Internal medicine branch of medicine now a days taking a lots of efforts to improvise a research in field of nephrology especially to treat geriatrics i.e. an elderly people health care. As the edged body is different physiologically form infant, young and elder body, this is so obvious because comparatively all organ system shows declination in their regular activities as age goes on increasing. Back history of every patient is different according to his own choice of lifestyle and a group of diseases associated with it in early stage of life. So it’s a big challenge in front of a geriatrician to diagnose diseases in older stage of life. Chronic kidney dysfunction (CKD) is one of them. In this case patients unable to experience any symptom unless they immediately need for dialysis. To avoid CKD in old age of life one has to take care of diseases like diabetes, atherosclerosis, enhanced lipid level and blood pressure in early stage of life because slowly it leads to abnormal kidney function. One can control this with early precise diagnosis and can overcome kidney dysfunction and complications associated with it and need for dialysis as well.