Clinical Pediatric Dermatology Open Access

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Wounds that would have put dogs down, how did we save them?

International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine
February 25-26, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Priscilla Ortiz Porras

ICM, Costa Rica

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Pediatr Dermatol


These cases are two examples of severe wounds in Canine patients treated with growth factors. The first one is a dog that was hit by a car, the accident left it without an impressive amount of tissue on his head, lead to believe at the beginning that he had lost his eye and even part of his sculp. When X-rays was performed, it showed there were no fractures, because of its anatomy, it only lost skin and most of the temporalis muscle. To treat the wound non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, antibiotics was used until there was no infection, and gel-growth factors once a month for three months (closing time of the wound), collagen, plurionic gel once a day to keep it hydrated and even one session of laser therapy. The wound healed regenerating most of the muscular tissue and skin, even hair was growing in most of the wounded area. The second case is a dog that was bitten by a very venomous snake, Bothrops asper, which made her lose half of her face skin in two days, it was dramatic and painful, but the owner wanted to do everything in his hands to save it, so the authors helped them with growth factors and collagen every three weeks, and also applied pure honey every day, it regenerated the tissue, when it was closed it went home six weeks after, after 12 months most of his hair grew and it was having a great life. Overall these affordable therapies not only activate wound healing and induce tissue regeneration, but also significantly accelerate recovery and should therefore be integrated at first-line treatments in cases of severe tissue injuries.

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