Douglas R. Solway
Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Pediatr Dermatol
Statement of the problem: Regenerative medicine has been increasing in popularity over the past 10-15 years. There have been many biologics that have been approve by the FDA to be used as adjuncts for wound healing inmany different scenarios. These products all have been shown tohelp in the healing of wounds ranging fromdiabetic, venous to traumatic. The multiple products available are sometimes very costly.Different products beingused are human fibroblasts, human dermis, human epidermis, human amnionic membrane, and porcine collagen matrix. Unfortunately ,there is not one single product that will heal all wounds in a reasonable amount of time.Therefore, most wound care specialist will rely on multiple adjusts that will benefit the healing process. Subject Matter: This lecture will demonstrate the effectiveness of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) as an adjunct to healing in multiple clinical cases with complex wounds. We will demonstrate the importance of understanding the three phases of healing and how that can affect wound healing. We will demonstrate the importance of wound bed preparation and the importance of timed procedures to enhance healing. This lecture will show how PRP can be use alone or as an adjunct with other treatments such as NPWT, skin grafting, high pressure saline debridement, and Unna’s wraps. We will present wound treatment in a systematic logical manner that will address the importance of understanding all important aspects that go into healing complex wounds. Conclusion and Significance: Multiple clinical case studies will be presented with fully healed outcomes showing the effectiveness of PRP alone and as an adjunct to healing. Attendees will come to understand how time procedures and treatments can enhance healing if done in logical and systematic steps. All cases presented in this lecture are the authors own cases. Attendees will learn about wound management, preparation, and treatment of wounds both surgically and non-surgically. They will understand how PRP plays an important roll in wound healing and how it can be cost effective.