Access

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Teachers perception of sexual harassment incidents and its impact on university students in Pakistan

7thInternational conference on Psychiatry, Psychology and Mental Health Clinical
August 06-07 ,2018 Prague ,Czech Republic

Halima S Qureshi and Uzma Masroor

Bahria University, Pakistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clinical Psychiatry


This study was aimed to explore the perception of teachers in educational institutes regarding sexual harassment. It was also focused on finding the gender differences in the perception regarding sexual harassment of students at university campuses. The simple random sampling was used and 73 teachers participated. The age range was 24-50 years (M=30.1, S.D. =5.2). The sample was selected from three major cities of Pakistan (Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Islamabad). The Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were used in this study. The Chronbach’s alpha reliability of Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale for teachers were measured (α=.89, α=.90, α=.90). The results showed that the sexual harassment and stress are positively associated. And the sexual harassment and self-esteem are negatively associated with each other. The results also showed that sexual harassment is the predictor of lowselfesteem.

Biography :

Halima Sadia Qureshi has completed her MS in Clinical psychology in 2014 and currently a PhD Scholar and Lecturer in Bahria University. Previously, she was visiting lecturer in International Islamic University. She is Practicing Psychologist for last 4 years. She is the incharge of counselling center, Bahria University Islamabad. She presented paper in international conference and have one published article in reputed journal. Dr. Uzma Masroor completed her PhD Clinical Psychology and started practicing in the hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Then she joined academia are started working as Assistant Professor in International Islamic University. She is currently the Head of Psychology department of Bahria University, Islamabad. She have published papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute
