Department of Psychology, Perkama International, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Research Article
Moral Disengagement-Drug Use Relationship: The Influence of Personality Traits among On-Going School Adolescents with Discipline Problems
Author(s): Noor Hassline Mohamed* and Abd. Halim Bin Mohd Hussin
Objective: This study aims at assessing the in luence of personality traits dimensions: (i) Openness, (ii)
conscientiousness, (iii) extraversion, (iv) agreeableness and (v) neuroticism on individual inclination to
moral disengagement and drug use.
Methods: A total of 132 on-going school adolescents aged of 14 to 17 years old with discipline
problems from secondary schools in Selangor were involved in the study. Employing a quantitative
and correlational designs, data are collected using standardised questionnaires including the moral
disengagement scale, big ive inventory and Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10).
Results: The results showed that personality traits have a strong relationship with moral
disengagement and drug use. Furthermore, the study found that conscientiousness has negatively
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