Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Research Article
Analysis of Edible Oilseeds Market Outlet Choices by Smallholder Farmers
Author(s): Admkew Mangesha* and Kedir Jemal
Smallholder’s market outlet choice is an important specific decision they made. The small holder
farmers to secure high returns by choosing the market outlets that optimize their return from the sale
of the output. However, the choice among the market alternatives is not mutually exclusive as
producers could sell at more than one market outlet and the random error terms of the market
outlets may be correlated. A multivariate probit model was adopted to examine the determinants of
market outlet choices. The results of the study showed that the 142 (77.17%) were male-headed,
54.89% the small holder farmers were a cooperative member, 77.72% and 61.41% of the small
holders have access to market information’s and access to credits respectively, the average age of the
household head of was 39.848 years, the average educational back ground of the household.. View More»