Department of Medical Sciences, Bijective Physics Institute, Slovenia
Research Article
Forgotten ?Primum Non Nocere? and Increased Mortality after Covid-19 Vaccination
Author(s): Amrit Srečko Šorli*, Tomaž Makovec, Živan Krevel and Rado Gorjup
Background: The main impetus behind the worldwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign in 2021 was to reduce the mortality attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection in the preceding year. Nevertheless, rigorous analyses of the mortality benefits conferred by this massive vaccination effort have been lacking.
Methods: Statistics offers us an essential methodological approach for measuring the impacts of COVID-19 vaccination on public health. The mathematical relation between vaccinated alive groups can be repeated between vaccinated dead groups with relatively high statistical reliability because of the large population numbers involved. This method also confers greater statistical usefulness because it eliminates the Simpson effect.
Results: Calculations were performed for each of the following 5-4 week intervals: weeks 35-38 (2.. View More»